Dem Strategist Admits 2024 Trump Could Win 2024 As Kamala Labels Herself ‘The Underdog’

    Donald Trump via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    Democrats shouldn’t get too comfortable…

    Despite Kamala Harris’ recent gains a longtime Democrat strategist David Axelrod still says that if the 2024 election were held today Donald Trump would more than likely come out on top.

    “But this is still a very competitive race. If the election were today, I’m not sure who would win and I think it may well be President Trump because it’s an Electoral College fight,” Axelrod said.

    “I’ve said several times here that, you know, for Democrat to win those battleground states, they have to have a significant lead in the Electoral College,” he continued. “Remember, Joe Biden won by seven million votes nationally last time, and a margin of 45,000 votes or 44,000 votes in the three closest battleground states combined.”

    The Hill noted that while tens of millions of Americans will vote in the general election this fall, about a half-dozen of critical swing states will likely determine the race.

    “So, she’s [Harris] right to be telling people it’s good to be enthusiastic, that enthusiasm is really, really important for the Democratic Party,” Axelrod added. “But you have to turn that into energetic action in order to win the election. I think that’s going to be part of what you hear here.”

    Harris is leading Trump by 3 points nationally, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday. The poll showed Harris at 51 percent and Trump at 48 percent while the two were tied at 50 percent in the battleground states.

    The vice president was asked about the poll on Sunday and whether she still considers herself the underdog in the race.

    “I very much consider us the underdog. We have a lot of work to do to earn the vote of the American people,” she said.

    The vice president added, “That’s why we’re on this bus tour today, and we’re going to be traveling this country as we’ve been, and talking with folks, listening to folks and hopefully earning their votes over the next 79 days.”


    1. Harris is taking criticism for her ad saying due to her experience as a prosecutor she is going to be hard on illegals crossing our borders which is a laugh since she has had 3 1/2 years to do something when she has done NOTHING!

    2. How can a sitting VEEP be an “underdog” Oh yeah, she hasn’t DONE anything but cackle for the last almost 4 years and word-salad like a 10 year old on ADD meds.


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