Home News Trump Endorses New RNC Chair, Announces Family Member’s Campaign For VP

Trump Endorses New RNC Chair, Announces Family Member’s Campaign For VP

Ronna McDaniel via Gage Skidmore Flickr

On Monday evening, former President Donald Trump announced he is endorsing North Carolina GOP chair Michael Whatley, daughter-in-law Lara Trump, and campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita to lead the Republican National Committee (RNC).

“Michael has been with me from the beginning, has done a great job in his home state of North Carolina, and is committed to election integrity, which we must have to keep fraud out of our election, so it can’t be stolen,” Trump said.

Whatley has served as the North Carolina GOP chair since 2019. Whatley also serves as the general counsel for the Republican National Committee. 

The rival Democratic National Committee reacted to the news with an email statement titled “Donald Trump Endorses Extreme Election Denier To Lead the RNC.”

Along with endorsing Whatley for the top leadership position in the committee, Trump announced plans for his daughter-in-law Lara Trump to run as co-chair of the RNC.

“Lara is an extremely talented communicator and is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for,” the former president said. “She has told me she wants to accept this challenge and would be GREAT!”

Trump also revealed that he had asked his senior adviser Chris LaCivita “to assume the role of, in effect, Chief Operating Officer” of the RNC, and that LaCivita would “manage the RNC’s day-to-day operations.”

“This group of three is highly talented, battle-tested, and smart. They have my complete and total endorsement to lead the Republican National Committee,” concluded Trump. “Every penny will be used properly. New Day.”

The former president also said the three individuals are “highly talented, battle-tested, and smart,” adding they have his “complete and total endorsement” to lead the RNC.


  1. I am very disappointed that Trump endorsed a BUSH BOY who is solidly in that camp.
    I had hoped after McConnell and Graham proved that RINOs were not to be trusted; that he would have learned from that.

    At least Lara Trump is a good choice.


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