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FBI Retaliated Against Whistleblowers Who Exposed ‘Politicized Rot’


ANALYSIS – Things at the FBI just seem to get worse. A new House report shows that FBI special agents, and other key employees, who exposed the “politicized rot” within the bureau were suspended or had their security clearances revoked.

The interim staff report from the House Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government describes that ‘rot’ as the deep partisan politicization of the FBI’s leadership and the concerted weaponization of the law enforcement agency against conservatives.

The report, released Thursday morning, also described the FBI’s alleged “retaliatory conduct” against the whistleblowers “after making protected disclosures about what they believed in good faith to be wrong conduct.”

The committee’s report likened the bureau’s actions to “engaging in a ‘purge’ of agents who hold conservative beliefs.”

The FBI has responded to the accusations in a letter discussed below.

The Bureau’s politicized rot spiked after the Capitol Riot in 2021, and the subsequent Democrat effort to highlight the alleged threat of Domestic Violent Extremism (DVE), also known as MAGA Republicans, pro-life Christians, and other traditional conservatives.

Among the whistleblower’s key accusations is that the bureau opened improper investigations into a large group of individuals who simply attended the pro-Trump political rally in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021. 

They claimed that the Bureau had “no specific indication” that 138 of the people “were involved in any way in criminal activity.”

“The only basis for investigating these people was that they shared buses to Washington with two individuals who entered restricted areas of the Capitol that day,” they explained in the report.

But it’s more than that.

The committees’ report reveals new whistleblower testimony from several current and former FBI employees that exposes other “abuses and misconduct in the FBI.”

The report states that:

Some of these employees—Special Agents Garret O’Boyle and Stephen Friend, Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill, and Staff Operations Specialist Marcus Allen—have chosen to speak on the record about their experiences. The disclosures from these FBI employees highlight egregious abuse, misallocation of law-enforcement resources, and misconduct with the leadership ranks of the FBI.

It added that, in order to bolster the Democrat narrative that DVE was “organically rising around the country,” the FBI pressured staff to “reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism, and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist.”

Friend specified that the FBI’s handling of Jan. 6-related investigations “deviated from standard practice and created a false impression with respect to the threat of DVE nationwide.”

This is something I have argued and written about repeatedly.

The deliberate mishandling of these cases greatly inflated the number of alleged DVE cases in the country and has been used as an excuse to divert massive amounts of federal law enforcement funds and resources to this grossly exaggerated threat.

One of the whistleblowers called the bureau “cancerous” because it has “let itself become enveloped in this politicization and weaponization.”

Allen reportedly had his security clearance suspended for performing case-related research using open-source news articles and videos about the Capitol riot and sending his results to his task force colleagues for “situational awareness.”

Meanwhile, the FBI argued in a letter to the Committee Chairman, that the clearance suspensions and other disciplinary actions were taken purely out of security concerns or violations by the FBI employees.

However, among the counter allegations in its letter, the FBI said:

Specifically, the Security Division found Mr. Allen espoused alternative theories to coworkers verbally and in emails and instant messages sent on the FBI systems, in apparent attempts to hinder investigative activity.

The letter noted that despite multiple directives from his supervisor to “stop circulating these materials,” Allen “continued.” 

The report states that: “Because these open-source articles questioned the FBI’s handling of the violence at the Capitol, the FBI suspended Allen for ‘conspiratorial views in regard to the events of January 6th.”

To come to your own conclusions, I recommend reading the House report and the FBI’s letter linked above. 

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Senate Flies US Flag Upside Down Indicating ‘Emergency Distress’


ANALYSIS – We still don’t know if it was an intentional call for help, a prank, or a broken clip as Senate officials claim, but the American flag did spend some time flying upside down over the U.S. Capitol. 

And considering it flew over the Democrat-led Senate building, the meaning and symbolism weren’t lost on many Americans.

A tweet by Rogan O’Handley, a political activist whose Twitter handle is DC_Draino, posted on May 16, 2023, showed a photo of the U.S. flag outside the Capitol flying upside down.

He tweeted: “NEW: US flag currently flying upside down over Senate building signaling distress and needing rescue.”

DC_Draino added: “Some believe it was flipped after Sen. Fetterman spoke with the sophistication of a drunk toddler in a hearing today.”

The tweet was viewed 4.3 million times by Thursday.

Under the U.S. Flag Code, turning the flag upside down should never be done “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Others noted that Congress, and indeed the entire country, is in distress and needs emergency assistance.

The upside-down flag display has also been used as a means of protest, mostly by conservatives.

Newsweek confirmed that the photo is real and the flag was at one point upside down, but reported that an official at the Capitol blamed the upside down flag on a broken clip, adding that the problem was later corrected.

However, many on Twitter questioned the explanation. One asked: “If it was a broken clip and the wind was blowing as it clearly is in the photo, why would it not appear to be attached by only one clip?”

“Science/physics, right?”

