Home 2024 Deep Red State’s Latest Poll Reports Big Trouble for Trump’s 2024 Campaign

Deep Red State’s Latest Poll Reports Big Trouble for Trump’s 2024 Campaign

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Is Donald Trump starting to feel a twinge of buyer’s remorse for announcing his 2024 campaign so early? The latest results from a poll based in deep-red Utah point to yes.

Trump came in a distant third place in the Deseret News-Hinckley Institute of Politics‘ poll of possible GOP contenders for the 2024 presidential race. However, whats even more shocking than Trump’s No. 3 position is the fact that respondents were warmer toward outgoing Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis decisively led the poll in a hypothetical Republican presidential primary, at 24.2 percent, followed by Cheney with 16.4 percent. Trump came in third place with 14.6 percent, nearly 2 points below Cheney

Trump was more popular than Cheney among self-identified Republicans, earning 21.1 percent to Cheney’s 10 percent, but DeSantis still emerged ahead in that group with 33.1 percent. 

However, more Utah voters said they didn’t know which candidate they’d cast their ballot for (20.7 percent) than backed either Trump or Cheney. 

The survey’s results are the latest sign Trump’s popularity among conservatives is fading. Last month, Trump officially announced his 2024 presidential campaign from his Mar-a-Lago resort but so far has received a tepid response from high-profile Republican lawmakers and donors who backed his previous presidential pursuits.

Trump’s numerous legal hurdles coupled with his bombastic personality have been contributing factors to many Republicans opting to look elsewhere for a candidate to defeat Joe Biden in the next election. In many polls, DeSantis has been seen closing the national gap with the former president but so far he’s remained tight-lipped over any potential campaigns for the White House.

Cheney, a harsh critic of the former President who lost her primary to a pro-Trump challenger, has floated a presidential campaign before. The outgoing Wyoming Congresswoman has told reporters before that she would do anything necessary to keep Trump out of the White House- including running against him.


  1. Stupid people forget where they come from and forget what Trump did for the nation when he was president vote for Trump you morons like you did the last time and things will get better because the GOP has more pull in DC. than before… Pretty plain and straightforward small wonder why people always keep making the same mistakes because they easily forget when bombarded with the BS of communist style propaganda

  2. I voted for Trump HOWEVER I would feel better about voting for him again if he would stop the childish name calling and some of the 3AM derogatory tweets.

  3. President Trump is the candidNt of choice if..you want things to get done! His business expertise is what is needed. He knows how to set ip, sell, and complete deals ! A must in the world of politics.
    He goes after those that need to be set in their place and he lets everyone know it, but….
    His one fault that makes people dislike him is his bragging images of self! He needs to quit putting himself on a pedestal, do the job and let all of his fans pay him tribute! Bragging on oneself puts a big red cross over him and usually leads to no good!
    He doesn’t have to tell us how good he is in everything..WE KNOW IT!
    TRUMP IN 2024 period! End of DISCUSSION!


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