Home News Ex-White House Adviser Peter Navarro Reports To Prison

Ex-White House Adviser Peter Navarro Reports To Prison

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Ex-Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro reported to a federal prison in Miami on Tuesday afternoon to begin his four-month sentence.

The Hill has more:

“They can put me in prison; they can put you in prison,” Navarro said during a parking lot press conference Tuesday just before he reported to the facility. “Make no mistake about that, and make no mistake about this: They are coming after Donald Trump with the same tactics, tools and strategies they used to put me over there today.”

“If they come for me, they can come for you,” he told a group of reporters.

On Monday, Navarro’s last-ditch bid to remain free while appealing his contempt of Congress conviction was shot down by U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts in a rare “in-chambers” opinion, a written explanation for his ruling on a case he didn’t refer to the full court for consideration.

Roberts said he denied Navarro’s application because the ex-Trump White House economic adviser forfeited any argument challenging the district court’s conclusion that executive privilege was not invoked by Trump, citing an appeals court’s decision. 

“I see no basis to disagree with the determination that Navarro forfeited those arguments in the release proceeding, which is distinct from his pending appeal on the merits,” Roberts said. 


  1. This is beyond ridiculous with all of the corruption that is in the present administration as well as the corrupt biased Supreme Court Judges that now sit on the highest court in the nation. Evidently, the Supreme Court is now a political tool of the left that hates America and the Constitution be damned. Just look how Alito ruled against Texas regarding their border, astounding to say the least. Just have to question if our country will ever survive with all of this vicious corruption from top to bottom.


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