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CDC Now Doling Out Controversial ‘Advice’ For New Dads

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

ANALYSIS – Your federal tax dollars, hard at work – The far-left l*nacy has taken control of so many formerly respected American institutions, it’s tough for some of them to outdo themselves. 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) though wasn’t content just m*sinforming Americans about C*VID-19’s o*igins, risks, m*sking, and l*ckd*wns, it is now promoting l*ftist ins*nity and likely endangering the health of babies.

And it is time for Congress to investigate.

The CDC, with a $12 billion budget and more than 12,000 employees, is an Atlanta-based federal agency tasked with protecting Americans from disease outbreaks and other public health threats. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, ex-head of the CDC under Joe Biden resigned effective June 30, without explanation.

Previously an infectious-diseases specialist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Walensky had no experience running a government agency prior to being picked for the job by Biden.

The agency recently published advice for ‘tr*ns-id*ntified’ and ‘n*n-bi*ary’ individuals (aka m*n) on how to bre*stfeed their infants, which the health agency called “ch*stfe*ding.” 

Biological men who tr*nsition to women can produce a form of br*astmilk by taking a cocktail of h*rmone drugs that mimic the changes a woman’s body undergoes during the late stages of pregnancy and shortly after the birth of a child.

Initially developed for biological women who adopted or had a child via surrogacy and wanted to bre*stfeed, it’s called the N*wman-G*ldfarb pr*tocol, and it tricks the body into l*ctating.

The CDC’s Health Equity Considerations page explains that these bi*logical men don’t need to physically have a child to feed a child from the ch*st: “An individual does not need to have given birth to br*astfeed or ch*stfeed,” the CDC website reads.

The now thoroughly discredited agency also notes that br*astfeeding can be referred to as ‘b*dyfeeding’ which sounds like it’s describing something gr*tesque out of a ho*ror movie. 

It notes: “Some families may have other preferred terminology for how they feed their babies, such as nursing, ch*stfeeding, or bo*yf*eding.” 

Jay W. Richards, a senior research fellow in religious liberty and civil society at the Heritage Foundation, called for greater review of the health agency from congressional leaders. 

He told The Christian Post that the CDC showed a willingness to put politics ahead of public health during C*VID, adding that the “latest debacle” over “ch*stf*eding is even worse.”

Encouraging bi*logical men on off-label g*nder ch*nge drugs to ‘ch*stfeed’ babies is crazy, and risky.

The Christian Posts added:

The agency seems to be tacitly endorsing males’ chestfeeding’ infants with the help of experimental drug cocktail now proves that the CDC has been captured by an ideology that puts the fetishes of disturbed men over the wellbeing of infants,” Richards stated. “It doesn’t even pretend that these experiments have been carefully tested. Its commitment to so-called ‘health equity’ seems to override any old-timey concerns about the effects of drugs, and weird discharges from male bodies, on defenseless infants.”

The CDC’s endorsement of biological men feeding infants directly from the breast has also received pushback from several health experts, who warn that the long-term impact of the practice is not well-known. 

U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kansas, who served as an Obstetrician for 25 years and delivered over 5,000 babies, said in a statement that the CDC statement is “irresponsible”  “defies science and safety.”

“In my opinion, the CDC has lost all credibility and is in direct conflict with the FDA for marketing a non-FDA approved drug,” Marshall said. “A biological male filled with hormones and a concoction of other drugs that have not been studied that could harm a baby should NEVER be encouraged. When will the Woke Left wake up and realize what they are doing to our country?”

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DeSantis Dismisses Trump Running Mate Speculation

Ron DeSantis via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Ron DeSantis has his eyes on the prize.

The Florida governor and White House contender said he is not interested in becoming Donald Trump’s running mate if given the chance.

“I don’t think so. I’m not a No. 2 guy,” DeSantis said on the “Wisconsin Right Now” radio show, NBC News reported.

DeSantis said he would opt to stay in his governorship over joining Trump’s ticket, adding that the vice presidency “doesn’t really have any authority.”

When asked whom he would consider signing on as a running mate, the Sunshine State governor said “it’s a little bit presumptuous to be doing that at this stage,” adding that he’s focused on winning the early primaries before delving deep into his search for vice president.

The Florida governor is trailing Trump in the 2024 GOP primary race by nearly 30 points nationally, according to a FiveThirtyEight poll.

Recently, a pro-DeSantis spokesperson told Mediaite he has serious concerns about the Florida Governor’s ability to take on Trump.

