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Congress Investigating Alleged Biden Attempt To Rig Election For Campaign Supporter

Missvain, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

A congressional committee is now investigating allegations that the Biden White House tried to sway a major workplace unionization vote in favor of the United Auto Workers union bosses.

U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) “probed senior Biden administration officials for their attempts to sway the outcome of a Mercedes-Benz unionization election,” the Committee announced in a statement

“In a letter to Jake Sullivan, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Chairwoman Foxx is demanding information regarding the Biden administration’s attempts to influence the outcome of a unionization vote at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama, as voting was underway,” the statement reads.

The UAW is a major donor and political supporter of Democrats, spending a reported total of $22.64 million on politics in the 2020 election cycle, according to OpenSecrets.

 “On May 17, Mercedes-Benz employees at a plant in Vance, Alabama, voted not to join the United Auto Workers (UAW). In this election, 56 percent of the workers cast their ballots against UAW membership, with more than 90 percent of eligible workers voting in the election. Simultaneously, the UAW became the first U.S. union to file charges using a new German supply chain law. The Committee on Education and the Workforce (Committee) is concerned about recent reports of unusual and inappropriate communications between you and German government officials in what appears to be an attempt to impact the outcome of this election,” Foxx writes in in the letter.

“On May 6, a news report stated that U.S. government officials had a phone call with German government officials and raised concerns over the Mercedes-Benz representation election in Alabama. … A later report regarding the call also indicated that you prodded Germany to examine the UAW’s allegations against Mercedes-Benz at the direct request of UAW President Shawn Fain. On May 16, the UAW announced that the German government was investigating Mercedes-Benz as a result of charges filed by the UAW in Germany. … It appears the Biden administration, through your actions, sought to put its thumb on the scale to benefit the UAW as the Mercedes-Benz election in Alabama was pending,” Fox continues, adding “It also suggests the UAW sought to use your influence and the White House’s bully pulpit to impact a union representation election.”

Foxx asked the White House for answers to the following questions:

Did you raise concerns with German government officials over the Mercedes-Benz representation election in Vance, Alabama, at the request of the UAW?

In your call with German government officials, did you or any other White House official ask Germany to initiate an investigation of Mercedes-Benz before the Mercedes-Benz union representation election in Alabama concluded?

Was the purpose of the call with German government officials to discuss the Mercedes-Benz union representation election in Alabama? Were other labor issues or representation elections discussed?

When did the call with German government officials take place? Provide any White House call logs related to this call.

Did you discuss your call with German government officials with any employees of the Department of Labor or the NLRB? If so, who?

Is a local union representation election a national security issue? Why is a local union representation election occupying the time of the U.S. National Security Advisor?

Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

Report: Secret Service In High Alert Over Iranian Assassination Threat

    President Donald J. Trump is presented with a 10th Combat Aviation Brigade challenge coin following an air assault and gun rain demonstration at Fort Drum, New York, on August 13. The demonstration was part of President Trump's visit to the 10th Mountain Division (LI) to sign the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019, which increases the Army's authorized active-duty end strength by 4,000 enabling us to field critical capabilities in support of the National Defense Strategy. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Thomas Scaggs) 180813-A-TZ475-010

    Donald Trump is reportedly under increased surveillance due to an active security threat from Iran.

    U.S. intelligence received information in recent weeks indicating an Iran-backed plot to assassinate Donald Trump, which led to increased security around the former president. CNN reported that “there’s no indication that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the would-be assassin who attempted to kill the former president on Saturday, was connected to the plot, the sources said.”

    Two federal law enforcement sources told Fox News the level of the plot by Iran is unclear.

    The sources said there has been an increase in Secret Service protection to Trump in recent weeks because of the intelligence.

    The Department of Homeland Security and Secret Service has been increasingly concerned about Trump holding outdoor events, and have even expressed concern to Trump’s campaign.

    CNN Correspondent Evan Perez explained some of the known details on-air Tuesday, saying, “In recent weeks, the US government received intelligence from a human source that indicated that the Iranians were plotting to try to kill former President Donald Trump. Now, that led immediately to an increase in the protection for the former president. We heard over the weekend from the Secret Service that in recent weeks they had increased their protection for the former president.”

