Home 2024 RFK Jr. Claims He Rejected Trump VP Offer

RFK Jr. Claims He Rejected Trump VP Offer

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Third-party White House contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Monday he turned down Donald Trump’s offer to be his running mate.

“President Trump calls me an ultra-left radical. I’m soooo liberal that his emissaries asked me to be his VP. I respectfully declined the offer,” Kennedy wrote on the social platform X. “I am against President Trump, and President Biden can’t win. Judging by his new website, it looks like President Trump knows who actually can beat him.”

A top Trump aide on Monday disputed that Kennedy was approached for the role.

“Re-upping this from January … was true then and it’s true now,” Chris LaCivita wrote on X, calling Kennedy “a leftie loonie that would never be approached to be on the ticket..sorry!”

RFK Jr. made the far-out claim after a PAC supporting the Trump campaign unveiled a new website attacking Kennedy.

That website, owned and operated by Make America Great Again, Inc., which can be found at https://www.radicalf-ingkennedy.com, calls Kennedy a “radical f***ing Kennedy” and knocks him for supporting high taxes, the Green New Deal, a ban on assault weapons and more.



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