Former adviser to Donald Trump, Jared Kushner says that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told close friends that the former President’s son-in-law was likely headed to jail over his links to the now-debunked conspiracy Trump’s 2016 colluded with Russia.
“My poor mom, I told her to stop, you know reading whatever, I said, ‘I promise you, we didn’t do anything wrong, it’s good,’” Kushner said on the Lex Fridman Podcast. “But you know, she’d call me say, well you know, ‘our friends were on the Upper East Side were talking with Chuck Schumer who says Jared’s going to jail.’”
Kushner attended a now-infamous meeting between Donald Trump Jr., former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and a woman described as a Russian government lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Kushner said on the podcast that he didn’t take the allegations “too seriously” at first, because he felt there were “no underlying problems to the accusation.”
“I felt like this is one of those things where they’re going to try and catch you and then if you step on the line, they catch with one misrepresentation, they’re gonna try to put you in jail or worse … and so, for me, that was a big concern,” Kushner said.
He said he probably spent more than 20 hours testifying before different committees and spent millions of dollars “out of my own pocket” on legal fees.
“This is like a leading senator saying these things and so it was just interesting for me to see how the whole world could believe something and be talking about it that I knew with 1,000 percent certainty was just not true,” Kushner said of Schumer. “And so seeing that play out was very, very hard.”
F*#K chuck you schumer in his biden! The lying piece of schitt!
When, what Joy & Victory
Schummer probably has a direct like to Merrick Garland’s office. So maybe Kushner should be worried. Look what Garland and company are doing to his father-in-law.
Schummer probably has a direct like to Merrick Garland’s office. So maybe Kushner should be worried. Look what Garland and company are doing to his father-in-law. Schummer is a swamp rat from way back.
globalist puppet, rino kushner, globalists and their globalist puppet soros bailed the globalist puppet, rino kushner crime family out of losing their business and so globalist puppet, rino kurshner crime family is in debt to the globalists for ever .
god and his globalists and his demonrat criminal party will arrest globalist puppet, god worshiping, rino kushner and offer him parole if he agrees to tell lies about Trump and his family .
Schumer is my Senator and I’m sooo sorry for that, I can’t stand the lying SOB and hope he gets what he deserves here or the hereafter.
It’s about time they send Schumer to prison!!