“Right now in national polling we are way behind, I’ll be the first to admit that,” said Cortes. “I believe in being blunt and honest. It’s an uphill battle but clearly Donald Trump is the runaway frontrunner.”

He added that DeSantis’ campaign was the “clear underdog,” and added that in the first four primary states, “which matter tremendously, polls are a lot tighter, we are still clearly down. We’re down double digits, we have work to do.”

Who do you think the winning Republican ticket is? Tell us in the comments below!

Michigan GOP Congress Members Unanimously Endorse Trump

    Gage Skidmore Flickr

    The entire Michigan Republican delegation threw its support behind Donald Trump on Tuesday, a significant win for the White House contender.

    GOP Reps. Tim Walberg, Bill Huizenga, John Moolenaar, Jack Bergman, Lisa McClain, and John James gave Trump their full support for the 2024 race.

    “Under the Trump presidency, America was prosperous, the economy was strong, the world was a safer place, and Michiganders were better off. President Trump has proven he has the ability to deliver results on Day One and also the ability to win in key battleground states like Michigan, being the only Republican to win a Presidential race here since 1988,” Walberg, Moolenaar, Bergman, and McClain said in a joint statement released by Trump’s team. 

    James, a rising star in the Republican Party, praised Trump’s administration for helping middle-class families.

    “President Biden has wrecked our economy, let our position as the sole world power slip, and opened our borders. Biden’s policies have been particularly detrimental to Michigan’s middle class,” James said. “Under President Trump on the other hand, inflation was at 2%, the American family was strengthened through the child tax credit and other pro-family policies, and our communities were more secure. In 2024, we need to give hope to Americans who feel like their government is failing them.”

    Trump won Michigan in 2016, narrowly edging out Democrat Hillary Clinton by just over 10,000 votes. However, Trump lost the state to Joe Biden in 2020.

    Amanda Head: Trump Masters The Art Of Blue Collar Appeal


    Like it or not Donald Trump is still popular…

    The 2024 Republican frontrunner recently attended a UFC fight and the night’s events were interesting, to say the least.

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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    Tucker Carlson to Host GOP Presidential Forum – Without Trump

    Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America,

    Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson will host a Republican presidential forum later this week but one notable figure will be absent from the event – Donald Trump.

    Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of the Family Leader, which is hosting the forum along with Blaze Media, told The Hill on Tuesday the organization had just learned Trump will not participate. 

    A Trump spokesperson confirmed that a scheduling event will prevent Trump from participating in the upcoming forum.

    “President Trump was in Iowa last week and will be back next week,” a Trump campaign spokesperson told The Hill. “Unfortunately there is a scheduling conflict and the President will be in Florida this weekend headlining the premier national young voter conference with Turning Point Action conference while DeSantis is nowhere to be found.”

    The forum, which will be held Friday in the early primary state of Iowa, will feature one-on-one conversations between Carlson and leading GOP candidates of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.), former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

    The forum comes just more than a month before the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) first debate in Milwaukee.

    However, Trump has yet to confirm his participation in the first RNC debate, citing a “hostile” relationship with Fox News and polling showing him with a commanding lead over other candidates.

    In an interview Tuesday on “The Hill” on NewsNation, senior Trump advisor Jason Miller, said, “At the moment, President Trump has indicated that he’s unlikely to participate, at least in the first two debates.”

    “It really wouldn’t make much sense for him to go and debate right now with a bunch of folks who are down at three, four and five percent,” Miller continued.

    “So ultimately, President Trump will make a decision as we get closer,” he concluded. “He has not said anything definitive, one way or the other. I’m not expecting him to participate, though.”

    Friday’s forum will be available to watch via streaming on Blaze TV’s YouTube channel.

    Trump Lawyers Seek to Delay Mar-a-Lago Documents Trial

    Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    Trump’s legal team is requesting a judge to delay the upcoming trial concerning the former president’s alleged mishandling of classified documents after leaving the White House.

    “The government’s request to begin a trial of this magnitude within six months of indictment is unreasonable, telling, and would result in a miscarriage of justice,” they wrote in the brief.

    “The Government appears to favor an expedited (and therefore cursory) approach to this case,” they added.

    Trump’s attorneys also argue the trial will hinder the former president’s campaign abilities.

    “The Court now presides over a prosecution advanced by the administration of a sitting President against his chief political rival, himself a leading candidate for the Presidency of the United States,” the filing reads.

    “Therefore, a measured consideration and timeline that allows for a careful and complete review of the procedures that led to this indictment and the unprecedented legal issues presented herein best serves the interests of the Defendants and the public.”

