Home News Former Fox News Star Flatlines During CNN Debut

Former Fox News Star Flatlines During CNN Debut

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Did you tune in to watch Chris Wallace crash and burn with CNN?

The former Fox News host officially made his debut on CNN and the ratings are in, Wallace absolutely crashed and burned according to The Washington Examiner.

Nielsen Media Research tracked ratings for Wallace’s show, Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace, which debuted on CNN Sunday. The ratings show that there were 401,000 viewers, down 29% from the average, and 44,000 among those aged 25 to 54, down 64% from the average.

Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy, a long-standing Fox News program that aired at the same time as Wallace’s, received 1.3 million viewers and 78,000 viewers aged 25 to 54.

Wallace announced his departure from Fox News last December after working for the network for 18 years.

“After 18 years — this is my final FOX News Sunday. It is the last time — and I say this with real sadness — we will meet like this. Eighteen years ago, the bosses here at Fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest I booked or a question I asked. And they kept that promise. I have been free to report to the best of my ability, to cover the stories I think are important, to hold our country’s leaders to account. It’s been a great ride,” Wallace said on the day of his departure.

Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace’s Sunday night premiere featured an interview with former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who said he was not happy with the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. He told Wallace that he “did everything I could to persuade people.”

“You start writing too rigidly and you will see: The world will come around and bite you in the back,” the former justice said during the interview.


  1. Fox News carried the liberal Wallace far too long. He thought he was popular, but just got a dose of reality.
    I always turned him off when he was on Fox.

  2. His own hubris led him into it. He has never been in tune with viewers and programming at Fox, it just didn’t feel right to him. These are his own words. Now it is, this is where his comfort level is. Good riddance, it couldn’t happen to more arrogant leftist agenda driven agitator.

  3. Chris Wallace is biased all the way don’t like his reporting because it’s not a report it what he wants you to believe because he does. Real jerk during The Trump debate

  4. No one is interfering with Wallace, Fox News or viewers, he is free like he wanted! How does that feel, Mr. Wallace, you wish is our command.

  5. I watched Chris Wallace on Fox till I really noticed how far left he was, then I tuned out. When I heard he was going to CNN, I said to myself, he will soon find out just how “dumb” the left is…not only do they report the wrong things to the public, they believe them as well….that proved to be right as the rating showed…..the sad thing is people on the left don’t know…but yet they vote…proof is in the White House right now…..the left……people with no knowledge but think they have what it takes to run a country……to prove my point, I have a friend that is far left….I asked her to name one Supreme Court Justice……her reply..Judge Judy……and the sad thing is shee votes…there’s your problem……

  6. Thank the Lord that Breyer got out. When he speaks about “writing too rigidly,” I guess we can assume he means following the Constitution as it is written. And since the word “penumbra” appears no place in the Constitution, the Roe decision was based on vapors. And of course, let’s not forget that “Jane Roe” admitted some years ago that she lied in her testimony re the Roe v. Wade case.

  7. Good comeuppance for Wallace. He received what he asked for! He never reported the news, just his skewed opinions. What reallly sunk him was how he handled the Trump/Biden debate! He wouldn’t let Trump ask Biden anything, and interjected HIS opinions! Good riddance to a loser! Guess his next gig will be flipping burgers at Burger King, IF they will hire him, lol!

  8. Good riddance to that far left hack. He showed his already deep blue colors when he soft balled Clinton at the Presidential debates ,and treated Trump like an ugly stepchild. Well there is always a local station looking for a coffee boy!


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