DeSantis Dives into RNC Leadership Race


    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is getting involved in the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) ongoing leadership battle.

    Gov. DeSantis endorsed former Trump campaign adviser and California attorney Harmeet Dhillon in her bid to take the RNC chairmanship away from Ronna McDaniel.

    “I think we need to get some new blood in the RNC,” DeSantis told Charlie Kirk, the founder of conservative Turning Point USA, on Florida’s Voice

    “I like what Harmeet Dhillon has said about getting the RNC out of D.C. Why would you want to have your headquarters in the most Democrat city in America? It’s more Democrat than San Francisco is,” he continued, referencing a letter that Dhillon sent to RNC members about looking into regional offices while keeping their headquarters in Washington.

    The Florida governor referenced the disappointing performance of Republicans in the last three election cycles as the reason for wanting a leadership change at the RNC.

    “We’ve had three substandard election cycles in a row: ‘18, ‘20 and ‘22. And I would say of all three of those, ‘22 was probably the worst. Given the political environment of a very unpopular president in Biden, huge majorities of the people think the country is going in the wrong direction — that is an environment that’s tailor-made to make big gains in the House and the Senate and in state houses all across the country. And yet that didn’t happen,” DeSantis told Kirk.

    DeSantis’s comments come just one day before the RNC committee members will hold a secret ballot vote for several positions, including their chairperson. 

    In addition to McDaniel and Dhillon, the pro-Trump MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell is also running to lead the party.


    1. Give it to the pillow guy! Who else has built a multimillion empire on fluffy pillows! He could make millions selling popcorn!

    2. While I have the highest regard for Mike Lindell, and how he has stood against the immense pressures put upon him, I think Harmeet would be better for this spot. Mike has commitments to his ever-expanding business interests and would have his attentions divided. We need a leader who can focus on winning 100%, and that certainly is NOT the Littlest Romney. Harmeet is my first choice to see in this position.

    3. As long as I’m not charged (donation) to give my opinion, I will gladly do so. Otherwise, to Hell with it. Even if it’s from God. I remember when after an election, and the next election was almost two years away, that I was not bombarded with endless “gimme” appeals. I sadly see that is no longer the case. We will NEVER outraise the Socialist ‘rat Party and it’s Hollyweird and other leftist millionaire and billionaire contributers – so instead of making “money raised” the standard for success, how about the Republicans making the message of freedom and anti-Socialism/Communism the measure of success? I am all for DeSantis for President in 2024. He is as Conservative as Trump and does not have Trump’s baggage – and has a much better chance of winning than Trump. Trump doesn’t deserve most of his made-up Socialist ‘rat lies baggage – but it’s there, nonetheless. My greatest fear is that Trump’s ego will make him run even if it’s certain he will again be cheated out of a victory – and we will again suffer four more years of Socialist lies disaster.

    4. I sure hope Harmeet Dhillon and Mike Lindell don’t split the conservative vote against Ronna Romney McDaniel (her middle name says it all, doesn’t it?). They need to get together and decide which one will exit the race and support the other. My bet is on Dhillon.

    5. I’m pulling for DeSantis for President he’d Make an outstanding one. If I have to listen to that plilow guy any more than we already have to go nuts.

    6. Lets not forget recent past RNC betrayal…

      RNC scuttles impeachment in committee vote
      By J.B. Williams | January 16th, 2016

      At the opening of the January Republican National Committee meeting in Charleston South Carolina Wednesday, the RNC Resolutions Committee was forced to vote on a RNC Resolution known as the Agema Resolution, supporting the proper Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama for his many crimes of treason, tyranny and treachery against the United States and the people.

      The nine member Resolutions Committee chaired by Carolyn McLarty of Oklahoma, voted unanimously to kill the Agema Resolution in committee, preventing the full body of the RNC from ever having a vote or voice on the measure in the full meeting scheduled for Friday January 15.

      Not one member of the RNC Resolutions Committee supported the Agema Resolution to impeach what is admittedly the most impeachable administration in U.S. history. Not even known acts of treason and tyranny by the Obama Administration, not the Iran deal, or even Obama’s recent unilateral gun grab EO (Executive Order) just a week ago, was enough to cause the leadership of the Republican Party to support a resolution on impeachment.

      The nine members of the RNC Resolutions Committee who blocked the measure from the full body are as follows…

      Carolyn McLarty (Oklahoma) Chair
      Melody Potter (West Virginia)
      Paul Reynolds (Alabama)
      Tamara Scott (Iowa)
      Steve Scheffler (Iowa)
      Pat Longo (Connecticut)
      John Frey (Connecticut)
      Rosie Tripp (New Mexico)
      Linda Acherman (California)

      Republicans were given the purse strings in 2010 and have not “defunded” anything since, not even Planned Parenthood. From 2009 through 2014, the Republican excuse for not impeaching Obama was “we don’t control the Senate” and “we will impeach if we get control of the Senate,” which the people gave them control of a year ago in the 2014 election cycle.

      Since 2014, the Republican excuse for not impeaching has been, “there is no public outcry for impeachment,” which is true, because Republicans had taken “impeachment off the table” under Boehner and McConnell, and clearly, it remains “off the table” under Paul Ryan, and certainly Priebus.


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