Home News Jim Jordan Launches First Investigation as Judiciary chair

Jim Jordan Launches First Investigation as Judiciary chair

Jim Jordan via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Jim Jordan’s (R-Ohio) first investigation as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will examine President Biden’s “mishandling” of classified documents and the Justice Department’s investigation.

“We are conducting oversight of the Justice Department’s actions with respect to former Vice President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, including the apparently unauthorized possession of classified material at a Washington, D.C., private office and in the garage of his Wilmington, Delaware, residence,” Jordan and Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., wrote in a letter sent Friday to Garland.

“On January 12, 2023, you appointed Robert Hur as Special Counsel to investigate these matters,” they wrote. “The circumstances of this appointment raise fundamental oversight questions that the Committee routinely examines. We expect your complete cooperation with our inquiry.”

“It is unclear when the Department first came to learn about the existence of these documents, and whether it actively concealed this information from the public on the eve of the 2022 elections,” Jordan wrote. “It is also unclear what interactions, if any, the Department had with President Biden or his representatives about his mishandling of classified material. The Department’s actions here appear to depart from how it acted in similar circumstances.”

“In fact, on August 8, 2022, despite the publicly available evidence of President Trump’s voluntary cooperation, you personally approved the decision to seek a warrant for excessive and unprecedented access to his private residence. On August 15, 2022, Committee Republicans wrote to you and FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting documents and information related to the FBI’s raid of President Trump’s residence,” the letter said.

Rep. Jordan’s investigation comes one day after Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to examine the matter, former U.S. attorney Robert Hur. The DOJ escalated the matter to a special counsel investigation from a mere review after a second stash of classified documents was found inside the garage of Biden’s Delaware home. The first batch of documents were found inside the D.C., offices of the Penn Biden Center think tank.


  1. Fire Biden….he’s not legally elected anyway along with his so called “vice president”. The (so called) Democrat party stole the election by manipulation and deceit. In fact there’s no (so called) democrat party today, not even as FDR knew it. So “democrat” voters need to ask themselves DO I REALLY KNOW WHAT I’M VOTING FOR?

  2. Warning: the cover-up has begun. First of all, the attorney appointed as special counsel, Robert Hur, is a former member of corrupt FBI director’s law firm. So, naturally, Hur is going to either drag out what little investigating is done for, well, forever. And, if forced to, he will exonerate Joe. Do not believe that Hur is nonpartisan just because he was in the Trump administration. The Trump administration had plenty of holdovers from other admins and plenty of swamp monsters and turncoats. Secondly, the special counsel’s office will deny documents to the House committee based on conducting an active investigation. So, either way, this will go nowhere. Count on it.

  3. This is perfect as it will shed more light on Hunter Biden’s money laundering through BURISMA HOLDINGS, LTD, (chartered in Cypress, by the way) when his son Hunter, was on the board of directors, that he and some of his Democrats were conducting in Ukraine when corruption was rampant. It has pretty much ended under Zelenskyy, I hope as he was really cracking down before Russia invaded Ukraine. This was when Ukraine had a pro Russian President and when Biden was the Vice President filling his pockets with the proceeds of his son’s money laundering career. When they caught wind of being investigated for corruption, Biden threatened the President of Ukraine that he, Joe Biden would withhold over a million dollars U.S. foreign aid, if he did not fire the Ukraine Prosecutor General, Victor Shoykin, who is like the U.S. Attorney General here, as he was investigating BURISMA HOLDINGS, LTD for fraud, before he got on a plane back to the states. Joe Biden and his entire family are the Biden Crime Cartel and it is not just Hunter as it is Joe Biden aka “THE BIG GUY’, James Biden, Biden’s sister , and Jill Biden for sure. Tony Bobolinski, who was one of the Burisma manager’s has turned “whisleblower, along with two other employees have revealed so much corruption, money laundering as well as other nefarious crimes, including the Former Mayor of Moscow’s wife, a former President of Poland, and on and on. Joe Biden, “THE BIG GUY” Your president, gets a cut of all the proceeds. Wait until the media is done covering it up and has to show all of the evidence. I have read it and it is bad. If John Gotti was still alive, he would blush with envy.

  4. I am sure that his friends in China have a photo copy of every one. Hunter Biden did not get over a billion dollars from China, jest to set up a financial services or oil company. Maybe it was fore an art gallery, whatever. Let the mainstream continue to keep you blind from hearing all of the information about them.

  5. Only facts is true, Biden stole those documents.
    He have no right to process them in the first place. Other
    People went to jail for the same thing. So why
    would he be different. The dead was done when he was ordinary citizens. He should resign or be tried in court for
    What he did.

  6. Something just doesn’t smell right. Biden’s own people are throwing him under the bus. What are they really covering up? Hunter, Jim Biden? Maybe. All I will say is it’s big. We need to turn our gaze in the opposite direction. Maybe we’ll see it. Will have to see how this plays out. I just hope the GOP isn’t being played, but I truly feel they are in some way or another.


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