Home News MAGA Congresswoman Files Impeachment Resolution Against AG Garland

MAGA Congresswoman Files Impeachment Resolution Against AG Garland

Chuck Kennedy for The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has had enough…

Reports indicate the pro-Trump lawmaker is planning to introduce articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday.

“In his conduct as Attorney General of the United States, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of the Attorney General of the United States, and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the Constitution of the United States, Merrick Brian Garland continues to materially endanger the justice system of the United States and empower President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to persecute his political adversaries at will,” the articles read.

In a press release exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital, Greene accused Garland of weaponizing the Justice Department (DOJ) which has resulted in a “two-tiered justice system.”

“Garland has used the FBI as a personal police force for his boss, Joe Biden,” Greene wrote. “From investigating parents who protest their local school boards, to going after pro-life activists and Catholics, to persecuting former and future President Donald J. Trump, Merrick Garland’s corruption knows no bounds.”

“Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists have caused billions of dollars of damage to property,” she continued. “Instead of prosecuting these crimes, Garland has persecuted Americans who engaged in legitimate political protest, people who were overwhelmingly nonviolent.”

The move comes after the Georgia Congresswoman introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday.


  1. You go, Girl!!! This whole Biden Administration is EVIL TO THE CORE!!!! To start, not one of them are trained to fill the positions they were appointed to. They prove it daily by all the mistakes and fumbling and errors made daily! Our country is falling apart around us. Biden saying he will be transparent and unite us is anything BUT!!! Listen to the speech he gave to the esteemed graduates at Howard University this weekend, saying the biggest danger they have to face is “white supremacy “… REALLY???? And this man, China Joe, is unable to stand and have a question and answer session with the press, the WHOLE PRESS, and give honest, TRUE ANSWERS. A “ fake” President put in place through a “ fake” election” and all his “ fake toy play partners” and adversarial enemies paying him and his family. What we are living through is the dismantling of AMERICA… our beloved country.

  2. Thank You Congresswoman Greene for putting this into action !!! They both are corrupt and the world knows it ,along with Biden and his whole Section 8 administration !! Lock em all up until a Military Court can hand out their punishment for Treason, Election Fraud ( hiding evidence from voters ) Sedition and more . Take em out front to their gallows o the White House Lawn so we’re positive it’s them , not some dumb double looking like them!!


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