Home Opinion Did Biden Appoint a Chinese Mole? GOP Lawmakers Demand FBI Investigate

Did Biden Appoint a Chinese Mole? GOP Lawmakers Demand FBI Investigate

Joe Biden via Gage Skidmore Flickr

ANALYSIS – While Joe Biden’s weak response to the Chinese spy balloon that crossed the entire country before being shot down has put him under pressure, Biden is now also under fire for possibly appointing a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mole to a U.S. government post focused on Asia.

And several Republican lawmakers are demanding the FBI investigate.

The suspected Chinese communist mole, or spy, is Dominic Ng, CEO of East West Bank, appointed by Biden to represent the U.S. at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray the lawmakers wrote: “We request the FBI investigate and provide a report to Congress on the extent of Mr. Ng’s knowledge of sensitive information, as well as any potential violations of The Espionage Act.” 

The lawmakers add: “The Biden Administration has allowed the CCP to infiltrate the third-party sector and, consequently, political leaders that have existing relationships to these groups and are privy to U.S. intelligence.”

According to the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF), Ng is a current and former member of two alleged front groups serving a “Chinese intelligence service.”

According to the Daily Caller: “Ng served as ‘executive director’ of the China Overseas Exchange Association until 2017 and still serves in that capacity at the related China Overseas Friendship Association, according to DCNF translations of those groups’ archived rosters.”

Multiple China intelligence analysts have identified these two entities as front groups for China’s United Front Work Department (UFWD), a Chinese intelligence service.

UFWD is tasked with infiltrating U.S. and other foreign political parties, conducting ‘influence’ operations, and collecting intelligence.

In 2020, Ng helped grease the wheels for his appointment by donating $100,000 to the Biden Victory Fund and $35,500 to the Democratic National Committee in 2020.

The Daily Caller reports that Ng’s CCP ties first came under scrutiny in April 2022, when Biden appointed the banker to a one-year position representing the U.S. on the Business Advisory Council of APEC, soon after he made his large political donations. 

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio called Ng’s alleged CCP ties “beyond disturbing and concerning” in a Feb. 10 tweet. 

Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden told the DCNF: “President Biden ignored Dominic Ng’s extensive ties to the CCP and Chinese intelligence groups, happily took his campaign donations, and in return appointed a possible Chinese spy to a senior government position.” 

Gooden added that Ng was “compromised at best and a traitor at worst.”

But this one appointee is only the tip of the Chinese infiltration of the U.S. political system, primarily via the Democrat Party in California. 

We all know California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, who was compromised by an attractive female Chinese spy aptly called Fang Fang, even as he served on the House Intelligence Committee.

The letter notes how other influential Democrat politicians from California may also be linked to the CCP:

Prior to his appointment to APEC, California Democratic Representative Judy Chu advocated for Mr. Ng’s nomination to be the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. Like Mr. Ng, California Representative Judy Chu is the “honorary president” for the All America Chinese Youth Federations (AACYF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to strengthen the social impact of the Chinese community within the U.S.

However, under Representative Chu’s tenure, five of AACYF’s leaders have been alleged members of organizations belonging to UFWD.

The letter signed by six Republican members of Congress, Lance Gooden and Keith Self of Texas, Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Ben Cline of Virginia and Doug LaMalfa of California, adds: 

China has proved themselves as our greatest adversary and foreign competitor, and yet our leaders continuously jeopardize U.S. national security by allowing the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to infiltrate our third-party sector and federal government.

The letter continues: “This lack of scrutiny should be promptly evaluated, and the Biden Administration should take immediate steps to ensure blunders like this will not happen again.”

“These are incredibly troubling disclosures,” Tiffany told the DCNF. “The FBI ought to be taking a very serious look at them.”

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  1. What would u expect,with his ties to china,traitor,joe put in a undercover spy, of CCP, ino our government to do more damage to America. This is more than a sell out,this person needs to be investigated, This is unexceptable and the repukes better check into this unbelievable idiotic,disturbing,betrayal. insane

  2. The FBI will do nothing. They went along with Obama’s order to help agencies purge all info about people who had ties to radical Muslim groups.

  3. This administration is a continuation of the Obama Soros administration, trying to destroy America as we know it
    Democrats are so filthy and are in lockstep so what else can we expect

  4. The FBI the doj the CIA the whole corrupt Biden communist pedophile regime needs to be put down like rabid dogs Democrats are very disgusting creatures they don’t even know what sex they are they are so confused they should all move to North Korea or China where they would be very happy and take their worthless families with them we do not need these communist pedophiles in America we need to have World War 3 and take these communist pedophiles out

  5. Joe must go! Either by resignation, retirement, 25th Amendment, or impeachment. He has done nothing but foul-up our government and spend trillions of dollars on poppy-cock.

  6. What does one logically expect from the Manchurian candidate Chao Bai Deng? And he is already up to his eyebrows in the classified documents scandal. If Napoleon had his Waterloo and Nixon had his Watergate, certainly Brandon has his Document-gate. Question is, what will be done about it? I would predict: ZILCH. Because Brandon is protected by Balack Obama’s Deep State.


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