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Amanda Head: Is Bud Light Feeling Enough Pain?

Mike Mozart, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Bud Light’s latest partnership with transgender activist and influencer Dylan Mulvaney has proved to be a public relations nightmare for the brand. Will Bud Light recover?

Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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Democrats Want To Legally Protect Pedophiles In Minnesota

Arrest image via Pixabay

ALERT – Could your state be next? In yet another insane proposal in the left’s radical ‘gender bending’ agenda, a bill in the Minnesota Legislature is changing the definition of “sexual orientation” to include pedophilia.

This is an extreme and radical move that would make pedophiles a legally protected class of people in the state. And it isn’t getting the attention it deserves.

This sickening bill, promoted by 17 of the state’s Democrats, is working its way through the legislature.

It has a growing list of sponsors and has already had its “second reading,” which means it can appear on the floor for a vote at any time.

Does this make the state’s Democrats “sexual groomers” of children?

It seems so.

It’s also a natural, if perverse, continuation of the extreme ideology which makes gender identity and transgenderism a priority for the left.

The bill shows how their slippery slope works at the state level, which eventually moves to other states, and then to the federal government.

First, you create a law that makes sexual orientation a protected class by prohibiting discrimination of any kind based on sexual orientation. In Minnesota, as in many other places, that law has been around for a while.

Laws like that are used to support countless far-left lawsuits, discriminatory quotas and all the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives that are wreaking havoc across America.

Then you quietly amend that law to remove a provision that excludes pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation.

In this case, they have deliberately stricken the provisions of the current law that specifically carved out pedophilia from the definition of sexual orientation.

The current law says: “Sexual orientation does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children.” [emphasis added]

But in the new Democrat proposal, that line will be removed, essentially making pedophiles a protected class along with transgender people and every other sexual orientation the left can invent.

Pedophiles will also get the same legal protections against discrimination as gays and lesbians, who legitimately deserve it, and be lumped together with them in the same legal category.

While this amendment to current law won’t make pedophilia “legal” (yet) in Minnesota, discrimination against pedophiles will be prohibited if this bill becomes law.

What does this actually mean?

David Strom explains in Hot Air that:

You will be subject to lawsuits if you discriminate against pedophiles. You have to hire them, house them, and serve them in your restaurant regardless of your objection to their evil desires. They will have more rights than you. Because they are pedophiles.

Strom adds: “anybody who wants to opt out of affirming crazy people will be turned into targets of lawsuits and harassment.”

And legalization will come soon after. He continues: “…the next stop is going to be explicitly legalizing pedophilia.”

Strom notes how this part of the left’s slippery slope works, too:

Once the Rubicon of declaring children mature enough to make lifetime medical decisions at ages as young as 8 it makes no sense to assert that they aren’t mature enough to engage in “consensual” relationships. If you can get permission from a child to sterilize and mutilate them, why stop there? They have been essentially declared adults in sexual matters.

He concludes, not wrongly: “The Democrat Party is becoming the party of sexual groomers. It really is that simple.”

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Amanda Head: Joe Biden Announces Re-election


Joe Biden has officially announced his campaign for a second term in the White House.

Things are about to get interesting.

Watch Amanda explain the situation below:

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Republican Presidential Candidate Says Carlson Would Be ‘Good Addition’ to Primary Field

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America,

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy says that Tucker Carlson should enter the Republican primary.

“I think he’d be a good addition to the race,” Ramaswamy said in an interview with POLITICO, when asked whether he thinks the former Fox News host should mount his own presidential campaign. “I think someone should only do this if they feel called to do it, but I think it’d be good for the country if he got in, to be honest with you.”

He called Carlson “one of the smartest voices in the conservative movement,” and lauded Carlson’s willingness to “defect from party orthodoxy when necessary.”

“There’s definitely a thought leadership vacuum in political media, across the political spectrum. And Tucker was one of the great political thinkers and commentators of our time,” Ramaswamy said.

The 37-year-old biotech entrepreneur and author of “Woke Inc.” also recently squared off against fired CNN host Don Lemon.

So far, it’s unclear what Carlson’s next step will be but it’s unlikely to include a run for the White House in 2024.

How do you feel about a potential Tucker Carlson bid? Tell us in the comments below!

Former Clinton Official Says Trump Should Be Kept Off 2024 Ballot Over ‘Treason’

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Democrats will try anything to keep Donald Trump from running for president.

On Monday, Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich (D) called for secretaries of state to refuse to place Trump’s name on the ballot in 2024.

“The most obvious question in American politics today should be: why is the guy who committed treason just over two years ago allowed to run for president?” Reich wrote in an op-ed for The Guardian. “Answer: he shouldn’t be.”

“Secretaries of state – who in most cases are in charge of deciding who gets on the ballot – must refuse to place Donald Trump’s name on the 2024 ballot, based on the clear meaning of section three of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” Reich urged. 

Reich, who served as labor secretary under former President Bill Clinton, argued that Trump is guilty of treason through his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, as a mob of supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Reich also made a similar argument as House Democrats last year who introduced legislation that sought to bar Trump from office under the 14th Amendment. 

