Biden Torches Fox News In Letter Over Recent Hunter Coverage

    Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    President Joe Biden is not happy…

    In the wake of the federal indictment of informant Alexander Smirnov President Biden is demanding Fox News issue retractions regarding its coverage of “bribery” allegations against President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

    Smirnov, who was originally a key informant behind Republicans’ recent investigation into the Bidens, was recently indicted for lying to the FBI. (RELATED: FBI Informant Indicted Over Hunter Biden)

    In a letter to Fox News Chief Executive Suzanne Scott, President Jay Wallace, and Washington Bureau Chief Bryan Boughton this week, White House spokesperson for investigations Ian Sams demanded the network make immediate changes:

    We feel strongly that all Fox News Digital articles on this topic should at a minimum be updated with editor’s notes informing readers that the source of this allegation has been federally indicted for making it up. We also feel strongly that Fox News Channel television personalities like Hannity and Watters, among others, should inform their viewers on air that they have been sharing a discredited allegation from a source who has been federally indicted for making it up.

    A Fox spokesperson told Mediaite “FOX News Media has reported on all key developments since the announcement that Alexander Smirnov was charged with lying to the FBI, featuring the story prominently. We will continue to report on developments in all aspects of the ongoing investigations, hearings, and trials.”

    Read the official letter with links and citations below.

    This article originally appeared on American Liberty News. Republished with permission.


    1. I have 2 questions, as I do not follow any TV News programming of either the commercial or cable variety.
      1. What is he accused of lying about? As we all know the FBI can, over the course of multiple interviews, spin your head to where you don’t answer a repeated question exactly the same way as they had recorded you answering it previously. Then they have the justice department indict your sorry behind. Just ask Michael Flynn. “Wait, you told us in our interview of 2 months ago that you had blueberry pancakes for breakfast that day and now you have changed your story to eggs and bacon. That’s a lie and lying to the FBI is a crime.) Whoa that is way too much Deep State power.
      2. Why hasn’t the FBI indicted Hillary Clinton for lying. Apparently she didn’t lie to Comey. According to him she simply used bad judgment when she stored classified documents on her personal, unsecured, computer, as Secretary of State. Bad Judgement! Try telling the officer the next time he pulls you over for speeding that you used bad judgement and see how far that gets you. Then with a smug “I am Hillary Clinton and above the law, face she answered a congressional inquiry with a question by asking if they meant did she wipe her computer with a dusting cloth? Heck she put her lies down in writing and sold the lies to Simon & Schuster who published it into a book with a title, “What Happened,” that proves what is inside was a lie because it did not happen that way. She still thinks she won the election and meddled far more than Trump with the aid of the legacy media, but Trump is the one that is on trial.
      Our entire Government is corrupt.

    2. Awe. Gee whiz. Too bad Joey. They’re getting close aren’t they? Soon the world will know hunters crooked business extortion dealings are ALSO YOURS.


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