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New Court Filing Reveals Fox News Star’s Private ‘Disgust’ with Trump Election Behavior

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

New court filings are putting the spotlight on Fox News anchor Sean Hannity for all of the wrong reasons.

The latest filings from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation suit against Fox News and billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch show was the anchor was “privately disgusted” with former President Trump’s actions following his loss in the 2020 election, despite supporting the claims on air.

According to the filing, which included statements made by the network’s owner former Republican Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.), who sits on the board of Fox Corp., wrote to Murdoch after the Jan. 6, 2021, riot to express his concerns. (RELATED: Paul Ryan Refuses to Attend RNC if Trump Wins 2024 Nomination)

The Hill reports Ryans said he believed that “some high percentage of Americans” thought the election had been rigged against Trump “because they got a diet of information telling them the election was stolen from what they believe were credible sources.”

“Thanks Paul,” Murdoch wrote back, according to the filing. “Wake-up call for Hannity, who has been privately disgusted by Trump for weeks, but was scared to lose viewers.”

Hannity’s statements around the time of the election and the Jan. 6 riot have been a focus of the media and the House Select Committee for months.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and House Select Committee member focused on a series of text messages the prime-time host sent to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, showing Hannity telling Meadows “this is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.” 

Hannity responded to the publication of his text messages on his show at the time, saying, “I said to Mark Meadows the exact same thing I was saying live on the radio at that time and on TV that night on Jan. 6 and well beyond Jan. 6.”

“I say the same thing in private that I say to all of you,” he continued. “Liz Cheney knows this. She doesn’t seem to care. She’s interested in one thing and one thing only: smearing Trump and purging him from the party.”

Fox has moved to have the case brought against it by Dominion dismissed on First Amendment grounds.

“Dominion’s lawsuit has always been more about what will generate headlines than what can withstand legal and factual scrutiny, as illustrated by them now being forced to slash their fanciful damages demand by more than half a billion dollars after their own expert debunked its implausible claims,” the network said in a statement on Monday evening. “Their summary judgment motion took an extreme, unsupported view of defamation law that would prevent journalists from basic reporting and their efforts to publicly smear Fox for covering and commenting on allegations by a sitting President of the United States should be recognized for what it is: a blatant violation of the First Amendment.”

Amanda Head: Hollywood Star Blasts Covid Inc!


Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson is facing intense criticism after his recent Saturday Night Live appearance…

Watch Amanda break down the scandal below…

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House Republican Accuses Treasury Dept. of Stalling Investigation into Biden Family

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Are the Bidens getting desperate to cover their tracks?

House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-KY) accused the Biden administration of obstructing his committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s finances.

In a letter to the Treasury Department, the Congressman called out the department for its “suspiciously slow” responses to the committee regarding matters related to Suspicious Activity Reports filed over deals members of President Joe Biden’s family made with foreign businessmen.

“During the Committee’s dialogue with Treasury, you have made several excuses for Treasury’s delay regarding this production,” Comer wrote. “Given the amount of time that has passed since our initial request and Treasury’s inability to provide a projected timeframe when the [Suspicious Activity Reports] will be produced, the Committee believes Treasury may be delaying its production to hinder our investigation and operating in bad faith.”

Last week, Isabella More, the deputy assistant secretary for oversight at the Treasury, told congressional investigators that the department must still meet with “law enforcement partners” because of the sensitivity of the documents requested by the committee. “[T]his entire process takes considerable time to complete,” More said, according to Comer’s letter.

“Treasury’s excused and delay tactics are unavailing given you have known about our requests since last year and previously produced relevant [Suspicious Activity Reports] to others,” Comer wrote.

Rep. Comer invited the Treasury official to testify in front of the committee before March 10th.

The House Oversight Committee has been specifically focused on two of Biden’s direct relatives: his son Hunter and brother James, both of whom were involved in overseas business deals in countries such as China, Turkey, and Ukraine. Comer is seeking to uncover the extent to which President Biden knew about and was involved in any of those deals.

Biden has repeatedly denied having any knowledge or involvement in his family’s foreign business deals, however, some evidence discovered on Hunter’s laptop suggests otherwise.

According to The Daily Wire, a voicemail the president left his son in 2018 showed that Biden knew something of his son’s dealings; he left a message for Hunter about a New York Times story on one of Hunter’s former business partners, Chinese businessman Ye Jianming.

Paul Ryan Refuses to Attend RNC if Trump Wins 2024 Nomination


As more presidential contenders declare their candidacy some Republicans are taking the time to publicly break with former President Donald Trump well ahead of the 2024 primaries.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is firmly against what is now Trump’s third pursuit of the White House and says he intends to keep his distance-literally.

In an interview with WISN-TV, Ryan said he will not attend the Republican National Conference (RNC) if former President Trump wins the party’s presidential nomination in 2024.

Ryan announced the results naming Trump as the Republican nominee in 2016 when he was the chair of the RNC convention.

“It depends on who the nominee is. I’ll be here if it’s someone not named Trump,” he said.

The 2024 RNC will be held in Ryan’s home state Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

“I’m not interested in participating in that, no. Even in Wisconsin,” he added.

