Home 2024 Former Trump Primary Rival Makes Decision On No Labels Bid

Former Trump Primary Rival Makes Decision On No Labels Bid

Maryland GovPics, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) is officially shutting the door on speculation he may mount a third-party challenge for the White House.

Christie has been considering a possible third-party run for the White House as some suggested he run on a unity ticket put forward by No Labels. However, on Wednesday the Republican said he would be staying out of the 2024 race,

“I appreciate the encouragement I’ve gotten to pursue a third-party candidacy,” Christie said in a statement, posted on X. “I believe we need a country that once again feels like everyone has a stake in what we’re doing and leadership that strives to bring people together, instead of using anger to divide us.”

“While I believe this is a conversation that needs to be had with the American people, I also believe that if there is not a pathway to win and if my candidacy in any way, shape or form would help Donald Trump become president again, then it is not the way forward,” he added.

Christie’s decision comes about a week after he said on “The Axe Files” podcast that he was not ruling out running on a potential No Labels ticket in November. He still expressed hesitancy toward the idea at the time saying that “there are a number of hurdles to get over before I would actually consider running as a third-party.”

Christie, in a separate statement, said he was sad to hear of former Sen. Joe Lieberman’s (I-Conn.) death, which was announced on Wednesday. According to The Hill, Lieberman, the co-founder of No Labels, had previously floated Christie to run on the top of the organization’s ticket.

“I last spoke to him on Monday and he was fully engaged in a conversation of how to overcome the toxic political environment in our country. His whole life was dedicated to putting country before party in all he did,” Christie said on X, formerly Twitter.


  1. Christie is a fool…but not a damn fool!
    The presidency is Chris’ unrealized wet dream!
    He would be disgraced in an election.

  2. I just have it when these Rhinos think they can do better than Trump – small businesses were booming, our southern border was becoming secure, and the possibility of war was greatly diminished. What exactly will this blow heart do? I hope his wasteline is not indicative to a budget he cannot balance. What say you – Christy????? Details please.


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