The amendment states, “No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States … who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” 

“Can any of us who saw (or have learned through the painstaking work of the January 6 committee) what Trump tried to do to overturn the results of the 2020 election have any doubt he will once again try to do whatever necessary to regain power, even if illegal and unconstitutional?” Reich asked. 

Reich peddled numerous conspiratorial scenarios in which Trump-loyalist secretaries of state and governors “alter the election machinery” to help Trump win the White House.

“Trump tried these tactics once. The likelihood of him trying again is greater now because his loyalists are now in much stronger positions throughout state and federal government,” he continued.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung slammed Reich and others calling for Trump to be kept off the ballot.

“What these un-democratic organizations and individuals are doing is blatant election interference and tampering. They are not even trying to hide it anymore, and it is sad they want to deprive the American people of choosing Donald Trump — the overwhelming front-runner by far — as their President,” Cheung told Fox News Digital. “History will not judge them kindly, and they will have to answer for their desecration of the Constitution.”

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden officially unveiled his re-election campaign, potentially teeing up a rematch against Trump and Biden.

Democrat Congresswoman and Senate Candidate Signs Nondisclosure Agreement with Chinese Company


A Michigan Democrat congresswoman, now running for a seat in the U.S. Senate, is refusing to explain why she signed a non-disclosure agreement with a Communist Chinese “green energy” company.

Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin has refused to answer questions from the media as to why she signed a hush agreement with the Chinese corporation Gotion to hold closed-door meetings about a proposed electric vehicle battery plant the company is building in Big Rapids.

The plant is not located in her district, and it would appear there would be no sensitive information or corporate trade secrets that could be gleaned from a public tour, drawing speculation from some as to why she was there and what was discussed.

“When it was time for a Michigan voice to speak on the national security threats from the CCP emanating from companies based in the PRC and protect the State of Michigan, Congresswoman Slotkin, and her staff needed to ask for an NDA, never took a position, and said nothing,” former Michigan congressman and U.S. Ambassador Peter Hoekstra tells Fox News Digital.

Fox News reports Hoekstra and fellow former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Cella have raised the alarm on Gotion’s proposed facility and similar projects involving other Communist Chinese companies across Michigan and the United States.

“Congresswoman Slotkin is a former CIA analyst and Defense Department official who knows that state and local officials were warned by our intelligence agencies not to sign deals with PRC-based companies with ties to the CCP,” Cella tells Fox News.

Fox News reports that according to its parent company’s corporate bylaws, Gotion is required to “carry out Party activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China.”

The pair are asking the Justice Department to investigate whether Gotion is engaging in illegal foreign lobbying of U.S. officials.  Under federal law, anyone lobbying a member of Congress on behalf of a foreign government or company must register with the Justice Department as a foreign agent.  It does not appear Gotion has filed such a registration.

Despite the jobs it brings to an economically-stressed area, many local residents oppose the plant, citing the company’s demand officials sign non-disclosure agreements to meet with what is essentially a Communist Chinese government agent.

“The township’s concerns have all been surrounded by the lack of information given to them to make an educated decision surrounded by NDAs signed by multiple different organizations including the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and our local economic development corporation and The Right Place which is working for Gotion to bring it here,” Penny Currie, the treasurer of Big Rapids Charter Township, tells Fox News.

“That is one of our main concerns and is why we haven’t been able to move forward with a decision of any kind,” she says.

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Former Fox News Host Calls Tucker’s Ouster ‘Suicide’ for Network

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Former Fox News host Glenn Beck slammed the network over its shocking decision to part ways with primetime pundit Tucker Carlson.

On Monday, the network announced Carlson’s departure from the network, sharing that his final program was aired last Friday. The timing of the Fox News icon’s sudden departure comes nearly one week after the network agreed to pay a nearly $800 million settlement to Dominion Voting Systems. (RELATED: Fox News Reaches Last-Minute Settlement With Dominion Voting Systems)

The network did not provide further comment on the host’s departure beyond a statement thanking him for his contributions to the network.

Beck criticized the network over the controversial announcement, saying the move was effectively “suicide” for the network.

“Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. Now, I don’t know what that means. You know, we’re in wild speculation territory,” Beck said on his BlazeTV program, noting the timing following Fox’s nearly $800 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems last week.

“You know, could be that he was fired because of, you know, they just paid out, you know, almost a billion dollars and they don’t want any chance of anything, but that’s suicidal. To me, this is a suicidal move for Fox,” he said. “If it’s their move.”

Before the launch of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Carlson was co-host of “FOX & Friends Weekend” from 2012 through 2016. 

Carlson previously served as an MSNBC host from 2005-2008 and also appeared on CNN earlier in his career. He founded The Daily Caller in 2010 but sold his stake in the political news website in 2020. 

Beck left his gig hosting a Fox show in 2011. He recently appeared on Carlson’s program to discuss former President Trump’s surrender to authorities in New York after an indictment by a grand jury. (RELATED: Trump Indictment Unsealed)

A number of conservative commentators have criticized the news of Carlson’s sudden ouster.