    The Justice Department has requested a Dec. 11 trial date. Judge Aileen Cannon had earlier set an initial August trial date, which the filing also asks her to withdraw.

    The filing from Trump’s attorneys also notes the magnitude of the unclassified discovery swiftly turned over after Trump’s arraignment, including more than 800,000 pages. 

    Attorneys for Trump’s co-defendant Walt Nauta, Trump’s valet who was spotted on security camera footage moving boxes in and out of a Mar-a-Lago storage room, also signed onto the filing. Last week, Nauta pleaded not guilty in a Miami courtroom. (RELATED: Trump Valet Pleads Not Guilty in Mar-A-Lago Case)

    Judge Again Blocks Biden From Violating 1st Amendment

    Gavel via Wikimedia Commons Image

    ANALYSIS – Even when presented with overwhelming evidence that Team Biden colluded intimately with Big Tech social media companies to censor conservative Americans, the White House doubled down on violating the 1st Amendment. 

    As I wrote last week, on July 4th a federal judge blocked “federal agencies from communicating with Big Tech firms to censor posts.”

    This, after a lawsuit against the Biden administration by three Republican state Attorney Generals (AGs).

    According to the judge, Terry A. Doughty, the AGs “have produced evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” 

    “If the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States history,” Doughty wrote in his preliminary injunction against more than 40 administration officials. 

    “In their attempts to suppress alleged disinformation, the federal government, and particularly the defendants named here, are alleged to have blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech.”

    Please note – ‘disinformation’ is any information the left and Team Biden don’t like.

    This is serious constitutional stuff. One would think the White House might say, “ok, we overstepped a bit.”

    But not Team Biden.

    Using the Orwellian doublespeak, the left always uses to hide the truth, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said: “We are going to continue to promote responsible actions.” 

    She added: “That is something that we’re going to continue to do to make sure we protect public health and make sure there is safety and security.”

    Using similar verbiage, the Department of Justice announced later that same day that it would appeal the decision, to protect public health, safety, and security.

    Basically, Team Biden said, we don’t care, we want to keep violating the Constitution and censoring our opponents. And we are going to request an emergency order from the judge to do it.

    The Daily Caller reported:

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and Louisiana Attorney General Jeffrey Landry opposed the Biden administration’s attempt to stop the injunction in a court filing Sunday, writing the administration was essentially asking to “continue violating the First Amendment.”

    “In essence, Defendants argue that the injunction should be stayed because it might interfere with the Government’s ability to continue working with social-media companies to censor Americans’ core political speech on the basis of viewpoint,” they wrote in the court filing. “In other words, the Government seeks a stay of the injunction so that it can continue violating the First Amendment.”

    Thankfully, on Monday the same federal judge blocked Biden again, denying the administration’s attempt to pause the injunction. 

    The Washington Post reported that Judge Doughty noted again that the plaintiffs (the state AGs) would likely succeed in proving the government colluded with social media companies “to engage in viewpoint-based suppression of protected free speech.”

    Responding to the hysteria surrounding his initial injunction, Doughty also wrote:

    Although this Preliminary Injunction involves numerous agencies, it is not as broad as it appears. “It only prohibits something the Defendants have no legal right to do—contacting social media companies for the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner, the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech posted on social-media platforms. 

    Rejecting the administration’s argument that the order could chill law enforcement activity to protect national security, the judge added that It also contains numerous exceptions for communications related to criminal activity, explicit dangers to national security, and foreign election interference.

    Meanwhile, this important battle will continue as the AGs’ lawsuit works its way through the legal system.

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    Amanda Head: Huge Milestone for Conservative Films


    Liberals aren’t happy about this…

    The new movie “Sound of Freedom” is dominating the box office and Democrats are scratching their heads as to why…

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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    DeSantis Addresses Campaign Struggles ‘Narrative’

    Ron DeSantis via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    Florida Governor and presidential contender Ron DeSantis (R) is addressing claims his campaign has faltered head-on.

    DeSantis made the remarks during an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Maria Bartiromo.

    “These are narratives. The media does not want me to be the nominee,” he said. “I think that’s very, very clear. Why? Because they know I’ll beat Biden. But even more importantly, they know I will actually deliver on all these things. We will stop the invasion at the border, we’ll take on the drug cartels, we’ll curtail the administrative state, we’ll get spending under control. We’ll do all the things that they don’t want to see done.”

    The Florida Governor said that national primary polls were effectively useless because the primary is not national and it takes place over a series of months, not all on one day.