Ryan, who was now-Sen. Mitt Romney’s (Utah) vice presidential running mate, expressed his doubts Trump will manage to win the GOP’s nomination.

“The reason I don’t think he’ll be our nominee is because we now we’re going to lose with him,” he said. “He cost us the House in ’18, he lost the White House in ’20, he cost us the Senate in ’20, he cost us the Senate again in 2022, and he cost us probably a good dozen House seats in 2022. This is a lesson we don’t need to repeat again.”

Despite his lack of confidence in Trump’s latest presidential pursuit the former House Speaker refused to throw his support behind any other candidate.

On Sunday, Trump ripped into Ryan over his comments on Truth Social.

“Paul Ryan is a loser, Mitt Romney could have won without him. I won twice, did much better the second time, and was 233 Wins out of 253 Races in the Midterms. Paul Ryan is destroying Fox, and couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in the Republican Party!” he posted.

Since leaving Congress in 2019, Ryan has served on the board of Fox News’s parent company and as vice chairman of Teneo, a public relations and CEO advisory firm.

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Subpoenaed in Jan. 6 Investigation

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

In the latest sign the Justice Department’s investigation into former President Donald Trump’s alleged election meddling is heating up the DOJ has subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

The news first reported by The New York Times, shows the decision by the special counsel, Jack Smith, to subpoena the family members stresses how deeply into the former president’s inner circle the DOJ is reaching and is the latest sign that no potential high-level witness is off limits.

The New York Times reports:

Ms. Trump was in the Oval Office on Jan. 6 as her father placed a late-morning call to Mr. Pence to pressure him to block or delay congressional certification of the Electoral College results documenting Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory. As president of the Senate, Mr. Pence, who rejected Mr. Trump’s demands, was to serve in a ceremonial role overseeing the process that day.

Ms. Trump also accompanied her father to the rally of his supporters at the Ellipse near the White House. Hundreds of his supporters moved from there to the Capitol, where they attacked the building, some chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!” for his refusal to do what Mr. Trump wished.

Mr. Kushner returned from the Middle East that day, ultimately going to the White House after the pro-Trump mob had been rioting for hours. Both he and his wife were involved in efforts to get Mr. Trump to tell the rioters to go home, and then to commit to a peaceful transfer of power to Mr. Biden.

Both testified before the Jan. 6 House select committee, appearing for videotaped interviews in which both provided memories about the day. The committee, in turn, repeatedly played clips of their testimony at some of its public hearings.

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Amanda Head: Trump Does More for Ohio Town Victims Than Biden


They say actions speak louder than words…

Former President Trump is stepping up as Joe Biden continues to let Americans down. Less than three weeks ago, a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio in an event that could have a devastating impact on the environment and community.

Despite the ongoing chaos, the Biden administration has been slow to act…no surprise there.

Watch Amanda break down the situation below:

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West Virginia Senator Stomps Out 2024 White House Speculation

Joe Manchin via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden is likely breathing a sigh of relief right about now…

On Wednesday, Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (W.V.) revealed he would not be running for president in 2024, a letdown for those hoping the moderate Democrat would pose a challenge to unpopular President Biden.

“I’m not running for President of the United States,” Manchin told MetroNews during a radio interview broadcast from the State Capitol in Charleston, West Virginia.

However, the two-term senator and former governor refused to say if he has decided to seek another term in the Senate as Republicans eye his seat as a top target to flip in 2024.

West Virginia Attorney General and failed 2018 Senate hopeful Patrick Morrisey has already been named a likely challenger to seek Manchin’s seat.

While speaking to The Hill, Morrisey said Manchin lost significant political capital when he voted in favor of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which included major components of President Biden’s agenda.

In November, Rep. Alex Mooney (R- W.Va.) announced that he will run for Senate in 2024 in a bid to unseat Sen. Joe Manchin.

As Great America News Desk previously reported:

Manchin stonewalled President Joe Biden’s original Build Back Better plan but ultimately was the deciding vote for the renegotiated Inflation Reduction Act.




While President Biden has indicated he plans to seek a second term in the White House, some Democrats seem undeterred by his plans. While some saw a Manchin 2024 campaign as a potential way to appeal to undecided voters due to his more moderate policies compared to his progressive colleagues another Democrat says she’s ready to step out of the shadows and challenge Biden.

Former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, 70, recently teased a rematch against Biden.

This story is developing. Click refresh for the latest updates.

House Investigating Democrats Who Fraudulently Obtained Private Military Records of GOP Candidates


INVESTIGATION – As I noted in my late January PDB, a ‘Democrat Colluded With Air Force Against Black Female GOP Candidate.’ 

In that case, the Air Force took the fall for the release of the congressional candidate’s military record, blaming “a junior individual [who] didn’t follow proper procedures.”

However, Jennifer-Ruth Green, a Republican, continues to blame U.S. Rep. Frank Mrvan and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) for illegally obtaining and releasing the information through corrupt Air Force personnel to damage her campaign in the weeks leading up to the November election.

The release despicably included information about a sexual assault Green had suffered while serving in Iraq.

