Home 2024 GOP Rival Threatens to Stalk Trump Across the Country Until He Debates

GOP Rival Threatens to Stalk Trump Across the Country Until He Debates

Maryland GovPics, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is not letting Donald Trump off so easily…

Christie, one of Trump’s fiercest Republican critics, pledged Sunday to follow the leading candidate “around the country” if the former president does not debate.

“Well, if he doesn’t do any of the debates, Howie, you know, we’re going to give him another chance,” he told Fox News’s Howard Kurtz on “Media Buzz.” “I’m sure he’s not coming to the Reagan debate. We’ll give him another chance in Alabama. But if he doesn’t come there, then I’m going to follow him around the country. Wherever he goes, I’ll go. And we’ll wind up talking to each other one way or other. And he knows that’s true.”

When pushed further on the topic, Christie confirmed he would change his schedule to follow Trump around.

Trump refused to participate in the first Republican presidential debate, citing his massive lead in the polls and his rocky relationship with Fox News and Rupert Murdoch. Trump also indicated he does not plan to participate in the next debate.

Kurtz also asked the former governor if he has been “selling” Republicans as he attacks the former president, questioning whether Christie is just telling voters what they “want to hear about Trump.”

“You know, first, you have to make sure that you distinguish yourself from the front-runner, and I’m doing that. But also, you’ve got to tell people about what you’re for and what your experience will get them a chance to do,” he said.

“The American people are tired of being lied to,” he added. “They’re tired of being lied to by Joe Biden when he said the other day that he’s reduced the deficit when, in fact, he’s going to double the deficit this year. They’re tired of being lied to by Donald Trump when he says the election in 2020 was stolen, and that’s all he wants to talk about going forward is that and the fact that he’s out on bail in four different jurisdictions.”


  1. Woo,Woo, Not even on the chart Crispy Cream thinks he calls the shots, Lol…….
    What even makes him think he is worth a second of Trumps time? As the rino that he is, he would be a lot more successful threatening a dem, they might play back at him. I don’t know anyone who listnes to him ever since his bridge dabacle, and since Barry landed in Jersey, and Crispy was ki##%&g his a#$

  2. This fat pig needs to learn to keep his big mouth shut.
    If he thinks any patriot would choose him over President Trump
    he’s more demented than biden.

  3. Why any sane Republican or Democrat would even consider voting for the Balloon Buffoon NJ Mafia for even dog catcher I can’t fathom. If it comes down to him vs sleepy senile Joe I think I would hold my nose and vote Sleepy. At least he was one of the Seven Dwarfs, but Balloon is just that. Sleepy also had some common sense. Buffoon gas none. Joe still only kisses babies. Balloon hugged and kissed Hussein.

  4. Why any sane Republican or Democrat would even consider voting for the Balloon Buffoon NJ Mafia for even dog catcher I can’t fathom. If it comes down to him vs sleepy senile Joe I think I would hold my nose and vote Sleepy. At least he was one of the Seven Dwarfs, but Balloon is just that. Sleepy also had some common sense. Buffoon gas none. Joe still only kisses babies. Balloon hugged and kissed Hussein.

  5. Still smarting from his rejection from President Trump. Old fat butt running mouth doesn’t know when he is out of favor. I put up with his antics when I lived in NJ. I don’t want any part of this slandering know it all.

  6. This childish behavior only proves Mr. Button Buster does not have enough to offer any voter – he belongs in the class of Harris and AOC mouthing off without saying anything.

  7. He is too vindictive. and has nothing to say except Trump this and Trump that . He needs to go home. We sure do not need him in the White House. We need to have some one in the White House that will bring this country back before it becomes a Venezuela. The people in Washington have no common sense. climate change? Electric cars? Talk about putting the cart before the horse they sure did it. No way to charge all of those cars they are producing. Has anyone ever looked at the charging stations we have. Most do not work because the wiring has been pulled out Or they are all tied up charging for 6 hours. Some towns and counties have none. Oh I know Biden said he was going to put thousands of chargers in but has he done that in 2 years? When 2050 when we are back to riding bicycles, horses or walking

  8. This loudmouth, has nothing to offer,but harange,and bad mouth trump.I’m getting sick of it.and I’m sure others are tired of it too. No one cares what u have to say, and DJT, would make u look like the fool u are.Get off his back,u childish,baffoon, and also u couldstfu,because no cares what comes out, of your foul mouth. Trump will be our next president,whether u like it or not.


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