“If it was caused because a ‘clip broke’ wouldn’t the flag just streamer in the wind instead of still fluttering like a flag?” another user suggested.

DC_Draino also responded to the official explanation reported by Newsweek, and mocked those who bought it at face value:

Yes I know the article says a “clip broke” but the flag wouldn’t fly like that if it was hanging by 1 clip

Guarantee the reply guys in my comments taking the government’s PR answer at face value are vaccinated & boosted

The picture is clearly showing something different.

However, as symbolic and justified it may be to fly the American flag upside down over the Democrat-controlled Senate, this was still likely a case of human error and broken clip. 

Still, maybe it should become a regular thing until the Republicans retake the Senate.

America is definitely in emergency distress.

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Video Shows Biden Sent Troops To Border To Open Gates

Construction continues on new border wall system project near Yuma, AZ. Recently constructed border wall near Yuma, Arizona on June 3, 2020. CBP photo by Jerry Glaser.

ANALYSIS – Please hold the door! Well, it can’t get more ironic or infuriating than this.

A new video appears to show a U.S. soldier, apparently, a female National Guard troop activated by Joe Biden, unlocking and opening a gate in Texas to allow a large group of illegal aliens to cross into the United States.

And Biden thinks it’s funny.

This, after Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas shamelessly said on ABC’s “This Week” that Team Biden had succeeded in getting the word out that the nation’s borders were not open.

The video tweeted by Fox News Channel (FNC) Los Angeles bureau reporter Bill Melugin, is dated May 15, just after Biden allowed the Trump-era Title 42 to expire. The specific location in Texas was Eagle Pass in the U.S. Border Patrol Del Rio Sector.

It is not an official Customs and Border Protection (CBP) entry point. In fact, the gate is part of a Texas state border barrier, and the land is reportedly private property.

And to be clear, the soldier was reported to be acting under orders, and the migrants were loaded on a U.S. government bus.

Texas officials quickly highlighted that the soldier is not a member of the Texas National Guard deployed by Governor Greg Abbott under Operation Lone Star.

Instead, she is a Missouri Army National Guard (ARNG) member deployed to “assist” Border Patrol agents under Title 10 by Team Biden.

But the joke is on us.

It seems Biden’s understanding of “assisting the Border Patrol” involves opening the gates to allow illegal migrants to enter the country before being symbolically “processed” and released into the country.

Many of the migrants are being given immigration court date appearances set so far into the future as to be meaningless. Others are let go without any specific court dates.

One Venezuelan told the Washington Examiner that his mother “was told to wait 10 years before she can see a judge.” Another Venezuelan man was told to appear in court in March – 2027.

When asked by reporters about how he believed things were proceeding after Title 42 expired, Biden responded with a laugh, saying: “Much better than you all expected.”

Of course, they are better than expected when you are facilitating their entry to avoid images of mass chaos at the border. “Thank God there’s a camera there so we can watch them all come through in a nice orderly fashion,” one Twitter user commented.

Even disgraced and fired liberal CNN host Chris Cuomo bashed Biden about this:

…we have our president laughing, “Ha ha ha. It’s not as bad as you expected.” Really? With record numbers being processed and released into America. It’s no laughing matter, but if it is a joke, the joke is on us, because the people in power are allowing this to continue.

And while the border looks less chaotic than in recent months, illegal migrants are filling processing centers to capacity, with an unbelievable backlog of two million pending court cases.

Meanwhile, Mayorkas also touted a 50% drop in illegal migrant encounters on the border since Title 42 was rescinded, with 6,300 encounters on Friday and about 4,200 on Saturday.

But their numbers had exploded right before the end of the pandemic-era restriction, topping more than 10,000 a day, so a big drop isn’t hard to achieve.

And with U.S. troops deployed, order is restored – because the border gates are now officially open. The joke really is on us.

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Heartwarming: Commie Biz Owner Forced To Close Cafe


You can’t help but smile when you see this…

Watch Amanda explain the controversy below:

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Amanda Head: Raise The Voting Age? This Poll Indicates Yes!

Amanda Head

Could it be time to amend the U.S. Constitution?

Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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Florida Republican Moves to Expel Adam Schiff from Congress

Photo via Gage Skidmoer Flickr

A Florida freshman representative is taking drastic measures since the release of the Durham report.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fl.) has filed a motion to have Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) expelled from Congress.

“He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman,” Luna said in a statement Wednesday. “The Durham Report makes clear that the Russian Collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country.”

Schiff, who was the top lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee when Democrats the House majority, has repeatedly claimed that Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election. 

While the Durham report did not recommend any new charges it did offer a blistering review of how the FBI launched and carried out the investigation. It caps a four-year investigation by Durham.

“I’m convinced when this dark chapter of our history is written, it will reflect that those Republican members who lacked the courage to stand up to the most unethical president in U.S. history, Donald Trump, consoled themselves by attacking those who did,” Schiff said in an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday.

