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Amanda Head: Shocking Poll Results On School Gun Violence


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As Americans seek answers on the best way to keep kids safe in schools it may surprise you what is really concerning parents in 2023.

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Former Trump Organization CFO Released From Jail

Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg has been released from prison.

According to reports from CNBC, he was promised a sentence of five months in jail to be served on Rikers Island and five years’ probation in exchange for his testimony and agreed to repay nearly $2 million in taxes owed.

He was sentenced to five months behind bars but was eligible for release after 100 days with time off for good behavior.

Weisselberg pleaded guilty in August to all 15 charges: one count of grand larceny in the second degree; three counts of criminal tax fraud in the third degree; one count of scheme to defraud in the first degree; one count of conspiracy in the fourth degree; one count of criminal tax fraud in the fourth degree; four counts of offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree; and four counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. (RELATED: Longtime Trump Org CFO Heads to Rikers Island)

Weisselberg, while no longer the company’s chief financial officer, remained employed with Trump’s family real estate firm and expected to make more than $1 million last year in salary and bonuses, according to his testimony.

In December, a Manhattan jury found two Trump Organization companies, the Trump Corp. and Trump Payroll Corp., guilty of criminal tax fraud.

Georgia Prosecutor Reveals New Details of Active Trump Investigation

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Things are heating up in Georgia…

Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis (D) who is overseeing an investigation into Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results indicated Tuesday that she has conducted fresh interviews with some of the Republican activists who falsely claimed to be Georgia’s legitimate presidential electors.

In a court filing Tuesday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis noted that her office conducted those interviews on April 12 and April 14. Willis disclosed in the filing that more than one of the false electors had described potential violations of Georgia state law by another one, according to Politico.

Willis is urging the judge overseeing the matter to disqualify the lawyer who represents 10 of the false electors, an arrangement she had previously challenged — with limited success — because of the potential for conflict among the different false electors. Now that some have provided testimony implicating others in potential crimes, Willis’ office argued, it is no longer tenable for them to share the same attorney, Kimberly Debrow.

“It is unfathomable how Ms. Debrow can offer competent and adequate counsel to her client who has been accused of further crimes,” Willis argues in the filing.

The fresh batch of interviews is the latest indication the investigation into Trump is ongoing. In February, the special grand jury recommended multiple indictments in the case, however, nobody has been charged in the case yet. (RELATED: Georgia Grand Jury Recommended Multiple Indictments)

In March, Trump’s legal team filed a move to the use of any evidence presented to a grand jury reviewing the matter.

Texas Republican Endorses Trump Following ‘Positive’ Meeting With DeSantis

    Gage Skidmore Flickr

    Donald Trump is racking up endorsements left and right these days.

    Despite being the first President to be criminally charged, Trump has seen a surge in support over the last weeks with numerous lawmakers publicly announcing their endorsements.

    On Tuesday, Rep. Lance Gooden (R- Texas) opted to endorse Former President Donald Trump despite attending “positive” meeting with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is widely expected to launch a presidential campaign later this spring.

    Gooden said in a statement posted on his Twitter account that he made the decision after “careful consideration” and a “positive meeting” with DeSantis. He said he has respect for DeSantis and his accomplishments as governor but believes Trump is the best candidate based on his record and “commitment to putting America first.” 

    “I met with Governor DeSantis, and while he has done commendable work in Florida, there is no doubt in my mind that President Trump is the only leader who can save America from the leftist onslaught we are currently facing,” he said. 

    “I wholeheartedly endorse President Donald J. Trump for the 2024 presidential election and vow to fight alongside him to reclaim our country from the leftist forces that threaten to destroy it. Together, we will ensure a prosperous and secure future for our great nation,” Gooden said. 

    Trump has also gathered several endorsements from Florida Republicans, claiming support from members of DeSantis’ own state party. They include Reps. Cory Mills, Anna Paulina Luna, Byron Donalds, Greg Steube and Matt Gaetz. 

    Pentagon Warns Biden’s Offshore Wind Farms Are National Security Risk

    Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    ANALYSIS – Joe Biden has made his radical ‘green’ climate agenda a centerpiece of his administration. He even had his Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the rest of his security team make it a national defense priority, superseding in some ways, China, Russia, and terrorism.  

    A lot of Biden’s agenda is pushed by radical leftist activists, but the green energy industry is an increasingly wealthy and powerful lobby.

    And they operate hand in hand.

    And Biden’s ‘climate czar,’ John Kerry, is one of its biggest cheerleaders inside the administration.

    Still, it seems reality is now seeping in at the Pentagon as the stuff is hitting the fan. 

    The fan, in this case, is the wind turbine used in vast wind farms throughout the northeast coastal regions of the United States.

    Coincidentally, this is also where a lot of military bases are located, and our air and naval forces operate. 

    And the Department of Defense (DOD) is quietly expressing its frustration and concern with Biden’s expansive climate agenda’s impact on our military operations and American national security.

