Home News Trump’s Nephew Declares Support For Kamala Harris

Trump’s Nephew Declares Support For Kamala Harris

(Los Angeles - EUA, 09/06/2022) Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro, durante Sessão Plenária de Abertura da IX Cúpula das Américas..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

Recently, Donald Trump’s nephew Fred announced he will vote for Kamala Harris this November.

“I believe in policy over politics, and without question, Kamala Harris’s policies are what I get behind,” he said in an interview on “The View.” “So I will be voting for Kamala Harris.” 

“And if I’m asked, I will campaign for her without hesitation,” he added.

Fred Trump and his sister, Mary, have been vocal critics of their uncle.

 In an ABC News interview earlier Tuesday, he called the former president’s way of doing things “complex and sometimes cruel.”

Fred Trump was promoting his new book, “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way,” which features “never-before-told stories” about the Trump family and Fred Trump’s complex relationship with the former president. 

During one of his trips to the Oval Office, Fred Trump claimed his uncle suggested those with disabilities “should just die.” He said a similar incident occurred on a phone call with Trump to tell him the medical fund set up by the family for his son, William, who has a disability, was running low.

Fred Trump claimed the President then reportedly told his nephew his son “doesn’t recognize you. Let him die and move to Florida.”

Trump communications director Steven Cheung denied Fred Trump’s claims in a statement to The Hill.

“This is completely fabricated and total fake news of the highest order,” he said. “It is appalling a lie so blatantly disgusting can be printed in media. Anyone who knows President Trump knows he would never use such language, and false stories like this have been thoroughly debunked.


  1. “I believe in policy over politics, and without question, Kamala Harris’s policies are what I get behind,”
    Nice of her to disclose her policies to Fred Trump. The rest of dupes can’t get behind kamala’s policies because we don’t know what they are anymore than we knew Biden’s policies or the DNC’s. It is always tell people what they want to hear e.g. when I am president it will be sunshine and roses every day of the week and I will make sure the lawn gets the rain in the middle of the night. Then it is thunderstorms and lightning strikes everyday the are actually in office and they blame it on Global Warm…ahh they really meant climate change all along and of course the Legacy media will be sure to tell the post 1990 public school “gradiate” that they can blame the climate on Republicans.

  2. money money money

    Apparently FRED was looking for handouts from Uncle Donald. And is now sellng a book.

    Guess he isn’t going to be in the LWT. and rightly so


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