But, it seems there is much more to the story.

We now learn she wasn’t the only target of the corrupt DCCC.

We also learn that a Democrat-linked consulting and research firm called ‘Due Diligence Group’ (DDG) has been at the center of a partisan effort to improperly, and likely illegally, obtain the service records of at least 11 service members via fraudulent SF-180 requests.

According to data from OpenSecrets.org, the DCCC has paid more than $100,000 to DDG since 2021.

SF-180s are used by veterans, authorized legal recipients and next of kin to legally obtain information from military personnel records. 

Third-party requests require the service member to authorize their request with their signature.

In these 11 cases, it is clear the service members did not provide their authorization.

Just the News reports:

In an unprecedented breach, the Air Force improperly released to a research firm tied to Democrats’ congressional campaign arm the confidential personnel files of eleven members of the military, including one involving a retired lieutenant colonel running for office as a Republican that detailed how she had been sexually assaulted in the Air Force, Congress has been told.

And the House Armed Services and Oversight committee are demanding answers. The news outlet continues:

[In a February 13 letter], House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer are demanding that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explain how he will prevent future breaches of military members’ private information while pressing to know if there will be criminal prosecutions.

Just the News further reports on the letter:

“The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force (OSAF) has informed the Committee that it released 11 individuals’ records over a 14-month period from October 2021-December 2022 to a private research firm which allegedly misrepresented itself in order to obtain access to the personnel records without authorization or consent.” 

Rogers and Comer wrote that the release of other service members’ personal information highlights “not only the inadequacy of procedures to secure military personnel files, but also raises concerning questions of possible illicit motive or political partisanship.”

“This conduct by the Air Force is, at a minimum, unacceptable,” they added, “The conduct by the research firm is quite possibly criminal.”

Just the News reported that Rogers told the outlet that much more needs to be investigated.  

Rogers stated:“It’s abhorrent that a Democrat-aligned firm would do something so despicable as fraudulently obtaining service records. Chairman James Comer and I pressed the Department of Defense for answers on this egregious breach.”

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Anti-Trump Congressman Leads Charge to Ban Trump from U.S. Capitol

Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

Democrats are getting desperate…

A group of Democrat lawmakers is attempting to bar former President Donald Trump and several allies from entering the U.S. Capitol.

According to The Washington Examiner, the effort led by Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Nikema Williams (D-GA) ask U.S. Capitol Police and House and Senate sergeant-at-arms to take “such actions as may be necessary” to banish Trump and eight of his former top aides from the Capitol permanently.

This resolution draws on information from a report released two months ago from the House select committee investigating the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The report referred the former president to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, as well criminal referrals for several of his top advisers.

“The effort to undermine and overturn the 2020 presidential election damaged the functions of our democracy,” the resolution states. Those efforts also “damaged the integrity of Congress’s constitutional role in certifying the election results” and “put the lives of Members of Congress and the Vice President of the United States in genuine peril.”

This new resolution, introduced in the House Committee on House Administration on Feb. 17, specifically cites his intent to overturn the 2020 election. Under the bill, Trump, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former White House deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino, former Trump assistant Peter Navarro, former Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, and lawyers John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, and Rudy Giuliani would be prohibited from entering the Capitol.

Bannon, Meadows, Scavino, and Navarro were found by the Jan. 6 committee to be in criminal contempt of Congress, and Trump, Eastman, Meadows, Giuliani, Clark, and Chesebro were referred for criminal prosecution.

This isn’t Williams’s first attempt to have the former president barred from the Capitol. In 2021, a similar resolution was introduced that would have prohibited Trump from entering the Capitol upon his exit from the presidency but it never gained traction.

This is the latest move against top Republicans for Swalwell, who was recently removed from the House Intelligence Committee by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Marianne Williamson Teases 2024 Biden Primary Rematch

Marianne Williamson via Gage Skidmore Flickr

It’s not just Republicans who have their eyes on unseating President Joe Biden…

Former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, 70, teased a rematch against Biden.

Williamson, a progressive activist, went viral during the 2020 presidential debates but dropped out before voting started. Williamson eventually endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for president.

Williamson plans to make an “important announcement” on March 4.

She told POLITICO on Friday that she took issue with Biden running on the economy, saying such a campaign speaks to the “disconnect” between party elites and the American people. Her campaign strategy, she said, would be to “tell the truth.”

When Williamson was asked bluntly on Friday about critics who say she has “no conceivable path forward” and another campaign would simply be a “vanity project,” the would-be candidate invoked other movements throughout American history. 

“Abolitionists would not have thought that abolishing slavery was possible,” Williamson said. “The suffragists would have had days when they didn’t think women’s suffrage was possible. Civil rights workers would have thought that desegregation wasn’t possible.”

“As America gears up for the 2024 presidential election, I’m preparing an important announcement on March 4th in Washington DC,” Williamson said. 

Williamson rose to prominence as the author of 14 self-help books who made regular appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show. She ran a failed independent House campaign in 2014.

Williamson’s entrance into the 2024 primary field would mark the first Democrat to openly challenge President Biden’s second term.