Home 2024 Report: Christie Dropping Out Of 2024 Race

Report: Christie Dropping Out Of 2024 Race

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New reports indicate former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is planning to end his presidential campaign very soon.

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Journalist Mark Halperin broke the news on his Substack after speaking with two anonymous sources.

Halperin wrote that the Christie campaign was expected to make an announcement at 5 p.m. Eastern time. Christie is not expected to immediately announce an endorsement.

This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates.


  1. For most Americans and especially Patriots, it can’t be a moment too soon. He can just roll over and act like he never was a candidate (since he really was). He was, by his own statements, just out to stop Trump, not really run for anything. Of course, I don’t think he could run any away. He might just roll along.


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