Home Media Republican Senator Calls Trump’s Migration Plan A ‘Huge Mistake’

Republican Senator Calls Trump’s Migration Plan A ‘Huge Mistake’

Trump at the border wall via Wikimedia Commons

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) thinks President-elect Donald Trump should reconsider his deportation plan.

On Monday, Trump responded to a Truth Social post by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, who said that Trump is reportedly “prepared to declare a national emergency and will use military assets to reverse the Biden invasion through a mass deportation program.”

“TRUE!!” Trump posted.

Trump made a historic mass deportation campaign a cornerstone of his 2024 campaign, and his top officials have repeated that promise since he was elected this month.

In an appearance on Newsmax, on Tuesday, Paul expressed his opposition to such a plan.


“I think what I would do if I were in charge of the immigration situation would be to first to go after those who have committed crimes. You know, the big news right before the election was that there were 15,000 people in our country who have committed murder, there are about 13,000 that have committed sex crimes, violent sex crimes. That’s 28,000 people. Why don’t we start with that 28,000?” began Paul. “I’m not in favor of sending the army in uniforms into our cities to collect people. I think it’s a terrible image. And that’s not what we use our military for, we never have. And it’s actually been illegal for over 100 years to bring the army into our cities. Army and our military are trained to shoot the enemy. They’re not trained to get a warrant to do what they’re doing. The police have a difficult job, but the people removing people from our country need to be a police enforcement domestic agency, not the military. So while I’m all for ‘Remain in Mexico,’ I will not support an emergency to put the army into our cities. I think that’s a huge mistake.”

“Do you think that’s what what Trump is intending to do?” asked host Rob Schmitt.

“Well, that’s what he said yesterday or his spokesman said, the stories all said he would declare an emergency to use the military to remove people. I’m not for that. I’m not for really most presidential emergencies because they smack of martial rule. They smack of of no congressional approval. They smack of no checks and balances,” replied the senator. “So, look, I’m supportive of President Trump. I’m supportive of removing people illegally here, particularly people who have committed crimes. But I’m not for the Army marching up and down our streets. I think it’s a terrible image to send the world. It’s a terrible image for us as citizens. And so I hope he will think twice about trying to use an emergency edict to have the army patrolling our country.”


    • It’s RINO, not the animal (Republican In Name Only is what the acronym means). You advocate for Trump to use the national guard, then you cite a reason the national guard/US military should NOT be used. You’re a mess, amigo.

  1. Thanks for your concerns Senator Rand. But,Americans are tired of losing their loved ones to rape,murder,drugs and to carry the world on our shoulders. America is sick right now, and needs to .take care of its own. We didn’t create this problem, our government did. We need to hold these government officials accountable. Mayorkis,is the first to be prosecuted. STAND UP FOR AMERICA SENATOR.While it may look bad to the world, it will send a message to the illegals to start to self deport,and others thinking about to come

  2. “Army and our military are trained to shoot the enemy.” quote by Rand Paul. People who invade our country are the enemy. So based on his comment we should machine gun those illegals swimming across the Rio Grande, climbing our border fences and where evr we confront them.

  3. Of course that would be expected for Rand Paul, a lifetime RINO to say, but if I remember correctly President Eisenhower deported tens of thousands of illegal aliens to provide jobs for American servicement after the Korean War! The “Eisenhower Method” was very effective in which he charged American employers who hired illegal aliens with crimes, therefore forcing the illegal aliens to “self deport”! The U.S. Armed Forces were not “needed” for their deportation!

  4. Rand has a point. There are more discreet ways to deport the illegals, than to have uniformed soldiers in the streets. No need to give political ammo to the left. Just enforce the laws and make it uncomfortable for the illegals and their users. And STOP the child slavery.

  5. I’m sick and tired of politicians making excuses for not doing something! Where was Rand Paul for the last two years while President Trump was campaigning and saying he would deport the illegals? Now Rand Paul has a problem with it? I think that the problem is Rand Paul, and to think we thought we culled all of the left wing liberals out of our party!

  6. An even more terrible image is the wanton destruction hoisted upon us by biden and crew. 20,000,000 unvetted invaders sends a much poorer picture to those watching.


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