Home Politics Watch: Freedom Caucus Congressman Gets Kicked Out Of Pro-Trump Event

Watch: Freedom Caucus Congressman Gets Kicked Out Of Pro-Trump Event


This isn’t the behavior you expect from a sitting Congressman…

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) was kicked out of a pro-Donald Trump event this week.

In footage posted to social media, the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus can be seen talking with store owner Karen Angulo, a former local GOP chair, and being told to leave the event. Virginia state Sen. John McGuire (R) was in attendance at the event and can be seen talking to someone in the background of the Good video. He is challenging Good for his congressional seat.

“We invited our State Senator John McGuire as a special guest because John has been a supporter of President Trump and never wavered, unlike Bob Good,” Angulo wrote in a statement about the incident with Good.

In the video from the Trump store opening. Angulo repeatedly tells Good to leave, and he, at one point, reads from an email inviting all Republicans supporting Trump to the event.

“Bob, please stop this,” Angulo said.

In a statement about the incident, she called it “embarrassing.”

“I repeatedly asked Bob to leave. Once he finally relented and left our store, Bob and his paid campaign staff stood out front for over four hours trying to block people from entering our store,” she wrote. “The whole thing was very embarrassing behavior for anyone, let alone a sitting member of Congress.”



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