Home Politics Liberal Congresswoman Accuses Trump Of Stoking ‘Civil War’

Liberal Congresswoman Accuses Trump Of Stoking ‘Civil War’

By Elvert Barnes from Silver Spring MD, USA - MaxineWaters1.CFPB.WDC.10February2025, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Radical Congresswoman Maxine Waters is igniting controversy once again…

While addressing the Congressional Black Caucus on Thursday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) claimed that President Donald Trump as on the verge of starting a civil war.

“I’m worried that Trump is on the edge of creating a civil war,” she claimed. “He alluded to it more than once. He alluded to the fact that if he did not get reelected, that there could be a civil war.”

She claimed that this idea placed a major responsibility on Democrats to “live and do, like Doctor Martin Luther King told us to do.”

“He taught us to organize and to protest, but he taught us nonviolence,” she said. “He taught us nonviolence. That was the center. That was the core of his message. And we live with that all the time. No matter how upset we can get, no matter how angry we can get. We live with what we’ve been taught.”

Waters claimed that Trump was putting people “in a position where hungry people are going to be on the street, where nonprofits who were waiting for their checks are not going to get them, where seniors waiting for their Social Security check will not get it – where poor families with children will not get what they believe the government has agreed to do.”

“And so when that happens, what does Trump expect? Oh, I believe he expects violence,” she claimed. “I believe he expects confrontation. I believe he’s working toward a civil war.”


  1. Why does anyone listen to this race-baiter? She is an embarrassment to her party, to the House, to America and to her race. It is too bad when the media even covers her statements. She had done this the entire time that she has been in Congress. Look up Maxine Watters scandals on Google. She made certain that some bank bailout funds got directed to the bank where her husband was on the board. Frankly, all of that was pretty disgusting. She should have been thrown out of Congress for a serious breach of ethics. Maxine is a “has-been” and needs to retire…..soon.


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