    “And so the question was exactly why. We now know that this is the reason why it was specific intelligence that was deemed to be credible enough, and that’s the reason why they increased the protection for the former president. It’s very important to point out that there is nothing to indicate at this point, is part of this investigation of the events on Saturday that the shooter, the would-be assassin that, tried to assassinate the former president on Saturday. There’s no indication that had anything to do with this Iranian plot. It appears to be a coincidence, obviously, but it is one of those things that is raising new questions, I think, for the Secret Service and for everybody involved in the protection of Donald Trump, how it was that these events, took place as they did on Saturday,” Perez added, referring to just how close a gunman came to Trump over the weekend.

    “How did someone, this 20-year-old person, get onto that roof, again, knowing that they had this intelligence, the Secret Service was aware of this intelligence, and they had taken obviously, some additional steps. But how did that person get on a roof and be able to fire off these shots, that almost killed, Donald Trump? Those are very, very big, important questions,” Perez added.

    Trump Names Running Mate For 2024

    Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    And officially becomes the nominee…

    J.D. Vance, known for his memoir “Hillbilly Elegy,” which explores his upbringing in a poor Rust Belt town and his family’s struggles with addiction and poverty, experienced a swift rise in the political arena. His rise saw him win election to the United States Senate in 2022 and now has put him on the cusp of becoming the next vice president of the United States.

    Driven by a compelling personal narrative, strategic alliances and the right political positioning, Vance has won the long-awaited veepstakes, as former President Donald Trump himself announced moments ago. Shortly afterward, it was announced at the Republican National Convention that Donald Trump had received enough votes to officially become the Republican presidential nominee.

    Fittingly, it was the Florida delegation that put him over the top.

    Vance’s story began in Middletown, Ohio, where he was raised in a working-class family. Despite the challenges he faced, he managed to graduate from Ohio State University and later from Yale Law School. His memoir, published in 2016, became a bestseller and brought him national attention, especially as it was seen as offering insights into the lives of many working-class Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment.

    Key Factors in His Political Rise

    1. National Recognition through “Hillbilly Elegy”: Vance’s memoir provided him with a platform to discuss broader socio-economic issues affecting the Rust Belt and working-class communities. His personal success story resonated with many Americans, giving him credibility and a wide audience.
    2. Strategic Political Alliances: Vance capitalized on his newfound fame by forging key alliances within the Republican Party. He aligned himself with prominent figures and organizations that supported his views on economic and social issues. Notably, he gained the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, which significantly bolstered his political profile among the Republican base.
    3. Media Presence and Advocacy: Vance became a regular commentator on political and cultural issues, frequently appearing on news programs and writing op-eds. His articulate defense of conservative values and critique of elite political classes garnered him a loyal following.
    4. Focus on Populist Themes: Emphasizing themes of economic nationalism, skepticism of globalism and advocacy for working-class Americans, Vance tapped into the populist sentiment that had been growing within the Republican Party. His ability to articulate these issues in a relatable manner helped him connect with a broad spectrum of voters.
    5. Support from Influential Donors: Vance received significant financial backing from influential donors and political action committees. This support enabled him to mount a strong campaign for the U.S. Senate, leveraging his network and resources to reach a wider audience.

    Political Campaign and Senate Victory

    In 2022, Vance announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat in Ohio. His campaign focused on addressing the economic concerns of Ohioans, tackling the opioid crisis and advocating for policies that would benefit the working class. His message resonated with voters, and he successfully secured the Republican nomination and won the general election.

    READ NEXT: [WATCH] CNN Reporter’s Controversial Remarks Seconds After Trump Assassination Attempt

    Trump Injured At Rally, Possibly Shot – Suspect Down

    Gage Skidmore Flickr

    UPDATE: 8:25 pm

    The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman reports that Donald Trump Jr. said, “I just spoke to my father on the phone, and he is in great spirits.”

    UPDATE: 8:15 pm

    Two sources briefed The New York Times that a rally attendee was killed in the assassination attempt.

    UPDATE: 7:36 pm

    New video footage from the Butler Farm Show grounds shows the body of the attempted assassin on the roof of building approximately 400 feet from where President Trump was speaking. Gunfire from Secret Service agents killed him. The suspect’s identity remains unknown.

    The shooter on the roof fired at Trump from outside the security perimeter, using the elevated position for a clear line of sight.

    A witness on a nearby building informed a BBC reporter that he had seen the shooter crawling onto the roof with a rifle and had tried to warn law enforcement for “two or three minutes” prior to the shooting.

    UPDATE: 7:31 pm

    The Secret Service has confirmed that former President Donald Trump is safe and under protective measures following the shooting at today’s rally. A spokesperson stated that Trump is “fine” and described the incident as a “heinous act.” However, specific details about what transpired at the event remain scant.

    The suspect has been “neutralized,” according to law enforcement sources.


