Home 2024 Governor Says Kamala Destined For Failure If She Can’t Win This State

Governor Says Kamala Destined For Failure If She Can’t Win This State

Georgia National Guard from United States, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Georgia Governor Bian Kemp (R) says Kamala won’t make it to the White House without the Peach State. During an interview, the Republican governor insisted “the road to the White House is going to run through Georgia” 

Kemp, interviewed Tuesday on the eve of Vice President Harris’ two-day bus swing through Georgia, said his state “should be one that we win if we have all the mechanics that we need. And I’m working hard to help provide those in a lot of ways and turn the Republican vote out.”

“It’s my belief that we cannot afford four more years of [President] Joe Biden and Kamala Harris or Kamala Harris and [Minnesota Gov.] Tim Walz, which I think would probably be worse than even Biden and Harris were,” Kemp said.

The governor was interviewed a couple of days after Trump praised Kemp in a social media post “for all of your help and support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our Party and, most importantly, our Country.”

“I look forward to working with you, your team, and all of my friends in Georgia to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” the Republican presidential nominee added.

Republican strategists agree that to recapture Georgia, Trump will need assistance from Kemp’s well-oiled and funded political machine to turn out GOP voters.

Kemp said he’s “working hard” to “turn the Republican vote out and make sure that we win this state in November.”

“How that looks and how that goes will really be up to kind of how things play out and what states are in play and who’s going where and when,” Kemp added.

“I’ve got other responsibilities in my duties with the Republican Governors Association, traveling around the country helping to raise money to win North Carolina and hold New Hampshire in our column and also helping our legislative races here.”



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