Home News Piers Morgan Bets Former White House Official $1000 Trump Will Win Election

Piers Morgan Bets Former White House Official $1000 Trump Will Win Election


Ex-White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci is putting his money where his mouth is…

Recently, Scaramucci bet journalist Piers Morgan’s $1000 bet that his old boss, former President Donald Trump, would lose the 2024 presidential election.

Citing the tweet during an interview on his show Piers Morgan Uncensored on Monday night, the host asked: “Do you stand by it? And if you do, will you accept a $1000 bet from me right now that Trump isn’t going to pull out?”

Hesitant, Scaramucci replied: “Well, I’ll bet you $1000 on the election, I don’t know if I’m going to bet on the pullout. I mean, he’s got to drop more substantially in the polls.”

Expanding on his answers he continued to outline the gap in polling numbers between the two candidates: “You know, he’s down with the likely voters. If she opens up a lead, 12 to 15 points, he’s not going to want to lose to her. He’s the worst presidential candidate for the Republicans since Herbert Hoover. He’s lost the House, the Senate and the presidency. And if [Florida Governor Ron] DeSantis or Nikki Haley were running against Kamala Harris, they’d probably be up 10 or 15. So we’ll have to see. But on likely voters, he’s already down six. And I like her momentum.”


He added: “I understand all the issues that you’re raising related to her. But unfortunately, there’s only two choices. There’s him and her. And I think I would implore people to read H.R. McMaster’s book if they get a chance, because he’s very honest and very objective about the insanity that is Donald Trump.”

Seeing the bet as non-viable, Morgan pivoted to the election bet, which the ex-Trump staffer accepted.

“A thousand dollars on the election,” Scaramucci said. “I got Kamala. You can take the orange man if you want. I’m done on that part.”

Morgan accepted too: “I’ll tell you what, we’ll make you for charity. We’ll make you for charity. I’ll take that bet. I still think Trump’s going to win. I’m not an American citizen. I don’t have a vote. I don’t have a horse in the race. I just think reality is going to kick in.”


  1. Anyone voting for Harris has rocks in their head. She is dumb, has no platform other socialism, and is a real threat to our country. So, dumheads you go ahead and vote for her, the absolute worst presidential candidate in American history.

  2. Piers should’ve said ‘I’m not a citizen, I don’t have a vote…unlike the thousands of non-citizens that already have drivers licenses and ARE registered to vote, and the millions of undocumented illegals that Pelosi and Harris want to “…move to ‘documented’ “.


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