Home 2024 DeSantis Lays Out Timeline for 2024 Decision

DeSantis Lays Out Timeline for 2024 Decision


Americans may not have to wait much longer on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis‘s White House decision…

The beloved Republican governor has been considered a potential White House contender for months but has remained silent over when Americans can expect a potential campaign announcement.

On Monday, Gov. DeSantis indicated that he will make a decision on a 2024 presidential run after the state’s legislative session wraps up in May.

During an appearance with “Fox & Friends” DeSantis charted out the next few months saying that he will embark on a tour to promote his new book, “The Courage to be Free,” and work through the Florida legislature’s regular session, which begins in early March.

“We’re going to sell some books, we’re going to spread the message of Florida. And then on March 8, I have our Legislative Session that’s kicking off,” DeSantis said.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” he added. “This is going to be the most productive Legislative Session we have had across the board and I think people are going to be really excited … So those are what we’re going to be doing over these next few months as we get beyond that, then we can decide from there.”

Republicans now hold supermajorities in both chambers of the state legislature after November’s midterm elections, meaning DeSantis has a clear path to getting some of his biggest policy priorities approved.

His remarks on Monday were some of the most explicit from the Florida governor on when to expect an announcement. 


  1. Next, the GOP has to get rid of Mitch McConell, he is the big turd in the legislative bowel that has been blocking Republican success for way to long.
    The State legislatures can get strong, but until we can get stronger in the Federal level not much is going to happen nationally. It is looking more and more like we are dividing into two separate countries. Something has to be done about the Left wing media that is working overtime spreading lying propaganda much like the CCP and Russia. They have to be broken up or just held accountable for their lies. Create a separate TV program that has both right and left debate the differences and use video and any other sources to show the real truth. I will bet dollars to donuts the MSM will not comply with it, they won’t debate because they know they are lying.

  2. Trump can be full of himself but I think he is the only one who can beat sick Biden. DeSantis needs to run but not until 2028 after Trump is done.

  3. The Republican Party is in the minority. To win it has to avoid a divisive fight between Donald Trump and Ron De Santis. They should announce that they
    are joining forces and running as a winning ticket in 2024.

  4. “To win it has to avoid a divisive fight between Donald Trump and Ron De Santis. ” – agreed, “joining forces and running as a winning ticket in 2024.” – NO, DeSantis need to solidify the advances in Florida with one more term and support Trump; then run for president in 2028. He must make sure that the state does not slip into democrat control and undo all his good work, as it has been done with Trup’s accomplishments, overturned by Brendon.

  5. I still maintain that Trump should run for POTUS and have DeSantis to run with him for VPOTUS in 2024. That way Ron can get national and international experience and really be ready to run for POTUS in 2028 & hopefully in 2032.


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