    A retired two-star general standing behind the president was shot, too…

    Former President Donald Trump defiantly raised his fist following an apparent assassination attempt at today’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    Moments after the first shot rang out, Trump reached toward his ear and blood streaked across his face.

    The shots came as Trump began discussing immigration in his stump speech. Bystanders said the sound resembled that of a small-caliber weapon.

    Secret Service agents quickly whisked Trump off the stage, but not before he signaled to the crowd and appeared to shout the word “fight” multiple times.

    Billionaire Elon Musk voiced his support for Trump following the attack. “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery,” Musk said.

    The entrepreneur made a substantial donation to a pro-Trump super PAC backing the Republican nominee in swing states, according to a report from Bloomberg on Friday. The exact amount of the donation was not disclosed.

    Commenters on X praised the 45th president’s response, suggesting it might have secured his victory in the election.

    Additional reactions poured in.

    The alleged gunman is down, according to the county prosecutor.

    This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates.

    Cook Political Report Shifts Ratings In Trump’s Favor In 6 States

    Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    The Cook Political Report, widely respected across the political spectrum for its precise election forecasts, recently adjusted its presidential race ratings in six key states, all favoring former President Donald Trump.

    The shift comes amidst a backdrop of national and state polls indicating a modest yet consistent increase in support for Trump over President Joe Biden.

    Key State Changes

    The Cook Political Report has reclassified:

    • Arizona, Georgia and Nevada from “toss-up” to “lean Republican.”
    • Minnesota and New Hampshire from “likely Democrat” to “lean Democrat.”
    • Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District from “likely Democrat” to “lean Democrat.”

    Nebraska and Maine are the only states that allocate their electoral votes by congressional district, making the competitive Omaha-based 2nd District a target for both campaigns.

    Electoral Vote Implications

    The changes significantly impact the electoral map, with Trump now leading in states totaling 268 electoral votes, just two votes short of the required 270 for victory. In contrast, Biden leads in states accounting for 226 electoral votes.

    Expert Analysis

    In a social media post, Dave Wasserman, a senior editor at Cook Political Report, argued that it was overly optimistic to label the presidential race as a toss-up even before the debates.

    “Today, Trump has a clear advantage over Biden and a much more plausible path to 270 Electoral votes,” Wasserman noted.

    Additionally, during an appearance on CNN, Amy Walter, Cook Report’s publisher and editor-in-chief, elaborated on the political shifts underpinning these changes.

    “What we’re seeing is the real erosion of support from Biden among voters of color,” Walter explained back in May. “This is the reason he [Biden] is doing worse in Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, where Hispanic and African Americans make up a significant share of the vote.” [emphasis added]

    Polling Data

    Supporting these insights, the latest RealClearPolitics national polling average shows Trump leading Biden by 3 percentage points. In crucial swing states, Trump’s lead is even more pronounced:

    • Arizona: +5.4 points
    • Georgia: +4 points
    • Michigan: +0.6 points
    • Nevada: +5.2 points
    • North Carolina: +5.8 points
    • Pennsylvania: +5.3 points
    • Wisconsin: +2.2 points


    The latest adjustments by the Cook Political Report highlight a rapidly shifting landscape in the 2024 presidential race. With Trump’s increasing traction in key states and growing concerns about Biden’s ability to simply do the job, the GOP’s path to the presidency appears more wide open than ever.

    READ NEXT: Trump Family Member Steps Forward As Long-Shot VP Candidate

    Are They Dumping Joe?

    Amanda Head

    Democrats are desperate…

    Watch Amanda below:

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    The Inside Scoop On Trump’s VP Process

    Amanda Head screenshot

    Who will he choose?

    Watch Amanda below:

    Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

    BBC Host Calls For Trump’s Assassination, Blames Critics For Lack Of Humor

      Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

      BBC presenter David Aaronovitch has come under fire for urging President Biden to assassinate Donald Trump in response to the Supreme Court‘s recent immunity ruling. The now-deleted post read, “If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security #SCOTUS.”

      Aaronovitch’s comments have sparked outrage, but unsurprisingly, there has been little condemnation from mainstream media and left-wing circles, despite their fervent belief in cancel culture and moral policing. Instead, Aaronovitch attempted to downplay the situation by accusing his critics of lacking a sense of humor. (RELATED: BBC’s Top Newsman ID’d As Suspect In Teen Sex Pic Scandal)

      Double Standards and a Troubling Trend

      The incident raises serious questions about the double standards prevalent in media and political discourse. Aaronovitch’s background, as noted on his Wikipedia page, includes being the son of a communist intellectual and economist. His parents, both atheists, held Marxism as their “faith,” which provides some context for his radical views.