The California Democrat also knocked the conclusions of the Durham report, fighting back against the idea that it proved that his claims of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia were a lie.

“Durham spends four years trying to prove this deep state conspiracy theory that Trump kept telling his base was going to be proven,” Schiff said. “The whole thing, of course, was a big bust.”

Rep. Greene Files Impeachment Resolution Against Joe Biden

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) is cleaning house.

The pro-Trump lawmaker is reportedly planning to introduce articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Thursday. According to The Hill, Rep. Greene alleges the President has violated his oath of office by not securing the country’s borders and protecting national security. 

Greene said at a press conference this will be the “first set” of articles she introduces against Biden.

“It is with the highest amount of solemnity that I announce my intention to introduce articles of impeachment today on the head of this America-last executive branch, that has been working since Jan. 20, 2021, to systematically destroy this country, the president of the United States, Joseph Robinette Biden,” Greene said.

The move by Greene comes after the Republican filed impeachment resolutions earlier this week against FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“In his conduct as Attorney General of the United States, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of the Attorney General of the United States, and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the Constitution of the United States, Merrick Brian Garland continues to materially endanger the justice system of the United States and empower President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to persecute his political adversaries at will,” the articles read.

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MAGA Congresswoman Files Impeachment Resolution Against AG Garland

Chuck Kennedy for The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has had enough…

Reports indicate the pro-Trump lawmaker is planning to introduce articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday.

“In his conduct as Attorney General of the United States, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of the Attorney General of the United States, and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the Constitution of the United States, Merrick Brian Garland continues to materially endanger the justice system of the United States and empower President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to persecute his political adversaries at will,” the articles read.

In a press release exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital, Greene accused Garland of weaponizing the Justice Department (DOJ) which has resulted in a “two-tiered justice system.”

“Garland has used the FBI as a personal police force for his boss, Joe Biden,” Greene wrote. “From investigating parents who protest their local school boards, to going after pro-life activists and Catholics, to persecuting former and future President Donald J. Trump, Merrick Garland’s corruption knows no bounds.”

“Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists have caused billions of dollars of damage to property,” she continued. “Instead of prosecuting these crimes, Garland has persecuted Americans who engaged in legitimate political protest, people who were overwhelmingly nonviolent.”

The move comes after the Georgia Congresswoman introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Articles of Impeachment

Marjorie Taylor Greene -Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, via Wikimedia Commons

MAGA Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Tuesday introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

In the articles of impeachment, obtained by Fox News Digital, Greene claims that, under Wray’s watch, he has facilitated “the development of a Federal police force to intimidate, harass, and entrap American citizens that are deemed enemies of the Biden regime.” 

Greene highlighted instances of what she regarded as abuse of the bureau’s authority. These instances included, among others, the FBI’s “unprecedented raid” on the home of former President Donald Trump on Aug. 8, 2022, and the bureau’s creation of a “terrorist threat tag” following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade earlier that summer.  

President Trump nominated Wray in 2017 after firing then-director James Comey. Wray was sworn into the FBI on Aug. 2, 2017. 

Greene’s introduction of articles of impeachment comes after Special Counsel John Durham released his final report on the FBI’s investigation of alleged collusion between Russia and Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign. The report concluded that the FBI and DOJ jumped too hastily into the investigation and relied too much on raw and unconfirmed intelligence. 

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Fox News, Dominion Voting Systems Speak Out Over Tucker Carlson Exit

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems are pushing back on a recent report suggesting Tucker Carlson’s sudden exit from the network was part of an agreement between the parties to settle a defamation suit out of court.

On Tuesday, The Variety report quoted an anonymous source who claimed Dominion sought to deal a major blow to the network’s viewership as part of the deal and demanded Carlson be fired.

“That condition was intended to hurt Fox, and Tucker is just collateral damage,” the source told the outlet. “Dominion wanted to punish Fox, and it’s working.”

Fox and Dominion denied the source’s claim when contacted by The Hill.

“As the Fox principals who negotiated the settlement well know, Dominion made no demands about Tucker Carlson’s employment orally or in writing,” the voting systems company said. “Any claims otherwise are categorically false and a thinly veiled effort to further damage Dominion.”

“Fox should take every effort to stop these lies immediately,” they added.

Last month, Fox News reached a last-minute settlement with Dominion over the network’s coverage of then-President Trump’s voter fraud claims in the 2020 presidential election.

Details of the deal were not immediately disclosed but Dominion lawyer Justin Nelson said the settlement was reached at around $787.5 million.

In a statement, Fox News Media said the network was “pleased” to reach a settlement and that it acknowledged “the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.”

Less than a week after the historic settlement Carlson was unceremoniously fired from the network. (RELATED: Tucker Carlson Quietly Preparing for ‘War’ Against Fox News)

While Carlson remains under contract with Fox, the host has said he plans to launch a new version of his wildly popular prime-time show on Twitter, but few details have been released. (RELATED: Tucker Carlson Announces New Platform For Show)