    Especially the creation of massive wind farms on federally leased waters off the mid-Atlantic coast.

    Some at the Pentagon are even referring to it as a national security risk.

    And Congress must take note and take action.

    Bloomberg reported on Monday that an Oct. 6, 2022 report produced by the U.S. Navy and Air Force, which includes maps highlighting sensitive military zones off the mid-Atlantic coast, was circulated with the energy industry and state officials earlier this month.

    Non-political DOD officials are trying to raise the alarm even as their politicized leadership tows the Team Biden ‘green’ line.

    Of course, political appointees at DOD will downplay any conflict between the Pentagon and Biden’s extreme climate agenda.

    Pentagon spokesperson Kelly Flynn only told Fox News Digital that: “The initial assessment performed by DoD found complicated compatibility challenges with wind turbines near Navy and Air Force training.” 

    “Compatibility challenges” is doublespeak for we can’t put wind farms offshore without damaging our military training and readiness across the entire eastern seaboard.

    While this has been an issue since before Biden, the danger has just been supercharged by the current administration, which refuses to listen or doesn’t care.

    Fox News Digital reminds us of the prior warnings: “The Pentagon’s warning late last year… came years after it similarly warned in 2019 that much of the North Atlantic wind lease planning area was an ‘exclusion zone.’ And a DoD map obtained by that was published in 2018 identified nearly the entire East Coast as “highly problematic” for leasing.”

    Still, Biden and his radical climate cronies in the wind farm industry, such as the American Clean Power Association, a leading industry group representing wind developers, are plowing ahead.

    Bloomberg explained that the new DOD maps show massive acreage cordoned off in federal waters near North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. 

    At least four offshore wind lease areas proposed by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) are described as “highly problematic” by DOD, while another two are identified as “requiring further study.”  

    Fox News Digital continued:

    “The Navy has said there is not an area in that whole east block that does not interfere with DoD missions. But BOEM is continuing ahead,” said Meghan Lapp, the fisheries liaison for Rhode Island-based fishing company Seafreeze. “And when I’ve asked them on webinars, ‘The Navy said that this is a problem. How can you still be leasing it?’ They’re like, ‘Oh, well, we’re just going to continue the discussions.'” 

    Well, this is serious stuff, and if the administration won’t listen to its own Defense Department, Congress must get involved.

    Gabriella Hoffman, a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum’s Center for Energy and Conservation, told Fox News Digital: “The Pentagon’s warning about national security implications stemming from offshore wind development on the Atlantic Coast, including proximity to critical Virginia military installations, shouldn’t be dismissed.” 

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    Report: Fox News Reaches Last-Minute Settlement With Dominion Voting Systems

    The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems have reportedly reached a settlement over the network’s coverage of former President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. 

    The settlement came just hours before opening arguments in the defamation trial were slated to begin in a Delaware courtroom

    Terms of the deal were not immediately disclosed.

    Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion lawsuit in 2021 following the presidential election. The company argues Fox News‘ airing of claims of voter fraud propagated by former President Donald Trump and his allies defamed the company and caused irreparable damage to its credibility.

    Fox had fiercely defended itself on First Amendment grounds and has argued the network was covering the allegations being made by the then-President because they were newsworthy.

    “This case is and always has been about the First Amendment protections of the media‘s absolute right to cover the news,” Fox said in a recent statement about the case. “Fox will continue to fiercely advocate for the rights of free speech and a free press as we move into the next phase of these proceedings.” 

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    Amanda Head: Here’s How To Be An Informed Buyer


    After Bud Light’s major misstep consumers are looking for ways to make sure their hard-earned dollars go toward companies and institutions that respect their values.

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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    Democrat Senator Sets Up Defense Fund Amid Criminal Probe

    Senate Democrats, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    Reports indicate Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) plans to create a legal defense fund to help pay for tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees relating to the federal criminal probe into his dealings with foreign regulators.

    Menendez’s office confirmed plans to create the fund to NBC News as the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York continues its months-long investigation into the Democrat.

    Federal investigators opened to new probe into Menendez in October and have given no indication of how long it is expected to continue.

    The probe has already cost Menendez roughly $200,000 in campaign funds, according to filings obtained by NBC.

    “Senator Menendez is confident that this official inquiry will be successfully closed, but as it is still unresolved he will be opening a separate legal defense fund so as not to drain any further campaign funds,” a spokeswoman for Menendez told the outlet. Fox News Digital reached out to Menendez’s office for additional comment, but they did not immediately respond.

    The probe, which involves several federal organizations, is investigating lavish gifts Menendez’s wife received from a food producer that obtained an exclusive contract with the Egyptian government to certify Halal food exports across the globe.

    The inquiry is considering whether Menendez may have improperly used his position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to influence the deal.

    The committee controls roughly $2 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt, according to NBC.

    Menendez was previously indicted on federal bribery charges in 2016. 