      The silence from the left-wing establishment on the issue is deafening, highlighting a troubling bias in how threats and hate speech are addressed depending on the political affiliation of the speaker.

      The New York Post has more information on the limited fallout:

      Aaronovitch’s reaction sparked immediate backlash – including one account that suggested “people have had police visits for a lot less. Knock knock.”

      When Aaronovitch deleted his initial post, GB News contributor Alex Armstrong accused him of “backtracking” due to advice from his “handlers.”

      Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

      “Ooh Alex. Tell me about my ‘handlers,’” Aaronovitch scoffed in reply.

      Another journalist, Jack Montgomery, suggested that Aaronovitch had “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

      “‘Impartiality’ may not be in the best of health at the BBC…,” Steven Barratt, an author at The Spectator, remarked.

      “If you think that saying it was satire will protect you, you was trying to incite violence against Donald Trump. Absolutely disgusting behavior,” another X user quipped.

      Previous Threats Against Trump

      This isn’t the first time high-profile individuals have made controversial or violent statements about Donald Trump. Comedian Kathy Griffin faced massive backlash in 2017 after a photo shoot in which she held up a bloodied replica of Trump’s severed head. The image was widely condemned, yet Griffin defended her actions as a form of political expression, only apologizing after significant public outcry.

      Similarly, in 2020, actor Johnny Depp made headlines when he insinuated that it had been a long time since an actor assassinated a president, referencing John Wilkes Booth’s assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Depp’s comments were also met with backlash, but like Griffin, he downplayed the seriousness of his statement. (RELATED: ‘Sopranos’ Star Spills Hollywood Secret In Fox News Interview)

      These examples underscore a disturbing pattern where violent rhetoric against Trump is often dismissed or excused, further polarizing an already divided political landscape.

      Article Published With The Permission of American Liberty News

      Dowdy Jill Biden Graces Cover Of Vogue, Supermodel Melania Trump Shunned


      ANALYSIS – Totally tone deaf. Just a little reminder of how ridiculously biased, partisan and idiotic our mainstream media has become, including the fluffy fashion forums.

      First Lady Jill Biden, the incredibly unstylish, power-hungry, social climbing, faux intellectual with an unserious Doctor of Education (EdD), has again graced the cover of Vogue magazine.

      This, her third time, right before the upcoming election. (RELATED: Poor Sign Placement Haunts Jill Biden At Hunter High School)

      The New York Post noted how remarkably out of touch the Biden White House is:

      After Biden’s horrific debate performance on Thursday, much of the media world reluctantly conceded that our 46th president looks like a lost toddler.

      And then there’s Vogue — which literally couldn’t stop the presses. The fashion-bible-turned-Dem-PR-machine was already rolling out its July issue, with cover model Jill Biden in a silk cream Ralph Lauren dress that retails for $4,990.

      Office of the President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

      The magazine landed on the internet Monday morning with a resounding, wincing thud.

      It was tone deaf. It was tacky — but this shoot and interview, conducted months ago, would have been messy even if the debate disaster had never happened.

      Fox News host Jimmy Failla on X had this to say about the horrible caregiver of the elderly and frail Joe Biden:

      Melania Trump is an actual super model who speaks 5 languages but she’s NEVER been on the cover of Vogue. Jill Biden commits vicious elder abuse on the world stage and now has two Vogue covers to show for it. Congrats Jill, you’ll be great in “The Devil Wears Depends.”

      Newsweek noted the backlash:

      Former NBC senior executive Mike Sington said, “First Lady Jill Biden appears on the cover of Vogue magazine, which seems like a good time to remind you that Melania Trump never appeared on the cover of Vogue when she was First Lady.”

      C.J. Pearson, a co-chair of the GOP Youth Advisory Council, said: “Outside of how tone deaf this following Joe Biden‘s disastrous debate performance, it is even more absurd that Jill Biden somehow graced the cover of Vogue and @MELANIATRUMP was never given the opportunity. Asinine even.”

      Another user on X noted: “She will NEVER be Melania.”

      Dr. Jill, as she insists on being called, first appeared on a Vogue cover in 2021 right after Joe Biden was inaugurated. She later appeared on the cover of the digital Winter 2023 issue. 

      Meanwhile, Melania Trump, an actual former supermodel who speaks several languages, and was exemplary, and always stylish and immaculately attired, as first lady is still shunned by the fashion world.

