Home World Mexico’s President Speaks Out Over Trump’s Border Wall Plans

Mexico’s President Speaks Out Over Trump’s Border Wall Plans

Trump at the border wall via Wikimedia Commons

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thinks Trump is all talk…

During a recent interview,  President Obrador expressed doubts President Trump would follow through on his pledge to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border because of the two countries’ economic ties.

“Because we understood each other very well. We signed an economic, a commercial agreement that has been favorable for both peoples, for both nations. He knows it. And President Biden, the same,” he said in an interview released Sunday by CBS News’s “60 Minutes.”

When CBS reporter Sharyn Alfonsi asked López Obrador to respond to those who argue the wall “works,” he said a wall “doesn’t work,” adding he told then-President Trump the same during a phone call.

López Obrador said the two leaders agreed not to talk about the wall as they “were not going to agree” and the phone call was the only instance the two discussed it.

“That was the only time and I told him, ‘I am going to send you, Mr. President, some videos of tunnels from Tijuana up to San Diego, that passed right under U.S. Customs.’ He stayed quiet, and then he started laughing and told me, ‘I can’t win with you,’” López Obrador recalled.

The Hill has more:

In 2020, López Obrador — Mexico’s first leftist president in decades — said while he does not agree with Trump’s assertion the wall staved off COVID-19 transmission, he also would not publicly confront him over the claim.

López Obrador, at the time, asserted the relationship between the U.S. and his country was “very good” and emphasized the two nations “are not distant neighbors.”


  1. Mexico’s prez is surely owned by the cartels. When Trump is back in office I fully expect that he will explain to Mexico’s prez that he is only a little toady and must do what Trump says.

  2. Of course he doesn’t want a wall. If there is a wall it is harder for his cartels to move their drugs and smuggle people.

  3. Mexico president thinks Trump won’t build the wall. Also Mexico president sounds like he approves the tunnels.
    Mr president of Mexico Sir: when President Trump becomes President AGAIN, you may very well eat your words and your big EGO,.


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