Home 2024 ‘No Brainer’ Former ESPN Host Says 2024 Vote Is An Easy Decision

‘No Brainer’ Former ESPN Host Says 2024 Vote Is An Easy Decision

Jeff Kern, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s incompetence should make the 2024 election an easy one…

Former ESPN host Sage Steele told Fox News Digital that she is planning to vote for Trump in the next election, saying that she strictly focuses on policy not personality when casting her vote.

“To me, Donald Trump is the obvious answer based on what he believes, what he can do, what he has shown that he can do starting with the defense of our country, our safety, etc. and nothing to do with the personal stuff. I don’t care anymore,” Steele said. “It’s about policy, not emotion. And that’s what I wish people could get over is that emotional stuff. It’s maddening.”

Steele had a laundry list of reasons why she thought Biden has been so unpopular, which included inflation, the border crisis, how people feel less safe, as well as his “decline mentally.”

“You can even go back to those Chinese balloons, you know, over our territory for over a week. And little things like that, that aren’t so little. If that’s happening, what else is happening?” Steele said. “So even people who don’t go deep and take deep dives on everyday politics and the goings-on across the country, you don’t need to take a deep dive to understand that we are in a dire situation. And to me, it really is now or never.”

Steele also expressed her “fear” of the looming Biden-Trump rematch and how “we have seen the depths” to which Democrats have tried to keep the former president off the ballot. 

“I’m nervous for him. Sometimes I get nervous for his safety. Honestly, like it’s crazy,” Steele said. “The 91 charges, and you know, all the lawsuits and awarding $83 million… What happened with the Fani Willis case. Like, I am blown away. Every time I think, ‘OL, this is a new low. It can’t go any lower.’ What happens?!”


  1. This is sort of surprise that an ESPN host shows such support for the Bad Orange Man, but perhaps indicates a sea-charge even among the most heavily indoctrinated in the media. Logic usually overcomes in the end.

  2. Does Sage Steal still have her job with ESPN? There are ‘Thinking Heads’ at ESPN after all! That was amazing brilliance on display. Are they allowed to think for themselves? If she isn’t replaced (made redundant), then I have to give credit to ESPN for their hires.

  3. I’m disappointed not in support of conservative views, but in support of a Con-man who has no concept of right and wrong.


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