      Back in 2005, when she was getting married to The Donald, and well before Trump became president, Melania did get her own Vogue cover as Trump’s new bride. But oddly, she never again got a cover for Vogue or any other fashion, or mainstream magazine. (RELATED: Melania Trump Addresses Jan. 6 for First Time)

      Newsweek noted the backlash:

      Former NBC senior executive Mike Sington said, “First Lady Jill Biden appears on the cover of Vogue magazine, which seems like a good time to remind you that Melania Trump never appeared on the cover of Vogue when she was First Lady.”

      C.J. Pearson, a co-chair of the GOP Youth Advisory Council, said: “Outside of how tone deaf this following Joe Biden‘s disastrous debate performance, it is even more absurd that Jill Biden somehow graced the cover of Vogue and @MELANIATRUMP was never given the opportunity. Asinine even.”

      Another user on X noted: “She will NEVER be Melania.”

      The fact that she never landed a Vogue cover in her White House years was such a point of consternation that the former First Lady Trump criticized Wintour, who also serves as Condé Nast’s chief content officer, for it during a 2022 Fox News interview.

      WWD reported:

      As Jill Biden‘s role in encouraging President Joe Biden to stay in the presidential race — despite his lackluster performance in Thursday night’s debate with Donald Trump — continues to be hashed over in the media and around the globe, Vogue debuted its August issue with the first lady on its cover.

      In this already deeply divided country, the Condé Nast fashion magazine — intentionally or not — has ratcheted up the public dispute about Biden’s full-steam-ahead plans. As of Monday afternoon, Vogue‘s post of the first lady’s cover had 51,960 likes and 5,286 comments. The first lady donned an ivory Ralph Lauren Collection dress for the Norman Jean Roy-shot cover that accompanied Maya Singer’s interview.

      Of course, Vogue’s editorial direction is strongly liberal. WWD added:

      Requests for comment from Vogue’s global editorial director Anna Wintour and Singer through a Vogue spokesperson were declined. The company spokesperson said, “It’s no secret that Anna has been a supporter of Democratic campaigns for decades. Our August cover story is a look at the tremendous work Dr. Biden has done, and the most urgent issues in 2024 and beyond.”

      Meanwhile, a parting comment: Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt wrote, “Nice puff piece on the most valueless person in America and her bid to keep her corpse-like husband into the White House to stay relevant.”

      Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of Great America News Desk.

      Texas Rep. Files Resolution To Remove Biden

      Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

      Biden’s got to go…

      Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is crafting a resolution urging Vice President Harris to convene the Cabinet and declare President Biden unable to carry out the duties of the Oval Office after the poor debate performance Thursday.

      “I intend to put forth a resolution calling upon the @VP to immediately use her powers under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to convene & mobilize the principal officers of the Cabinet to declare the @POTUS is unable to successfully discharge the duties and powers of his office,” Roy wrote on X.

      Roy told reporters Friday morning that, ”I think anybody with eyes and anybody observing objectively last night saw an individual that is not capable of carrying out the duties the commander-in-chief in a world in which we’re, you know, facing increasing dangers.”

      He added, “for those of us who follow this stuff internally, it has been very clear the declining status of the of the capacity of the president, but last night put it all out for all to see. Our colleagues on their side of the aisle can’t hide from it. And frankly, I don’t do this through a political lens, right. I mean, I don’t view it through the lens of well, is the timing good and bad for what happens in November or anything else? It’s just the simple fact of the matter is the president United States is not capable of doing the job.”

      Section 4 of the 25th Amendment — which has never been used — says that if the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet or Congress deem the president as “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” the vice president should “immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

      “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President,” the amendment reads.

      Lisa Ferdinando via Wikimedia Commons

      Harris defended Biden’s debate performance on CNN immediately after Thursday night’s event, conceding he had a “slow start” but arguing he had a “strong finish” and had laid out a strong contrast between himself and Trump.


      Rep. Roy’s move is among the harshest responses to Thursday’s debate which has prompted widespread concern among Democrats.

      Several leading columnists for the New York Times are urging President Biden to drop out of the race, citing his poor performance during Thursday night’s debate.

      “President Biden is a good man who capped a long career in public service with a successful presidential term. But I hope he reviews his debate performance Thursday evening and withdraws from the race, throwing the choice of a Democratic nominee to the convention in August,” Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote.

      Thomas Friedman, another Times columnist, made a similar argument.

      “I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime,” he wrote, saying Biden “a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election.”

      Article Published With The Permission of American Liberty News