Home Opinion Borders Meaningless as Largest Mob Ever Swarm Into Texas

Borders Meaningless as Largest Mob Ever Swarm Into Texas

CBP Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

ANALYSIS – Shocking Video –In the latest example of Joe Biden’s outrageous dereliction of duty in protecting U.S. sovereignty, Fox News’ Bill Melugin reported that a caravan of over 1,000 illegal immigrants crossed into El Paso, Texas last night.

This was just one group, but it is the largest single mob ever to swarm across the border according to the Border Patrol, which now has 5,000 illegal migrants in custody and has released hundreds of others onto the city’s streets.

Meanwhile, Biden says there are more important things than our border, and both he and his vice president refuse to go to the border to see the chaos for themselves.

And some argue that Boden’s policies are intentional, as he and his leftist cohorts see borders as immoral. 

And because of that he will continue to violate his constitutional duties and ignore the law.

See the shocking video in the tweet below:

What’s worse, the mob was apparently aided along the way by Mexico’s Chihuahua State Police who escorted the caravan of nearly 20 migrant buses into Ciudad Juarez before they launched themselves into the United States at El Paso.

See more video below:

The Blaze reported that: “The illegal aliens, who allegedly came from Nicaragua, Peru, and Ecuador, were escorted by Chihuahua State Police from the city of Jiménez to facilities run by nongovernmental organizations in the Mexican border city of Juárez.”

The Blaze added:

Illegal aliens lined up to be taken into custody by Border Patrol with the understanding that — rather than facing a penalty for violating American territorial sovereignty — they would likely be cut loose inside the U.S.

1,744 illegal aliens were released into El Paso between Saturday and Sunday, reported El Paso Matters.

The El Paso sector of the southern border reportedly had over 2,600 illegal crossings over a period of 24 hours from Friday to Saturday.

According to the City of El Paso’s “Migrant Situational Awareness Dashboard,” as of Dec. 12, 5,105 illegal aliens were in custody.

Meanwhile, Voice of America (VOA) recently published an article captioned: “US Homeland Security Chief Warns Borders Being Rendered Meaningless,” referring to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

In his statements to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington,Mayorkas was focusing more on how borders are increasingly meaningless for foreign adversaries of the United States, but the chaos at the southern border was part of his worrisome assessment.

And for those who admit there may be a problem at the border, but it’s not Biden’s fault, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has news for you – It’s all Biden’s fault. 

As CIS notes:

Rapid Disintegration in Border Security Under Biden. Joe Biden was the fortuitous beneficiary of what his first Border Patrol chief, Rodney Scott, described in September 2021 as “arguably the most effective border security in” U.S. history. The chief asserted, however, that this security rapidly disintegrated as “border security recommendations from experienced career professionals” were “ignored and stymied by inexperienced political employees.”

CIS adds:

Why would Biden adopt such a policy? As my colleague Mark Krikorian recently explained:

[T]he deeper reason this administration, from the president on down, doesn’t think what’s happening at the border is important is that they believe immigration controls are morally wrong — period. They believe that the American people simply have no right to keep anyone out. And if the immigration law requires them to do that — as it obviously does — they’ll do their best to circumvent and ignore the law.

In other words, the Biden administration sees the Immigration and Nationality Act [INA] as the equivalent of Jim Crow, and undermining it is the heroic equivalent of escorting black students into desegregated schools.

As long as Biden, and his leftist band of brothers and sisters, remain in office, expect millions more illegal immigrants, including common criminals, terrorists, and drug traffickers, to continue swarming into the United States.

Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.


  1. This is all in the major plan of the far left socialist/communists (also known as democRATs) to destroy our freedoms and control this nation. If we don’t stand up soon they will will then all hell will break lose

  2. The dictator Biden needs to be hog-tied and taken to the border. He is not doing the job he is being paid to do. If he can’t do the job, then he should resign or be replaced with someone who will do the job. If this were a position in the public sector, he would have been fired when he refused to do his assigned duty.

  3. I am so disgusted to have to read this drivel about this administration and its antics. The bias in this country has gotten out of hand. I want these illegals stopped at all costs. I’m still waiting for the southern states to send alligators and moccasins to fill the rivers at points of entry. That I don’t mind my tax money being spent on. Please also disregard this reparations crap! Not one person is owed reparations because some distant relative was a slave. We have dumbed down our society to accommodate races and have given little incentive to cause kids to try to strive for excellence. My generation learned to work at early ages. That’s WORK! Look it up! We have a vicious and inept Congress and an even worse president and administration. Most are as perverted as the president and his son. If we were dealing with President Trump and Donald jr, why the whole crew who has done nothing for what six years but bash Trump and his family for everything from walking differently to smiling wrong! Atrocious! I would very much like to have a say in what is done with my tax money. National debt is a travesty. People are suffering and you people are still trying to hang Mr Trump. Please give it a break as well as pushing all this woke mess. I’ve heard all I want to hear. I will never change my vocabulary snd there are only two genders, male and female. You can destroy humanity with surgery, with drugs, with indoctrination and that fact will never change!! I owe no one anything and I’m sick of hearing how no one wants to work unless they are paid a kings ransom! My generation worked two ir three jobs to step up the ladder. If you cannot afford children then keep the zipper up and the panties pulled up, people. Killing babies is not the answer! Reparations are at the bottom of the bucket list along with vicious Mrs Waters!!

  4. The word IMPEACH comes to mind. Why is this traitor of a president immune to punishment for dereliction of duty? Pretend he’s Trump. Tell Obama the scam is over.
    For over 50 years Joe Biden has accomplished absolutely nothing, 0, nada, nil, in Washington DC. He’s been a loser from day one. How in the name of heaven did this joke of a “president” ever become president of what was once the greatest nation on earth? Seriously, what happened to voter sanity? For any kind of national survival, one way or another, Biden has GOT TO GO. He is a traitor to American values.

  5. My “comment is awaiting moderation” what ever that means? I said nothing offensive. My words were carefully stated. It’s Freedom of Speech we’re talking here.


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