    “I can tell you we understand this is a state-by-state process,” he said. “We’ve had incredible support in the early states building an organization, signing up the key people that you need to be able to compete in a place like Iowa. We just launched our ‘Mamas Movement’. My wife was in Iowa with Governor Kim Reynolds launching that.”

    “Nobody has been a better champion for those folks than me,” he said. “And I would just also point out, you know, my re-election in Florida we had the greatest victory that any Republican governor candidate in the history of the state had, and yet a few months before the election I had media saying that somehow my re-election campaign was stalling, that we weren’t doing anything. And so we’re doing what it takes to win.”

    “And, oh, by the way, we just announced last week better fundraising than any non-incumbent has ever had if you look at what was reported, it was about $150 million, and that hasn’t even been deployed yet,” he continued. “We’ve got a long way to go. I’m looking forward to being able to participate in the debates, but this is not something that, you know, I ever expected to just snap fingers and all of a sudden, you know, you win seven months before anything happens. You’ve got to work, and it requires a lot of toil and tears and sweat, and we’re going to do that.”

    Last week, a prominent pro-DeSantis spokesman said he was concerned about the Florida Governor’s ability to overtake Donald Trump.

    “Right now in national polling we are way behind, I’ll be the first to admit that,” said Cortes. “I believe in being blunt and honest. It’s an uphill battle but clearly Donald Trump is the runaway frontrunner.”

    Biden Weaponizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be ‘Woke’

    President Joe Biden delivers remarks in National Statuary Hall on the one-year anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, Thursday, January 6, 2022, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

    ANALYSIS – Question – What’s worse than regular people being indoctrinated to be woke leftists? Answer – a global woke leftist Artificial Intelligence (AI) helping them. 

    And apparently, and not unsurprisingly, that’s what Joe Biden and his team want. And they are working hard to achieve this nefarious goal. 

    And it is terrifying.

    The American Accountability Foundation (AAF), a government watchdog group, recently warned that Team Biden is actively using the federal government’s vast power to regulate AI to promote a “woke” ideology in the basic architecture of the revolutionary, powerful, and dangerous new technology.

    That ‘woke’ ideology promotes affirmative action racism under the guise of ‘anti-racism,’ and radical transgenderism as gender ‘equity.’ Please note ‘equity’ is the opposite of equality. It means forcing equal results not providing equal opportunities.

    It is essentially un-American – simply a new way to say socialism.

    But Orwellian doublespeak is the way the left sugarcoats and soft peddles its poison.

    After researching Team Biden’s plans for artificial intelligence, AAF concluded that Biden administration officials are planning to feed emerging AI platforms with “dangerous ideologies.”

    Add that to the growing list of the dangers of AI.

    AAF just released part one of a multi-part “investigation into WOKE AI.”

    “They have plans to rig AI in the name of fighting ‘algorithmic discrimination,’ ‘harmful bias,’ and ‘data that fails to account for existing systemic biases in American society,’” the group tweeted on June 25.

    Fox News reported:

    “Under the guise of fighting ‘algorithmic discrimination’ and ‘harmful bias,’ the Biden administration is trying to rig AI to follow the woke left’s rules,” AAF president Tom Jones told Fox News Digital.

    “Biden is being advised on technology policy, not by scientists, but by racially obsessed social academics and activists. We’re already seen the biggest tech firms in the world, like Google under Eric Schmidt, use their power to push the left’s agenda. This would take the tech/woke alliance to a whole new, truly terrifying level.”

    Arati Prabhakar, director of Biden’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, seen in the twitter thread above, recently touted Biden’s signing of an executive order that, in her words, “promotes data equity,” directs agencies to fight “algorithmic discrimination” and ensures these agencies use AI to advance “equity…”

    Vice President Kamala Harris, who Biden named “AI czar” is supposedly in charge of the National Science and Technology Council which oversees all science and technology efforts across the federal government.

    As part of that effort, the White House’s Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence released the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, which calls for additional resources to fight “harmful biases.”

    Fox reported that the AAF memo showed another example of how Team Biden is weaponizing AI.

    The “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy last October talks of “algorithmic discrimination” in which AI systems treat people differently based on their race, sex or other characteristics and calls for data “used as part of system development or assessment” to be “reviewed for bias based on the historical and societal context of the data.”

    To address such concerns, the blueprint recommends, among other steps, that “proactive equity assessments as part of the system design.”

    But AAF isn’t the only one sounding the alarm about Biden’s woke AI, Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk also warned about the danger of “woke” artificial intelligence being weaponized to push political agendas through false information.

    Last December, he tweeted: “The danger of training AI to be woke — in other words, lie — is deadly.” 

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