Home Media Democrat Governor Sparks Backlash After Labeling Trump Voters ‘Un-American’ and ‘Anti-Women’

Democrat Governor Sparks Backlash After Labeling Trump Voters ‘Un-American’ and ‘Anti-Women’

Governor Kathy Hochul and MTA Chair & CEO Janno Lieber make a subway safety announcement at the NYCT Rail Control Center (RCC) on Wednesday, Mar 6, 2024. (Marc A. Hermann / MTA)

Gov. Kathy Hochul called New Yorkers who vote for Republican House candidates “anti-American” and “anti-women” over the weekend, triggering immediate rage from people across both sides of the political aisle.

“If you’re voting for these Republicans in New York, you are voting for someone who supports Donald Trump and you’re anti-women, you’re anti-abortion, and basically, you’re anti-American,” Hochul said on MSNBC.


“You just trashed American values and what our country is all about — over and over.”

Republicans immediately blasted the governor over her latest insults and even Democrat strategists said demonizing a large segment of voters as anti-American was not helpful to their candidates. 

The New York Post has more:

“This is about as helpful as a severe migraine. It’s never a good thing to identify a large segment of voters as un-American,” said New York ex-Democratic Rep. Max Rose, who is aiding Democrats in House races.

“Kathy Hochul doesn’t represent a majority of Democrats — anywhere,” said Rose, who served one-term representing Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn.

State Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox fumed, “She’s smearing at least one half of American voters and all Trump voters.”

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-Hudson Valley) told The Post, “Governor Hochul has once again disgraced herself and the state of New York by calling supporters of some of the most bipartisan members of Congress ‘anti-American.’

“It’s shameful and wrong and shows exactly how much of a partisan hack Kathy Hochul really is. She must be voted out in November of 2026, but only after Republicans hold the House thanks to our New York GOP delegation.”

Republicans said the statement is so offensive and outrageous that it appears as if Hochul is angling for a future job in a Kamala Harris Administration because it is sure to hurt a re-election bid in 2026.

A Siena College poll released last month showed that only 36% of New Yorkers gave Hochul a favorable rating, while 51% viewed her unfavorably.


  1. If this is them “bringing us together”, I’d hate to see what would happen if they didn’t like us. So much for “joy”.

    • Bob – we will likely see just how ‘unifying’ they really are tomorrow (or whenever the votes get ‘counted’). Good example of how they will operate is how the ‘fans’ in LA ‘celebrated’ the dodgers world series win.

    • They called it “Joy” when they believed they were winning. Now they know they are on the skids, losing and desperate, their true colors come shining through. That governor has shown she is anti-American and is basically just a little communist dictator wannabe. She’s a sorry excuse for an American on any level.

  2. She fits the profile very well! Sick, demented and the epitome of that that does not even represent her own party. I know a lot of dems and friends with most and none of them would vote for her, however they did vote for Newsome so perhaps I’m wrong.

  3. I find it sad in a way that the Democrats(now Communists) can’t have an agenda to sell to their voters and have to use derogative and outright evil words to call the opposite voters.All they got is abortion of fetuses and even kill born alive babies.That should tell a lot about them as party


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