Home Government Report: Elon Musk to Run ‘Unregulated Entity’ Tasked With Reorganizing Government

Report: Elon Musk to Run ‘Unregulated Entity’ Tasked With Reorganizing Government


Elon Musk is reportedly poised to become “the most powerful civilian ever” in American history, according to a new report by Axios.

The report by Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen at Axios highlighted Musk’s status as Trump’s “most influential backer” who “now sits at the pinnacle of power in business, government influence and global information (and misinformation) flow.”

Musk’s immense wealth connected to his support for the winning presidential candidate means that his “power” is now “unmatched,” VandeHei and Allen wrote, because of his “information control” over “the most powerful information platform for America’s ruling party.”

“X makes Fox News seem like a quaint little pamphlet in size, scope and right-wing tilt,” they continued, with “[v]irtually every powerful voice in the Trump media ecosystem congregates on X — where their reality, whether tethered to facts or fiction, are set. X will be the prosecutor, defender, jury and judge of Trump governance.”

And Musk’s influence on the second Trump White House won’t just be from the outside in, the Axios report noted:

Musk is helping staff the top ranks of the incoming White House and will run an unregulated entity to recommend ways to cut and reorganize government. Name another American figure with this kind of political juice.


  1. Efficency Dept Goals:
    Downsize OPM
    Downsize Fed payroll
    Automate more
    Reform Secret Service
    Scrap Dept Ed, Commerce, Energy
    Audit the Fed
    Sell idle DC Bldgs to city

    • Trump’s most impressive idea is physically separating government agencies! No more Deep State congregation of bureaucrats.
      I’m glad the President took my advice!

  2. The ‘Right-wing tilt’ is frightening to Lib/Dems because it’s all truth. And misinformation isn’t that just because the Left says it is, and because they don’t agree with it. The Lib/Dems make their OWN ‘truth’ and spread it around, hoping no one will investigate, and find OUT it’s made up…(Russian dossier), or SAY something is false when it’s true…Hunter’s laptop.

  3. We found out during Covid-19 that the federal government was fully capable of operating with only 50% of the federal emloyees “on the job.” Actually, if you get rid of all of the redundancy at multiple agencies, plus a couple of useless agencies that have no constitutional foundation for their existance (like the Department of Education), we could probably eliminate 60% of the federal jobs along with billions of dollars in salaries, etc., to effectively reduce the size/bloat at the federal level.

  4. The government should be run like a business, because it IS a business. The largest employer IS the USA government.

    Thank God the Adults will be running the country, with a wonderful mix of intelligent, motivated Patriots from both sides of the aisle who have united with a powerful message and clear cut vision

    The Trump cabinet will be amazing leading us to the promise of peace and prosperity for generations to come


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