Trump Calls to Primary Republican Senators Who Voted for Omnibus Spending Bill

    Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    Donald Trump has a strong message for Senate Republicans.

    The former President called for the ouster of roughly a third of the Republican Senate caucus following the passing of a massive $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill.

    According to Mediaite, Trump initially took to social media to congratulate Kevin McCarthy on becoming Speaker after 15 rounds of votes before changing his tune.

    He then turned his ire to “Mitch McConnell and his China flagrant boss, Coco Chow.” Of course he is making another racialized reference to Elaine Chao, who served as Secretary of Transportation in his own administration. “Something is wrong with McConnell, and those Republican Senators that Vote with him,” he wrote. “PRIMARY THEM ALL!!!”

    His full message reads:

    Great job Kevin! We must now stop Mitch McConnell and his China flagrant boss, Coco Chow. It’s as though he just doesn’t care anymore, he pushes through anything the Democrats want. The $1.7 TRILLION quickly approved Bill of the week before was HORRIBLE. Zero for USA Border Security. If he waited just ten days, the now “United Republican Congress” could have made it MUCH BETTER, or KILLED IT. Something is wrong with McConnell, and those Republican Senators that Vote with him. PRIMARY THEM ALL!!!

    Following is a list of the 18 Republican Senators who voted to pass the spending bill, however, Senators Blunt and Shelby have since retired.

    • Roy Blunt (Missouri)
    • John Boozman (Arkansas)
    • Shelley Capito (West Virginia)
    • Susan Collins (Maine)
    • John Cornyn (Texas)
    • Tom Cotton (Arkansas)
    • Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
    • Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)
    • Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
    • Jerry Moran (Kansas)
    • Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
    • Rob Portman (Ohio)
    • Mitt Romney (Utah)
    • Mike Rounds (South Dakota)
    • Richard Shelby (Alabama)
    • John Thune (South Dakota)
    • Roger Wicker (Mississippi)
    • Todd Young (Indiana)

    This story is developing. Click refresh for the latest details.


    1. I’m from Texas and have worked for years trying to get rid of Cornyn. He is definitely a RINO and needs to be primaried. The problem is too many people don’t pay enough attention to know how bad he truly is.

    2. I live in Texas and I see, which I would have guessed anyway that Cronyn, would vote to pass this port laiden bill. Im sure he will get his share like the other 18 swamp dwellers in the Senate.
      I will not vote for John and I will be loud and clear to as many people as possible to primary this RINO who has been a Senator too long.

    3. i would think your fellow Texas citizens would have axed him a long time ago ,simply on his anti gun stance , we have that problem here in Ohio , not upholding their sworn oath to uphold the constitution . some mite even call it criminal .

    4. As a fellow Texan, you are totally correct about Cornyn. He’s a Democrat running as a Republican. The sad part is Republicans still vote for him.


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