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Trump To Participate With CNN

CNN Headquarters via Wikimedia Commons

Former President Trump will participate in a CNN town hall event.

Trump, who last fall became the first Republican to officially seek the party’s nomination for president, will sit for the event in New Hampshire next week according to the network.

The event, which will take place at St. Anselm College, will be moderated by CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins and air at 9 p.m. Eastern.

The network said it will fill the venue with a live audience of New Hampshire Republican and undeclared voters who say they intend to vote in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary. 

Trump’s decision to sit with CNN for a town-hall-style event is a significant departure from his usual appearances on Fox News and smaller conservative channels such as Newsmax and OAN.

Trump has not participated in a town-hall-style interview in more than two years, his last sitting was with NBC’s Savanah Guthrie late in 2020.

Amanda Head: KISS Frontman Slams Trans Inc


Finally, some common sense coming out of Hollywood…

The frontman of the famous rock band KISS has a message for parents trying to navigate the confusing woke gender mob.

Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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Leaked Footage Shows Tucker Carlson Decimating Network’s Streaming Service

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Newly leaked footage from the set of Tucker Carlson’s Fox Nation show revealed the former host trashing the network’s streaming platform.

The footage was leaked to watchdog group Media Matters and shows Carlson on the phone with an unidentified person while on the set of his Tucker Carlson Today program.

“I don’t want to be a slave to Fox Nation, which I don’t think that people watch anyway,” Carlson said on the call, which was on speaker phone. “We’re gonna — because, you know, I’m like a representative of the American media now, speaking to an exile in Romania and welcoming him back into the brotherhood of journalists.”

The back and forth appeared to pertain to Carlson’s wardrobe for the interview.

“Yeah. It would help us out if you wore a sweater though, because we asked him not to wear a suit,” an unidentified voice said on the call. “Like he was panicking about it and we said, ‘You don’t have to. Tucker’s gonna be looking casual. That’s just how our show looks.’ Is that okay?”

“I mean, this is airing on the nighttime show, and I want it to look official. I don’t want it to be like bro talk. You know what I mean?” Carlson said.

The unknown speaker on the phone insisted that if the interview went over 45 minutes, it would be uploaded to air on Fox Nation.

“But nobody’s gonna watch it on Fox Nation. Nobody watches Fox Nation because the site sucks. So I’d really like to just put the — dump the whole thing on YouTube,” Carlson said. “But anyway, that’s just my view. I’m just frustrated with — it’s hard to use that site. I don’t know why they’re not fixing it. It’s driving me insane. And they’re like making like Lifetime movies, but they don’t work on the infrastructure of the site. Like what? It’s crazy. And it drives me crazy cause it’s like we’re doing all this extra work and no one can find it.”

“It’s unbelievable, actually. I don’t know who runs that site,” Carlson said exasperated.

Fox Nation produces a variety of shows with talent including Fox News stars as well as Nancy Grace, Roseanne Barr, and actor Kevin Costner.

When Carlson signed his new contract with Fox in 2021, he expanded his presence on Fox Nation with documentaries and a flagship show, Tucker Carlson Today.

Nearly two weeks ago, Carlson was suddenly ousted from the network.

GOP Governors Migrant ‘Stunt’ Working as Dem Mayors Plead for Help

via Wikimedia Commons

ANALYSIS – When Republican governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas began busing illegal migrants from their states to deep blue ‘sanctuary’ cities like New York City, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., Democrats, and the establishment media called it a political ‘stunt.’

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, leading another state suffering from the same migrant crisis, has also sent migrants from his state to sanctuary cities in recent months.

Abbott has been the most prolific bussing migrants north. 

DeSantis sent a couple of busloads to the uber liberal and wealthy enclave of Martha’s Vineyard, the exclusive Massachusetts island that is a regular playground for liberal Hollywood and DC elites.

The governors want to put the pressure of Joe Biden’s horrendous border and immigration policies on the front stoops of big city Democrat mayors, instead of the backyards of mostly red Republican border states.  

They also wanted to highlight the issue nationally and emphasize the sheer insanity of the entire sanctuary city concept where illegal aliens are virtually invited to come and stay, safe from federal law enforcement.

And the governors’ ‘stunt’ appears to be working.

Both the outgoing mayor of Chicago and the new mayor of NYC are begging for help with the crush of these migrants.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams, a national surrogate for Biden, has been the most outspoken, recently saying Biden has “failed” his city which is being “destroyed by the migrant crisis.”

Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago sent a letter to Abbott on Sunday requesting that he stop sending busloads of migrants to the Windy City over what she called political motivations.

She said the city has been caring for more than 8,000 penniless migrants since the first buses arrived from Texas in August. And the number is growing.

But Abbott began sending migrant buses to these blue cities in the fall as a response to the surge of migrant crossings at the southern border caused by Bien’s obscene and likely illegal immigration policies. 

Abbott has said the migrant ‘relocations will continue until the federal government secures the border.

In her letter, Lightfoot said she is sympathetic to the challenges of border towns in Texas but wrote:

Chicago is a Welcoming City and we collaborate with County, State, and community partners to rise to this challenge, but your lack of consideration or coordination in an attempt to cause chaos and score political points has resulted in a critical tipping point in our ability to receive individuals and families in a safe, orderly, and dignified way.

