Iowa State Senator Flips Endorsement from Trump to DeSantis

    Photo via Gage Skidmore Flickr

    An Iowa state senator is turning his back on former President Donald Trump.

    On Thursday, Jeff Reichman flipped his endorsement for president from Trump to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis after the former President lashed out at Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds.

    “Iowa Republicans must be united if we are going to take our country back and reverse Joe Biden’s failures,” Jeff Reichman, a first-term state senator, said in a statement“Governor DeSantis has achieved the same type of commonsense policy victories in Florida as we have in Iowa under Governor Kim Reynolds, and he will deliver historic success for the conservative movement as president as well.”  

    In March, the first term Iowa state senator was listed among roughly a dozen Iowa officials who the Trump campaign rolled out as early endorsers of the former president.

    Gov. Reynolds has said she would remain neutral in the 2024 process so all candidates feel welcome to campaign in the state.

    Reynolds appeared last week alongside DeSantis’s wife, Casey DeSantis at the launch of her “Mamas for DeSantis” initiative for the Florida governor’s presidential campaign. 


    1. Good for this state senator. Although I liked and agreed with 99% of Trump’s policies I think his personality will motivate Dems and suburban women to turn out to vote against him. While his numbers are good among Republicans, I fear that people who hate him (and they are in the millions) will turn out to vote for whoever replaces Biden. I don’t think the Dems will allow Biden/Harris to run again in 2024 unless the Dems have a death wish. They might even do an Epstein on Biden if he refuses to get out of the race, maybe a stroke or something in the CIA’s bag of tricks. They might offer Harris a position in the government where she can’t do great damage to the Dem agenda. Secretary of Transgendering or some such.

      • Trump is the only way out. No other candidate knows foreign and domestic deep state and issues like he does. And..he has stood the test of consisted devastating attacks lies media false criminal charges. No one else would stand for us like he does. Making comments about those who don’t have the courage nor foresight to stand with him is the only pressure he has to make those cowards see the light. He is being tough. It’s the only answer right now with the mass corruption we see everywhere! Open your eyes to the mess our nation faces compared to 4 years Trump left us. Trump2024

    2. If the suburban women turn out to vote against him so be it. They sure have trouble seeing what’s happening to our country then, don’t they?

    3. Fully half of the Seante are “Elected Prostitutes” Performing for money.
      One wonders how much he was paid to remove his endorsement?


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