Home News Campaign Launches ‘Republicans For Harris’ Initiative

Campaign Launches ‘Republicans For Harris’ Initiative

Mike Pence via Gage Skidmore Flickr

On Sunday, the Kamala Harris campaign announced the launch of a controversial new initiative “Republicans For Harris” boasting a number of high-profile conservatives.

The campaign announced Sunday that Trump-era White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye, ex-national security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, also endorsed Harris.

“I encourage other Trump administration officials who saw the tyrant we worked for in office to speak out and stand with Kamala Harris this November to keep integrity in the White House and ensure democracy for our country,” Grisham said in a statement.

Troye added, “The stakes are too high to let partisanship jeopardize our freedoms and the Constitution.”

Other endorsements came from former GOP Govs. Bill Weld (Mass.), Christine Todd Whitman (N.J.) and Jim Edgar (Ill.), the campaign announced Sunday. It also highlighted that former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) endorsed Harris after backing Biden.

“Donald Trump’s MAGA extremism is toxic to the millions of Republicans who no longer believe the party of Donald Trump represents their values and will vote against him again in November,” Austin Weatherford, Harris’s national director for Republican outreach, said in a statement.

He added, “Donald Trump said he doesn’t want these voters, but Vice President Harris and our campaign are working overtime to earn the support of my fellow Republicans who care about defending democracy and restoring decency — all of which would be torn away in a second Trump presidency.”

On Sunday, former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) also endorsed Vice President Harris’s bid for president and warned sending former President Trump back to the White House “would endanger U.S. citizens.”

“I’m on here. Yep,” Riggleman said on the social platform X in a post that included the “Republicans for Harris” press release.

Riggleman pointed to the events of Jan. 6, 2021 — when a violent mob of Trump supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol — to explain his reasoning behind the endorsement. Riggleman was endorsed by Trump in two separate campaigns, but he broke with the former president on Jan. 6.

“I’ve seen the data from J6. Trump & his minions are dangerous. The same folks who pushed J6 push Project 2025,” Riggleman said. “A 2nd Trump term would endanger US citizens — and create global chaos.”

“Sanity should be the baseline. Criminals should be discounted,” he added, before tagging the Republicans for Harris X account.


  1. That really surprises me. Pence is a deeply religious man, for him to endorse Harris, who is for sure not deeply religious, is very surprising. Our country will not realize what has happened to it under Harris until it is too late.

  2. Pathetic how these disgruntled employees are acting out like spoiled children. What the issue is they couldn’t handle how Trump(s) wanted things done, so now they want to call him/her names to try and belittle him/her. All I can do is laugh at them and their samll mindedness. And here Pence calles himself a Christian…..not even close. He is an abomination to the Lord our God!

  3. Well I hope all you RINOs will be happy if you manage to elect Giggles Harris. The primary job she was given by Biden was the border and look at what a mess that is today. At times she cannot put a simple sentence together and you want her representing the U.S. on the world stage. When she doesn’t know the answer to a question she just starts giggling.

    As for the disgruntled employees, maybe they were expecting a cushy government job and didn’t realize someone was going to expect them to actually work.

  4. If that bunch of turncoats was on fire across the street, I would pull out and pee on MY side and SPIT in the middle! Worthless wastes of skin and oxygen!

  5. These people are nothing but sorry-ass traitors and should be scorned to high-heaven—— they don’t care about this country because they are all s filled with TDS HATRED. This country is hanging on the brink and its the likes of these so called Americans that are hell-bent on pushing us completely over the cliff !!!! St. Peter is going to have a long, long line to turn away at the “PEARLY GATES”


    The photo shows Pence, but it if FORMER PENCE ADVISOR – Olivia Troye, ex-national security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, also endorsed Harris.

    BAIT AND SWITCH “news”

    AND LMAO – Chrstine Whiman NJ LMAO I didn’t even know she was still alive.

    Christine Todd Whitman is a prominent American politician and author who served as the 50th Governor of New Jersey from 1994 to 2001 and as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2003 – She’s WAY in retirement.

    Who CARES what SHE thinks. Go have some cocoa, Granny.

    Ditto on Edgar – James Edgar (born July 22, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 38th governor of Illinois from 1991 to 1999.

    I lived in both NJ and IL when these 2 were in office. NO ONE CARES WHAT THEY THINK 25 YEARS LATER. Stay retired and Shut up. You are not relevent

  7. Talk about a bunch of Benedict Arnolds…..

    Waltz stood by and watched his State and Cities get Looted, Pillaged and BURNED to the ground by RIOTERS….. he did NOTHING…. and Kamala Harris was helping get those RIOTERS OUT of Jail…

    Do Democrats, much less American Citizens, really want to have someone in office that help get Criminals OUT of Jail and stand by as America BURNS ???


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