Home News Michael Cohen Admits To Crime Against Trump Organization

Michael Cohen Admits To Crime Against Trump Organization

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A surprising development…

On Monday, former President Donald Trump’s “fixer” Michael Cohen admitted to Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche that he lied and previously stole money from the Trump Organization. The surprising admission comes as Trump’s team continues to cast the prosecution’s star witness as unreliable and untrustworthy.

Trump’s 34 charges correspond to documents generated in repaying Cohen a total of $420,000 in 2017.

Prosecutors say the amount included $130,000 to reimburse Cohen for the hush money payment at the center of the case, $50,000 for the tech firm bill and additional funds to “gross up” the amount for tax purposes and pay Cohen’s bonus.

But Cohen admitted on the stand that he didn’t actually pay the tech firm, RedFinch Solutions, $50,000, despite telling the Trump Organization’s then-CFO he needed to be reimbursed for that amount.

“You did steal from the Trump Organization based on expected reimbursement from RedFinch?” asked Todd Blanche, Trump’s attorney.

“Yes, sir,” Cohen replied.

Cohen’s testimony is expected to last through midday. It is unclear if the defense plans to put up a case or whether Trump himself will testify.

The judge indicated that closing arguments in the case would be next Tuesday, delaying what was previously expected to be a near close of the trial before Memorial Day weekend, according to The Hill.


  1. since when is a “star witness” also a FELON and a liar?

    Thank you to the dumbest procecution EVER that couldn’t even pin point a CRIME committed by President Trump.

    Now, the question is, WHEN is porn actress, Stormy Daniels going to pay Trump the almost 1/2 MIL she owes HIM?

    Nothing worse than a broken down old hooker trying to re-blackmail a billionaire.

    Oh yeah, an CONGRESS keeps a Hush Money Fund just for these kinds of things. When will the public DEMAND an accounting of THAT

    corruption in US Politics is UNBELIEVABLE.

    Meanwhile, the respectable woman that BIDEN assaulted, had to go hide out in Russia in order to be protected from the Biden Goons. Is that why this Admin is pushing SO HARD to go to war with Russia???


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