Well, good. Now she can truly be ‘sympathetic’ to the border towns suffering under the stampede of illegal migrants Biden is allowing into the country.

She added a bunch of other claptrap in her letter blaming Abbott for being heartless and creating a humanitarian crisis, etc.

Unfortunately, what she totally ignores is that her ‘welcoming’ policies, and those of her party and the president, are the direct cause of the migrant crisis.

Meanwhile, Politico reports that “Republicans just gained an unlikely ally in their attacks on the president’s immigration policies: the Democratic mayor of New York.”

Unlike Lightfoot, Adams seems to get it.

GOP leaders high-fived this month after hearing Mayor Adams say Biden had “failed” the city on immigration and that NYC “is being destroyed by the migrant crisis.”

In this past year, more than 57,000 migrants have arrived in New York after crossing the southern border. Some were sent from states like Texas, but others arrived on their own.

City services used to house, feed, educate, and provide health care to newcomers are estimated to cost taxpayers $2.9 billion next year alone.

This is more than the entire NYC Fire Department operating budget. 

Adams’ new rhetoric has drawn praise from some Republicans and the conservative editorial page of the New York Post.

His words have also echoed remarks by Fox News contributor Sean Duffy.

But not all Republicans are cheering for Adams. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas wasn’t quite ready to applaud the New York mayor.

Politico continued:

“Eric Adams is right to blame the Biden Administration for the border crisis, but this is the same guy who campaigned on his city’s sanctuary status and extended childcare, colleague classes and other taxpayer-funded programs to illegal migrants,” Roy said in a statement.

“Texas has been bearing the brunt of this crisis for over two years — now New York is getting a taste of their own medicine.”

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Amanda Head: Small Town Little League Punishes Parents


A little league in New Jersey doesn’t want parents and fans berating umpires and has devised a wild plan to ensure their good behavior…

Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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DeSantis Super PAC Knocks Nikki Haley Over Thinly-Veiled Disney Jab

    The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    A political action committee supporting a potential White House bid by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis targeted presidential candidate Nikki Haley following what appeared to be a veiled jab over his aggressive approach to Disney’s increasingly woke antics in the state.

    In a video posted on social media, Never Back Down responded to Haley’s appearance on Fox News in which she invited Disney to move its operations to South Carolina, the state where she was once governor, from Florida. 

    The video included what it said were clips of Disney “officials” touting the company’s use of “LGBTQIA characters,” a “not at all secret gay agenda” and attempted to tie Haley to that highly scrutinized side of the company with a new nickname, “Mickey Haley.”


    “I was just, wherever I could, just basically adding queerness,” one individual in the video said, while another appeared to tout giving”information about gender affirmation procedures.”

    Some of the individuals in the video said they were trying to put things they believe into Disney’s shows, as well as target Gen Z and Millennials. It also included a clip of a drag queen discussing Disney-inspired books.

    The video then ended with a clip from Haley’s Fox interview saying she would “welcome” Disney to South Carolina.

    Haley’s comments came on the heel of a lawsuit filed by Disney against DeSantis on Wednesday, claiming “government retaliation.” (RELATED: Disney Sues Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis)

    The lawsuit came about a week after DeSantis said Florida’s Republican legislature would act to stop Disney’s current apparent effort to work around the oversight of its Florida property.

    Amanda Head: Sources Reveal When to Expect DeSantis’ 2024 Announcement


    America is waiting…

    When will Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially throw his hat into the ring for the 2024 Republican nomination? Sources close to the governor are spilling the beans…

    Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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    Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Attempt To Block Pence’s Jan. 6 Testimony

      Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

      A federal appeals court has rejected former President Donald Trump’s bid to block his former vice president, Mike Pence, from testifying.

      A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order Wednesday denying the former president’s last-ditch effort to prevent or limit Pence’s testimony. The order remains sealed to protect grand jury secrecy.

      Pence’s team previously signaled it would follow the orders of the court. It’s unclear if Trump intends to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court or the full bench of the D.C. Circuit.

      While Trump argued that Pence’s testimony should be barred or limited by executive privilege, Pence took a different tack. He contended that his role presiding over Congress on Jan. 6, 2021 — fulfilling his constitutional role as president of the Senate — entitled him to immunity under the so-called “speech or debate” clause, which protects Congress from Executive Branch intrusion.

      Chief U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg rejected Trump’s argument but agreed with Pence that the congressional immunity applied on certain topics — a historic decision that for the first time found vice presidents enjoy a form of privilege.

      Although Boasberg’s ruling was narrower than Pence’s attorney, Emmet Flood, had argued for, Pence opted not to appeal the decision.

      Earlier this month, Trump’s team challenged the ruling from Judge Boasberg. (RELATED: Trump Appeals Order For Pence To Testify In Jan. 6 Probe)

      According to The Hill, the ruling ordered him to answer questions about Trump’s efforts to stay in power ahead of Jan. 6 but agreed Pence’s role as president of the Senate allowed for him to be shielded from being questioned about the day itself.

