Home Media Why 2 Media Pundits Want Biden To Pardon Trump

Why 2 Media Pundits Want Biden To Pardon Trump

Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

President Biden has an opportunity here…

Chris Cuomo and Stephen A. Smith joined together this week and suggested President Joe Biden give a pardon to President-elect Donald Trump after offering one to his son Hunter Biden over the weekend.

Smith joined Cuomo on Monday evening to break down the news. Biden’s decision to pardon his son has faced backlash in light of the fact that the president previously said he would not take such action.


“You know what else Biden should do? And I know people are going to get upset about this, but just think about it before you go crazy on me — not you, everybody else,” Cuomo told Smith. “If I were he, I would pardon Trump. I would say, this has got to stop.”

Smith was in full agreement with Cuomo, telling Democrats it’s time to move on and focus on future elections.

“Chris, that’s exactly what I would do, that’s exactly what I would do. Enough’s enough,” the sports broadcaster said. “You know what? You’re the Democrats, you lost the election, you got your butt whipped, you could have prevented him from going back to the White House.”

Smith added it’s “time to move forward,” as any lingering investigations into Trump will die when he steps back into office.

“You want to get at Trump? Sit back and judge what he does,” he said. “Guess what? You’ve got a midterm election in two years. Are you going to be ready?”


  1. Pardon the real President Trump for what – the BS that Biden and the deep state clowns threw at Trump in the last 8 years, Russia, Russia, Russia, which was Clinton’s and DNC project to destroy him, so they thought, but it back fired big time.

  2. If I were Trump I’d tell FJB to shove his pardon up his a$$….I dont believe President Trump would accept one from him anyway, he did NOTHING to be pardoned for!


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