Home News Trump Files Lawsuit Against New York Attorney General

Trump Files Lawsuit Against New York Attorney General

Alec Perkins from Hoboken, USA, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump filed a new lawsuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James as he seeks to halt her attempts to appoint a watchdog to review a revocable trust Trump uses to manage his assets.

According to The Hill, Trump filed a 41-page lawsuit with Florida’s Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court accusing AG James of embarking on a “crusade” against him as he seeks to stop the Democrat from imposing restrictions on his business and personal life. In the Florida lawsuit, Trump claims there would be a deprivation of privacy and property rights if James gains control over his personal revocable trust.

Pending the outcome of the lawsuit, James asked a court to appoint an independent watchdog that would review the Trump’s financial procedures and disclosures, including for the movement of any assets.

Last week Trump retaliated and filed a lawsuit in a Manhattan court seeking to stop AG James from appointing the monitoring agent, which he says would “nationalize his company” in violation of the constitution.

“Crooked and highly partisan James now thinks it is the business of the State of New York to go after my revocable trust and pry into my private estate plan,” Trump wrote, “only to look for ways to recklessly injure me, my family, my businesses, and my tens of millions of supporters.

“If I were not elected President of the United States, and now leading in the polls by substantial margins against both Democrats and Republicans, this would not be happening,” the former president wrote.

A spokesperson for the Attorney General’s Office said “multiple judges have dismissed Donald Trump’s baseless attempts to evade justice, and no number of lawsuits will deter us from pursuing this fraud.”

“We sued Donald Trump because he committed extensive financial fraud,” the spokesperson said. “That fact hasn’t changed, and neither will our resolve to ensure that no matter how powerful or political one might be, no one is above the law.”

In September, James filed a lawsuit against the Trump Organization and three of Trump’s children seeking $250 million for alleged tax fraud.

Read Trump’s lawsuit below:


  1. Mr. Trump is the most investigated man in history, excepting perhaps Jesus Christ. They have never found any crime for which to indite him. It amazes me that any man can withstand the very political crusade against that man the Progressive been after since he announced for president.
    This lawsuit against James, the NY Attorney General, is well warranted for her hounding of perhaps the cleanest Politian to come out of that city in decades or even in a century.

  2. While criminals are roaming the streets in New York this incompetent and moronic civil servant is possessed with destroying Donald Trump. Somewhere in the New York Constitution there must and should be a law that prohibits the harassment of private citizens. So if she isn’t doing her lawful duty then she should be removed NOW. New York, make that happen.

  3. We can only hope she is flatly denied what she’s asking for and in such away that it invites public humiliation.
    Furthermore, when all is said and done and she’s no longer holding any office in New York President Trump will pursue her just as vehemently as she has him in the past by filing lawsuits that force her to respond to them and that will bear out her own willful conduct to try and find a crime to prosecute rather than prosecuting a crime.This may lead to Presidents Trumps Lawyers to be able to win Attorneys fees which would be substantial if your allowed to include all the fees President Trumps Lawyers have incurred in defending the spurious charges brought by attorney Letticia James against a man that’s faced the wrath of the entire democratic party’s substantial forces in and out of the government from the Meullar investigation to FBI illegal wire taps and lying to the FISA court the crooked DOJ and the rest of the 3 letter departments in the government that have been mustered with the singl purposed focus of one goal to bring down a President.
    This has been going on since before 2016 and continues to this this date unabated. I can only hope an pray that President Trump gets elected one more time and that he will bring to bear upon those in our government that sought to betray not just a duly elected official but to usurp the government an use it for its on nefarious means. This will probably mean sweeping out 1,000 government workers not just their bosses or leaders the excuse “I was just following orders” will not exempt anyone from the crimes that were committed.
    After the dust settles the American people will realize that the behemoth is no longer a menace or needed that the American people can have a fully functioning government with good loyal American citizens that we can trust that will work and can do their job competently.
    I could go on but I’ve said enough to get the ball rolling it’s up to 45 to take it from Good Luck to you 47.


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