Home Media Trump Reveals Which Living President He Would Call for Advice

Trump Reveals Which Living President He Would Call for Advice


President Donald Trump revealed which living predecessor he would be most inclined to call for advice while signing an executive order in the Oval Office on Monday.

“Well, I thought Bill Clinton was a very good politician. I don’t think he was used properly. I think they disrespected him when Hillary was running,” answered Trump. “He came back and he said, ‘You know, you better get up to Michigan and Wisconsin.’ You remember that, Peter. Every house has a Trump sign on it. And they all laughed at him because the Republicans had won Michigan and Wisconsin for decades, long time. And they all laughed at Bill Clinton. Like, the hell does he know? And he turned out to be right because I won both of them. And then we just won both in this election, too.”

“We won Wisconsin and Michigan and every other swing state. We won all the swing states, all seven. They talked about seven swing states, we won them all. So, but I-, Bill Clinton was, he had a great political sense, I think,” he concluded.

At that point, another reporter jumped in to observe that he seemed to be having “a good conversation” with former President Barack Obama at former President Jimmy Carter’s funeral earlier this month.

“I was! And you’d like to know what it was — ooooooo,” teased Trump. “Everybody wants to know! No, no, I wouldn’t want to. But we were having some crazy conversations.”


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