CNN Reporter Stunned By Turnout At Trump’s Rally In The Bronx


    Democrats don’t like the look of this…

    CNN reporter Kristen Holmes was on the ground at former President Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx on Thursday and couldn’t help but say she was stunned by the turnout in the deep blue community.

     During the rally, Trump was joined on stage at one point by rappers “Sheff G” and “Sleepy Hallow,” who both endorsed him, and some Bronx residents expressed their surprise that a presidential candidate would hold a rally in their neighborhood.

    While describing the rally to CNN host Anderson Cooper, Holmes said Trump had attracted “a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country.”

    Holmes added that Trump’s event in the Bronx didn’t just pull in people from miles away who travel to the former president’s campaign rallies.

    “One of the things that was interesting to me is that the Trump campaign said that they were going to micro-target to get people from the community to come to this rally. I wasn’t sure what to expect, I’ve gone to a lot of these rallies across the country, and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles to see Donald Trump and they’re not necessarily part of the community. However, one of the things that I found was that there were a lot of people here that were actually from the Bronx,” Holmes reported.

    See a photo of the turnout below:


    1. Even though I’d like to (virtually) strangle him several times per week, would LUV to see PRESIDENT TRUMP outpoll biden — or kammie, or governor gav — in the State of New York.
      Hope the Republican ticket wipes the floor with the democraps.
      After 3 1/2 years of the current failed administration, it’s time to MAGA !

    2. When the country has a failed President, people are looking for someone strong, who loves America, and the best interests of the American people and the country as a whole. We are sick of the current failed administration, and even sicker of the lefties trying to justify the fool.

    3. The alliance between Joe Biden’s frijoles for the brain, the Deep State, the DC Swamp, the Liberal Media, and the Radical Left Democrats is a national disgrace. ….We, the American People, and even me as a Latino DEMOCRAT will never forget what they’ve done to the USA: I got my head out of my ass long-time ego

    4. Love him, Hate Him DJT has said throughout his entire LIFE that American needed a strong leader who could run this country like a business, cut out the pork, and look at what AMERICANS need vs what politicians need.

      Go back to interviews 30-50 years ago and he kept saying NO, I don’t want to be POTUS, but I want to see someone who is good for the country to become POTUS. He’s supported both sides of the aisle in the past.

      So when he finally DID run, it wasn’t to become a Millionaire like all the other career politicians like Biden, Pelosi, the Clintons, Obamas, etc. It was for love of country.

      He’s a smart businessman. Always has been. Marketing GENIUS.. Heck, he traidmarked his last name !!!

      The crazy dems opened the can of worms and have trailblazed where no one else dared to go. Tit for Tat, the genie is out fo the bottle and they are shaking in their boots as to what is to come.

      Meanwhile for those of you who have been SLEEPING, the USA is on the brink of WWIII. This is the worst time EVER in the history of the USA.

      Vote Trump


    6. If the Never Trumpers don’t follow suit, and Biden is re-elected because Republicans don’t have the momentum to overcome the cheating by Democrats, they will have doomed this once great country. It will not recover from another Biden/Obama administration.

    7. Most of us are tired of hearing of how bad America is . We are looking for a leader who believes in us and America. At last we have found him : past president TRUMP!!


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