Donald Trump also noted his surprise by the sudden change at Fox News

“Well, I’m shocked. I’m surprised” Trump told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly. “He’s a very good person and a very good man, and very talented as you know. And he had very high ratings. So, we’re just learning about it almost as we speak. You and I just said, “Wow, that was something, that’s a big one.” I don’t know if it was voluntary, or was it, somebody fired? But I think Tucker’s been terrific. He’s been – especially over the last year or so – he’s been terrific to me.”

DeSantis Addresses Soured Trump Relationship on Fox News

Ron DeSantis via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is finally addressing what went wrong with his once-positive relationship with former President Donald Trump.

During a Monday night appearance with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, the host asked DeSantis for his opinion on what soured between the two Florida Republicans.

“The last time I interviewed President Trump, I was there in 2018, and I always saw the two of you as friends,” Hannity opened. “And I said to him a very simple question. I asked him. I said, ‘What happened?’ And I think it’s only fair to ask you the same question. What do you think happened?”

“You know, I enjoyed supporting him when he was president,” DeSantis said, beaming in via satellite from Japan.

“We worked really hard for his reelection in Florida, and I always had a good relationship with him. And then, once the midterm election happened, he started taking shots at me!”

“I didn’t really do anything to do it except do a good job,” DeSantis added. “But that’s fine. I mean, Sean, you know, when you’re making things happen, you take incoming from a variety of targets. So that’s just the nature of the business. And I’m happy to stand strong and do what’s right.”

Recently, the former President has targeted the Florida Governor with a barrage of attacks and nicknames.

Earlier this month, a pro-Trump PAC released a new ad attacking DeSantis.

DeSantis is widely expected to enter the 2024 White House race later this spring and has performed well in numerous national hypothetical polls.

Chicago Teens Kill Baby with Stolen Car Last Week, Still No Serious Charges

Image via Pixabay images

ANALYSIS – Is your city next? Democrat-run Chicago isn’t just a murder capital; it also has a car theft epidemic. It had more than 21,500 vehicle thefts last year, which includes violent carjackings. 

That is 55% more car thefts than last year.

Most of these crimes are committed by teens and gang members.

A recent “Teen Takeover” created violence and chaos as hundreds of teens mobbed Chicago streets and clashed with the police.

Meanwhile, Chicago’s far-left politicians and prosecutors continue to enable the young criminals.

And now it seems the Chicago Police Department is gun shy about charging juvenile delinquents with murder.

Last week, two teenage boys stole a Hyundai car and crashed it into another vehicle, a Ford pickup truck, killing a 6-month-old baby and seriously injuring his 34-year-old mother and her seven and fifteen-year-old daughters.

Both vehicles were demolished. The baby, Cristian Uvidia died in the hospital from damage to his skull.

“He suffered from an impact that fractured his skull, causing his brain to swell and eventually killing him,” Annelisse Rivera wrote on a GoFundMe page created for the family.. “We are devastated, and we are broken. We will miss his sweet smile, as he was a joy to everyone that he met.”

The New York Post reports that the juvenile criminals, ages 17 and 14, were each charged with just one misdemeanor count of “criminal trespassing” in the deadly April 16 crash in the city’s West Garfield Park neighborhood.

That’s an outrage.

Chicago police are saying that additional charges could be upgraded when the investigation is complete. But why haven’t they already charged the driver with murder, or at least vehicular manslaughter?

Everyone involved in this horrible crime where a baby was killed was immediately placed at the scene of the crash. How much investigation is needed?

As Hot Air notes:

Criminal Trespass to a Vehicle is a Class A Misdemeanor in Chicago. That carries a penalty of a fine of no more than $2,500 and less than a year in jail. Of course, since the gangbangers in this incident are all under 18, the charges will probably be kicked to the juvenile court, where they likely won’t even be sent to a day behind bars.

Jazz Shaw in Hot Air adds:

Also, what about the other two boys in the car? There are not yet any charges filed against them. I doubt they somehow wound up in the stolen car “accidentally.” It’s a safe bet that if those four haven’t already been indoctrinated into one of Chicago’s gangs, they had a gang contact waiting to buy the car from them if they managed to get away. And you can bet that the city’s gangbangers are watching this case closely and with approval.

Rivera, the injured mother who just lost her baby to these criminal punks, reportedly said the lack of serious charges was “disheartening.”

Chicagoans should be demanding that Kim Foxx, the Soros-funded State’s Attorney get involved, or at least say something. What about incoming Mayor Brandon Johnson?

Have Chicago’s residents become so inured to their city’s crime and the government’s response that they don’t care anymore?

Hopefully not. But without public outrage and political accountability, these soft-on-crime Democrat politicians will only ensure criminals will continue their murderous rampage across Chicago.

And your city may be next.

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Amanda Head: Tucker Is Out At Fox News


Did you ever expect this?

Less than one week after Fox News settled a major defamation suit against Dominion Voting Systems the network has parted ways with one of its biggest stars…

Watch Amanda explain the controversy below:

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