    Gen. Milley Surrenders on Chinese Nuke Buildup – Instead, Let’s ‘Bankrupt China’

    Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Michael J. McCord provide testimony at a Senate Armed Services Committee budget hearing, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., March 28, 2023. (DoD photo by Chad J. McNeeley)

    ANALYSIS – Déjà vu all over again. Just like the establishment back in the 1960s and 1970s facing a massive Soviet nuke buildup, Team Biden and his top general Mark Milley, are simply throwing their hands up in despair.

    “We are probably not going to be able to do anything to stop, slow down, disrupt, interdict, or destroy the Chinese nuclear development program that they have projected out over the next 10 to 20 years,” said the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently at a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee. 

    “They’re going to do that in accordance with their own plan.”

    Sound familiar?

    Yes, this is the same top general who has overseen a cascade of woke policies at the Pentagon and thought the Capitol riot was about “white rage.”

    Well, under (sometimes) conservative president Richard Nixon and his Machiavellian national security advisor, Henry Kissinger, the U.S. stopped our nuke arms race so the Soviets could catch.

    Jimmy Carter then bent over backward to appease the USSR. According to our establishment ‘nuclear luminaries’ then, nuclear parity was more stable than U.S. superiority.

    Is Joe Biden hoping to do the same with China now? If not, Milley needs to wake up.

    At least one expert believes America can do something to slow down the rapid rise of China’s war machine, and it doesn’t involve us unilaterally surrendering.

    Gordon Chang, a respected academic, China hawk, and the author of The Coming Collapse of China, argues that economic warfare is America’s trump card (no pun intended).

    His advice, similar to Ronald Reagan’s approach against the Soviet empire, is simply – “bankrupt China”.

    Chang writes in The Daily Caller:

    Milley is wrong about China’s nuclear weapons ambitions. He is, unfortunately, expressing the same pessimism that pervaded the Nixon, Ford and Carter years, when the American foreign policy establishment took the Soviet Union as a given and therefore promoted détente.

    America can stop China’s nuclear weapons development and other monumental programs. The Chinese Communist Party needs America for, among other things, money, and the U.S. does not have to provide it.

    Like Reagan and the Soviets before him, Chang focuses on the severe economic conditions plaguing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that are hiding in plain sight.

    While in hindsight we all now accept that the USSR was a third world country with a huge military, few see analogies with the modern, vibrant and growing Chinese economy. One that is allegedly either equal to, or rapidly closing in on, the United States.

    But many argue China’s economy is a house of cards. Specifically, Chang identifies China’s lack of cash, or liquidity.

    He quotes Gregory Copley, the president of the International Strategic Studies Association and editor-in-chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy as saying

    “The one resource which Xi Jinping’s ambition has overreached is cash. Beijing cannot, in the short term, provide the cash needed to dominate the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and other places.”

    Chang adds: “The fundamental problem for the audacious Chinese ruler is that China’s economic growth is stumbling. China’s official National Bureau of Statistics reported that gross domestic product last year grew 3.0%, well below the regime’s announced target of ‘around 5.5%.’”

    This is especially salient as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been steadily taking much larger slices of the Chinese economic pie. Last year, China’s military budget, according to official sources, increased 7.1% while the economy, ‘officially,’ grew only 3.0%.

    The reality is likely far less.

    The PLA needs more cash to keep growing. But the Chinese economy isn’t growing nearly fast enough, if at all. 

    That’s China’s dilemma, and its Achilles heel.

    Chang goes on to describe myriad factors in China’s economic stagnation, before issuing his verdict: “In sum, the Chinese economy is anemic.”

    “China, therefore, needs factory orders from abroad and foreign investment.”

    He then makes his case for economic warfare against Beijing: “The American president can crimp both of these lifelines by, among other things, using his authority under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 and by joining or liberalizing free-trade agreements with other countries.”

    He adds a few other policy proposals to hit Beijing where it hurts – its pocketbook.

    They may not have an immediate impact, but with a little time, they will hold China back.

    Chang writes:

    In the short term, therefore, China can afford its nukes, but the budget of the Chinese central government is strained because of Xi Jinping’s other grand ambitions, such as his building and maintaining an enormous surveillance state — this costs more than the Chinese military — and his Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) worldwide infrastructure-building program.

    The China hawk notes: “Xi has diverted the state’s resources for nuclear weapons. He can do that for a time, but soon the cash will run out.”

    Chang concludes: “So here is a message for General Milley: There is a lot America can do to stop China’s fast buildup of its most dangerous arsenal, and in any case Americans must not under any circumstances fund, with trade and investment, the weapons pointed at them.”

    “President Ronald Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Union by reducing the flow of cash to Moscow. It is now time to bankrupt China.”

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    Amanda Head: Done With Bud Light? Buy This Instead!


    Are you boycotting Bud Light and looking for a new beer to support? Look no further!

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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