Trump Files Amicus Brief To ‘Immediately’ Stop Biden Sale Of Border Wall

    Trump at the border wall via Wikimedia Commons

    President-elect Donald Trump filed a legal brief in support of an effort by states to “immediately” stop the Biden administration’s sale of border wall materials, saying the action is “possibly criminal.” 

    On Thursday, Trump filed an amicus brief in support of a legal effort by Texas and Missouri who filed lawsuits earlier this week.

    According to Fox News, Texas and Missouri filed a motion earlier this week in a district court in the southern district of Texas to hold a status conference to determine if the government is in breach of the court’s permanent injunction from earlier this year. That injunction barred the Biden administration from using funds obligated for wall construction for anything other than that purpose. 

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    “The Court should issue an order directing the Defendants to immediately stop any ongoing sale of border-barrier materials to private parties pending the Court’s review of Defendant’s conduct, and the Court should swiftly conduct a searching examination of the Government’s conduct, by formal discovery if necessary, to examine the Government’s compliance with the law, the Constitution, and the Court’s injunction,” Trump’s amicus brief states. 

    The Biden administration has been auctioning off border wall parts since at least 2023, with parts listed for sale on auction marketplaces, after it abruptly shut down most border wall construction in 2021.

    Those auctions have continued, with border officials telling Fox that auctions now occur weekly and have been for some time. However, the practice made news last week, when The Daily Wire published video showing parts being transported and cited Border Patrol agents who said the goal was to clear them out before Christmas.

    Trump’s amicus brief states that if officials in the Biden administration are “deliberately selling off border-wall materials at a major financial loss to the Government to obstruct the pro-wall policy of Congress and President Trump, such conduct likely constitutes a criminal act, such as a conspiracy to defraud the United States.” 

    “At the very least, the reported conduct raises troubling concerns of potentially criminal behavior,” the filing states. 


    1. Great news! Texas & Missouri suing the corrupt Biden/Harris administration & then Trump jumping in to assist with his suit! I love it.


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