Home 2024 Trump Speaks Out On Potential DeSantis Matchup

Trump Speaks Out On Potential DeSantis Matchup


Donald Trump isn’t concerned about challengers…

According to The Hill, during an interview with David Brody on “The Water Cooler” Trump struck a confident tone when asked if it would be a “bad move” for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to enter the presidential campaign field.

“So you know, now I hear he might want to run against me. So we’ll handle that the way I handle things,” Trump said in part after boasting about his endorsement of DeSantis’s first successful gubernatorial campaign.

DeSantis has yet to formally announce any future campaign plans or indicate a strong interest in squaring off against Trump in 2024.

However, numerous recent polls have shown DeSantis beating Trump in hypothetical match-ups.

The USA Today- Suffolk University poll reported that 56 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters prefer DeSantis, while only 33 percent would support Trump. More than 60 percent said they want a nominee who will continue Trump’s policies but is not Trump, while 31 percent want the former president to run, according to The Hill.


  1. If people liked what Trump did as President then reelect him. Why would u want someone else to do what he was GREAT at. Nothing against DeSantis but his time will come. Best ticket is Trump/DeSantis!! Unbeatable!!!Gary

  2. Yes I agree Trump for President, De santis for vice president. Trump for 4 years and De santis for 12 years, 1, 4 year term as Vice president and 2 terms as president. 12 years under Republican rule. That would bring our country back to the great country we are living in. Get rid of the socialist thugs who want to ruin and destry America

  3. These polls are questionable. Out of all my years I have never been contacted about a poll. Such made up stories. Hardly anyone you can trust today. I would like to see President Trump run with De Santis as VP, would give 12 years to put America back to it’s God given greatness. Then have De Santis pick a great VP that could continue on with America’s greatness. Hopefully that would be another common sense person that would carry the ball from there to continue to keep us sound and secure

  4. YES!! I agree with “Trump for president. DeSantis for Vice President. Trump for 4 years and De Santis for 12 years: 1 4-year term as VP, and two terms as president.” That is perfect, BRILLIANT!! But I’m not sure that Trump could team-up with someone as strong as DeSantis; not sure that Trump has the fortitude to do that for the American people. Which leads me to question myself: “Why am I for Trump?” Will be interesting to see how it plays out. But DeSantis….DESANTIS is the future!! No doubt about that! I just seriously hope we can survive this sorry Biden presidency. How did this happen?

  5. Suffolk University hasn’t gotten a poll right. This is the media trying to make people believe Trump is losing support. NOT! I agree Trump president and DeSantis VP. Trump can turn the country around again and the next 8 years Ron can finish burying the rest of the swamp!🙏


  7. Since the last election I have felt that a Trump/DeSantis ticket is unbeatable, I hope these two can come to terms on this for the good of the country for the next 12 years. A dream Ticket with far reaching positives for the USA

  8. I agree with most of you that Desantis should team up with Trump and lick this thing. However, the problem is, there is no cohesive confidence in the Repuplican party. Everyone has a gripe about Trump. And the issue is “the Swamp”. Stalwart Repubs can’t get past covering their asses. So, it falls to the Republican National Commitee to act or not….. i.e. shit or get off the pot, or more politly put, take the shot while we have a chance to rectify this whole thing. It’s right there in front of us all. But, if there is a failure to do so, two things will happen: 1) there will be a failure to retake the national direction and 2) we will remain in the swamp which has proven to be anti-productive at best.
    So, some ones will have to take the hit. But, what is best for the common good. Not, saying that Desantis would be the one taking the hit; it’s more all of those that would need to back this strategy, some of which may be at personal risk. This is not a “game of throwns”, it’s a game in which national survival is the goal.

  9. `If I were to admit I don’t want Trump to run again, it’s only because I feel he has earned a well deserved rest. Rest from anti-American politicians & their false accusations & rest from ‘rino’s’ (more accurately described as self serving politicians who kneel before any power who promises to go easy on them and if the political seat isn’t promised to someone else, they’ll allow that kiss up another term in office without being targeted). But as several others pointed out, Trump as a president & DeSantis as VP would be a great thing for two reasons. First, Trump would breath life back into our country. Second, to shove it up the tails of those who made a mockery of our freedoms & of our nation in general.

  10. Watch out it going to be poll season Like its deer hunting season. Polls think they can persuade one to think one is ahead of another by a fraction of the votes? How flawed is that system! I would like to see a Trump/DeSantis ticket but if not TRUMP is the man!

  11. A Trump/DeSantis ticket? Under the 12th amendment electors cannot vote for both POTUS and VP from their own state, could cause a problem if electors from FL cast votes for Trump, they would have to cast votes for someone else for VP, could conceivably cause DeSantis to fall short in a close election since FL now has 30 electors thanks to the “great exodus” of New Yorkers bailing on THAT Kommie state…


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