Home Politics Florida GOP Seriously Considers Backing Effort to Oust RNC Chair

Florida GOP Seriously Considers Backing Effort to Oust RNC Chair

Ronna McDaniel via Gage Skidmore Flickr

The Florida Republican Party is seriously considering turning its back on current Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, who is currently seeking re-election.

According to Politico, Former state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, the newly-elected chair of the Lake County Republican Party and an avid Trump supporter, secured enough signatures from party officials to call a special meeting to decide whether McDaniel should be terminated as RNC chair.

“Ronna McDaniel failed in her position as RNC Chair in the 2022 election cycle and has yielded extremely unimpressive election results for the GOP in the last 3 election cycles,” read the petition for a special meeting.

Republican Party of Florida Chair Joe Gruters is now obligated to at least call a special meeting because 30 members of the executive committee signed onto the petition. It does not guarantee a vote would be taken. Gruters on Wednesday endorsed McDaniel in a letter to party officials, calling her a “successful RNC Chair & the party would be well served by her continued leadership.”

Sabatini previously served in the state House before losing this year’s bid to represent Florida’s 7th Congressional District.

The RNC’s leadership election is scheduled for Jan. 27.

So far Trump has stayed away from commenting on the RNC leadership contest, however, some of his top advisers have announced their support for McDaniel serving for another two-year term.

Among the biggest names who signed onto Sabatini’s push for a special meeting is Rep. Matt Gaetzone of Trump’s biggest congressional allies.

“Look what we’ve got from Ronna McDaniel?” Gaetz said last weekend at Turning Point USA’s Americafest 2022 conference in Arizona. “Someone who probably spent more of their time promoting their own podcast.”


  1. Yes she needs to go need True Constitutional as Written people not these make believe cheating rinos we need to clean house on all these people in Washington some even arrested prosecuted for Treason starting with biden his administration obama, holder, judges if anyone trying to Change, Twist, Distort, Ignore, Our Constitution As Written need arrested prosecuted immediately for TREASON it is the Law of America and the best in the world, we need to protect it and defend it against these criminals, politicians, judges, lawyers,

  2. Draining the swamp, Ronna is too deep in it. I want to donate to the RNC, but not while she is working against Making America Great Again.

  3. The next Republicans to be discarded from the party are those who voted with Dems to pass many-paged Omnibus Bill, starting with Mitch, Lindsey, Susan, and the senator from Alaska!

  4. Should Have Thrown McConnel Out! He Intentionally Lost the Senate & some Rep races by withholding funds & Putting them in the Wrong Places!

  5. Will not contribute one cent to RNC until they present a clear plan to compete on early voting and legal ballot harvesting, and support candidates during the early voting instead of waiting. Also, they need to get rid of McConnell who is a RHINO.


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