Home Media Trump Declines To Name JD Vance His Successor During Fox News Interview

Trump Declines To Name JD Vance His Successor During Fox News Interview

Presidential debate photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

In what some are claiming is a dig at his vice president, Trump declined to explicitly name JD Vance as his successor during his recent interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier.

In a clip from his interview with the president that aired Monday afternoon on Fox, Baier asked “Do you view Vice President JD Vance as your successor, the Republican nominee in 2028?”

“No, but he’s very capable,” answered Trump decisively. “I mean, I don’t think that it, you know, I think you have a lot of very capable people. So far, I think he’s doing a fantastic job. It’s too early, we’re just starting.”

“But by the time you get to the midterms, he’s going to be looking for an endorsement,” observed Baier.

Trump then deflected by submitting that “a lot of people have said that this has been the greatest opening almost three weeks in the history of the presidency.”

On Monday, Baier weighed in on the answer:

I think it was a little shocking when he said no, you know, I wasn’t expecting that. But, you know, following up, it is you know, once you get to the midterm, it starts, you start to think about 2028. And obviously, one would think JD Vance is going to be trying to position for that role. But clearly, the president is not ready to talk about that, or think about it, and says that there are other other people that may get in the mix.




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