Home News Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Andy Biggs Speakership Challenge

Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Andy Biggs Speakership Challenge

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Conservative radio host Mark Levin didn’t hold anything back when he hosted Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs on his show this week.

Shortly after Rep. Biggs announced in an op-ed his plan to challenge House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for the Speakership in January Levin accused him of being a fraud.

“A phony, a fake, and a fraud, in my humble opinion!” Levin said of Biggs.

The conservative pundit didn’t shy away from insulting the House Freedom Caucus chair while introducing him to the audience.

“He appears on cable from time to time with that goofball look. He’s barely able to complete sentences,” Levin said.

Levin noted that while he considers himself a “strong critic” of McCarthy, slammed Biggs as a minor lawmaker attempting to “create drama” to win himself attention. 

“I don’t know if McCarthy will turn out to be the greatest Speaker in American history or the worst Speaker in history. That can dealt with after the fact, but right now Biggs is deceiving his constituents, deceiving the American people that he has some plan to go forward,” Levin continued.

“We’re losing our country. It’s unraveling, and Andy Biggs is not the answer and he doesn’t have any answers. He’s a moron. He’s an imbecile,” he said.

Levin later topped all his Biggs insults by throwing out the whopper: “He’s a bleeding hemorrhoid on the body politic!”

The barbs didn’t end after the radio program though, the two conservatives clashed in a Twitter spat too, with both competing to see who could brand the other a bigger a “fraud.”

What do you think of Biggs’ latest challenge? Tell us in the comments below!


  1. Levin is right ! Biggs is not our answer. I’m not sure McCarthy is and I’m mad at him for assuming he is going to be chosen and acting like Pelosi ! You’d think he had the gavel in his hand already. Biggs should not be in congress any longer – hopefully he will choose to follow a good conservative for the most part Gosar minus his disregard of our wild horses & burros. Why is it the GOP can’t find a way to stand together like Democrats to really push their message(s) across. The in fighting is killing the party and the backstabbing is going to help destroy our nation!

  2. Levin is absolutely right. Why can’t the Republicans
    stand together united just for once???? We have the
    best, but GOP seems to always fight among themselves.
    Unite you Republicans and back each other for our Country’s

  3. McCarthy did not keep his part of the deal to get voted in as speaker. He got called out, so I have to give those 8 credit for putting themselves on the line by doing that. It took some courage for Gaetz and the rest of the crew to do what they did, didn’t it?


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