      The ruling is a victory for Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating Trump’s alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Smith subpoenaed Pence in February, triggering challenges from Trump and Pence.

      Woke Pentagon Brass and Media Cheer Tucker Carlson’s Exit

      Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

      ANALYSIS – I rarely watch TV news. And I didn’t always agree with Tucker Carlson. Sometimes I strongly disagreed – such as on Russia. 

      But I often did agree. 

      And he challenged the left AND the GOP establishment every night on Fox.

      He will be missed.

      He also challenged the woke leadership at the Pentagon. And for that he should be greatly applauded.

      Carlson was never anti-military. 

      On the contrary, he was opposed to its current emasculation by Joe Biden and his team. Carlson was also opposed to the divisive, destructive, and subversive neo-Marxist ideology being imposed on our troops.

      Sadly, the lefty spinmeisters in the media and those same leftist ideologues, partisan hacks, and simply misguided folks at the Department of Defense (DoD) keep trying to paint a different picture.

      Politico’s Lara Seligman tries to paint Carlson as anti-military by conflating his criticism of the woke brass with the entire armed forces. In her piece, ‘Good riddance’: Pentagon officials cheer Tucker Carlson’s ouster, she writes:

      From maternity flight suits to diversity policies to Ukraine aid, the military was a favorite punching bag for Tucker Carlson. Now that he’s off the air, some Pentagon officials are quietly cheering his departure.

      Her flawed journalism is also obvious as she mostly quotes a couple of unnamed (likely Biden Pentagon appointee) sources.

      Per her two “DoD officials”: 

      “We’re a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” said one senior DoD official, who like others interviewed for this story was granted anonymity to discuss a politically sensitive topic.

      “Good riddance,” said a second DoD official.

      Seligman goes on to quote these unnamed sources, writing:

      Carlson “made a mockery” of the free press and “repeatedly cherry-picked department policies and used them to destroy DoD as an institution,” said the first senior DoD official.

      What nonsense. The leftist ideologies in charge are the ones destroying DoD, not a cable TV talk show host.

      Still, she voids most of her own reporting when she admits that most of the American military agreed with Carlson, and it’s the Pentagon leadership that is grossly out of touch:

      Carlson’s criticism of Biden-era personnel policies appealed to many of the rank-and-file, which has a large bloc of conservative members. But at the upper levels of the Defense Department, news of Carlson’s firing from Fox News on Monday was met with delight and outright glee in some corners.

      Then there is the un-self-aware liberal executive editor of Defense One, Kevin Baron, who never served in the military, who absurdly claimed “Tucker Carlson Helped Turn Americans Against the Military.”He writes: “For all the ways Tucker Carlson left his mark on U.S. politics, few are as startling as helping to turn right-wingers against the troops they once revered.”He also ignorantly called the notoriously independent Carlson a “partisan firebrand” when he criticized GOP establishment politicians almost as much as the left.

      Well, I can tell Baron that, as one of those ‘right wingers’ who still reveres the troops – and was once one of them – he is a lefty ideologue. 

      And sadly, Baron doesn’t realize it.

      That makes him a biased, partisan journalist who tries to appear not to be.

      Every point he makes is suffused with his anti-Trump rancor and lefty disdain. And many of his arguments are unsupportable, false, or make the opposite case.

      Baron writes:

      Right-wing scholars and editorial boards interpreted the data to say that Biden’s “woke” policies were to blame, noting that half of respondents said it was a contributing factor. But that ignores the partisan cross-section: 68% of Trump voters were more upset about wokeness, while just 44% of Biden voters were. That’s the Carlson effect.

      Well, that gives a cable TV talk show host with 3 million viewers a lot of sway in a country of 330 million and a dozen liberal media outlets that reach many tens of million.

      But Baron best undermines his own case most when he concludes:

      The most recent Reagan Forum poll found that 80% of Biden voters and 83% of Trump voters said they still have either “a great deal” or “some” confidence in the U.S. military. That shows that even his audience knows the difference between the performance art of partisanship and the apolitical service to one’s country. 

      Yes, Mr. Baron, we absolutely understand. Sadly, you clearly don’t.

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      Tucker Carlson Breaks Silence After Fox News Exit

      Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

      Tucker Carlson posted a cryptic video message to his Twitter profile late Wednesday evening in his first public comments since his shocking departure from Fox News.

      During the just over two-minute message, Carlson said he had realized after “stepping outside the noise for a few days” how many “genuinely nice people there are in this country.”

      “The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates on television are,” he continued. “They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years, we won’t even remember we had them. Trust me as someone who has participated in them.”

      “Both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it,” Carlson said in his video message. “When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who have been trying to silence them shrink. They become weaker. That’s the iron law of the universe.”

      Carlson ended his message by suggesting that his audience, which often topped more than 3 million people each weeknight while at Fox, would soon hear from him again.

      Carlson ended his message by suggesting that his audience, which often topped more than 3 million people each weeknight while at Fox, would soon hear from him again.

      “Where can you still find Americans saying true things there aren’t many places left but there are some, and that’s enough,” Carlson said. “As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon.”