Ex-Trump Attorney’s Law License Suspended For Three Years


    It’s official now…

    Jenna Ellis, a former attorney for Donald Trump, has agreed to a three-year suspension of her law license in the state of Colorado due to her felony guilty plea in the Georgia election case.

    Ellis is among the nearly 20 co-defendants indicted in Georgia for their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election in that state.

    Ellis pled guilty in October and offered an apology for her actions as part of the deal.

    “If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges,” she continued according to Mediaite, claiming she “look[ed] back on this whole experience with deep remorse.”

    On Tuesday afternoon, a Colorado state bar disciplinary judge approved a settlement between Ellis and Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel to suspend her license for three years, reported local Denver NBC affiliate 9News.

    In the court’s opinion, the judge wrote that Ellis’ actions included multiple examples of “significant actual harm,” especially by how she “undermined the American public’s confidence in the presidential election process.”

    In a letter submitted to the court as part of the deal to let her avoid disbarment, Ellis wrote that she was “choosing to take responsibility for my actions and my association with the harm caused to the nation by the post-election activities of 2020 on behalf of then-President Donald Trump.”

    Read more of Ellis’ letter below:

    Since my involvement in the Trump Campaign’s challenges to the election results, I have learned of the bad faith dealing and outright illegality of some actors involved. For example, I did not know at the time of the Campaign’s commissioned investigation into the 2020 election results, or that the President was notified in December 2020 that he had lost. A lot of new information has come out, which I encourage the public to consider.

    …The harm of my participation in the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing is painfully evident to this day. Millions have been misled by the cynical “Stop the Steal” campaign, and otherwise responsible leaders are still publicly maintaining that these false claims have merit. The lies were repeated, thereby becoming “true” to a large segment of the populace. For democracy to function and thrive, the people have to believe that their votes count and that the electoral system is fair. This is what “election integrity” should mean, rather than what it has become for many: a political statement of “loyalty.” This faith in the integrity of our elections was damaged. That is the harm. While I do not doubt that this mindset would still prevail even if I didn’t play a part in it, I am ashamed and remorseful that I was involved to the extent that I was. Had I known then what I know now, I would not have been involved.

    …I will hopefully encourage others who may still believe that the election was “stolen” to consider changing their position. Everything that has come out since has not proven that claim.

    Ellis’ suspension will reportedly begin on July 2. She is also required to pay $5,000 to the Georgia secretary of state, roughly $1,700 in fines and costs to the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, complete 100 hours of community service, and write an apology letter to the residents of Georgia for her actions.

    If she wishes to reinstate her Colorado law license in 2027, the court’s order says she must first “prove by clear and convincing evidence that she has been rehabilitated, has complied with all disciplinary orders and rules, and is fit to practice law.”


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