Home Opinion Biden’s Lies About Hunter’s Foreign Influence Peddling Are About To Blow Up...

Biden’s Lies About Hunter’s Foreign Influence Peddling Are About To Blow Up In His Face

President Joe Biden hugs his family during the 59th Presidential Inauguration ceremony in Washington, Jan. 20, 2021. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took the oath of office on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. (DOD Photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Carlos M. Vazquez II)

ANALYSIS – Where there’s smoke there’s fire. And there is a lot of smoke surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden. It is increasingly clear that Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about his involvement in, and knowledge of, his son Hunter’s overseas influence peddling businesses.

And with Biden’s Department of Justice (DoJ) and FBI dragging their feet with documents requested by congressional investigators, an official impeachment inquiry may be the only way to get to the truth.

And that official inquiry may be coming very soon.

Republicans could open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden over ties to his son Hunter’s shady and unethical business entanglements when Congress reconvenes on September 12.

In the final presidential debate of the 2020 U.S. election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joseph Biden, moderator Kristen Welker asked Biden: “there have been questions about the work your son has done in China and for a Ukrainian energy company when you were vice president; in retrospect, was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical?”

“Nothing was unethical. My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, China,” Biden replied.

Biden also said he never discussed business with his son.

Well, to put it in Biden terms, that was all a bunch of malarkey.

Now, nearly three years later, Hunter has rebutted Joe Biden’s assertions directly. In court testimony in late June, Hunter acknowledged that he had been paid substantial sums in China – the first official confirmation that this was the case.

This direct contradiction creates a major problem for the White House, and Republicans insist there’s a lot more to find out.

“A lot of the things the president said about his family’s shady business dealings, we’re proving every day that they’re not true,” Republican James Comer, Chair of the Oversight and Accountability Committee, said.

An impeachment inquiry is the next logical step to find out what is true.

The Epoch Times (ET) reported: “House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said that initiating an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden would be a ‘natural step forward.’” This, following unresolved questions from the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s investigations into the Biden family’s business dealings.

The speaker said on Monday that the impeachment inquiry could start soon. McCarthy added that an impeachment inquiry would provide Congress “the apex of legal power to get all the information they need” to investigate whether President Biden misused his office to assist family businesses.

ET continued:

McCarthy said on Monday that the inquiry was needed to overcome stonewalling of congressional investigators looking for transparency about the Biden family’s business records following testimony from former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer that President Biden met with son Hunter Biden’s business partners during the time he was vice president, as well as concerns raised by whistleblowers at the IRS regarding Hunter Biden’s tax records.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee has so far subpoenaed six different banks, receiving thousands of bank records of businesses and individuals connected to Joe Biden’s family members.

According to ET:

Those records showed that more than $20 million in payments from foreign sources have been made to the president’s relatives, including Hunter Biden, and their business associates while Mr. Biden was acting as U.S. vice president from 2009 to 2017.

Romanian, Chinese, and Russian nationals were among those making payments to the Biden family and their associates. The records also revealed that the funds were funneled through a network of at least 20 shell companies before being transferred to Biden family members.

An inquiry doesn’t mean the House will impeach Biden. But it does give Republicans far more legal power to force reluctant Biden DoJ bureaucrats and others to come forward with the truth.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Great America News Desk.


  1. Kevin McCarthy needs to get off his dead a– and get this ball rolling, the longer he waits the Dems. will just steamroll this whole illegal s–t and the DOJ , IRS, DOD & CIA will again walk home to freedom and we the American people are always holding the proverbial bag !!! If the shoe was on the other foot Trump & any Republican would be looking thru bars and I’m not talking about your friendly pub !!!!! WE ARE SICK & TIRED OF ALL THIS CORRUPT S–T !!!!! WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK ——ACT NOW !!!!!!

    • CPO Bill & Cindy Dandrea…… Thank you for the reality check for those who have their heads in their (You know What) Impeach the POS. McCarthy has no energy and no fire in his belly and acts like I am so sorry if I have offended you kinda of person. We need real fighters to take the control and this pay back will be be brutal. M.G.A.A.

  2. The thing that everyone has missed, is that a special prosecutor that is a Biden crime family sycophant, has been appointed to shield his client, Hunter Biden by running the clock out for the criminals! The democrats are always ten steps ahead of the people!

  3. My money says Hunter OD’s before he ever gets near a witness stand. Unfortunately. Poor kid never stood a chance in life.


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