Melania Trump Unveils Unexpected Abortion Stance


    Former First Lady Melania Trump is breaking with her husband on a major issue: abortion.

    In a video posted on X promoting her upcoming memoir, Trump announced her pro-abortion views saying “there is no room for compromise” on the issue of women being allowed to abort their unborn children.

    Melania said she has “carried” her pro-abortion views “throughout [her] entire adult life,” a break from her husband’s pro-life record while he was in office. Her remarks on abortion come less than five weeks before the 2024 election as Democrats are focusing on the issue to motivate their base.

    Paragraphs of Melania’s memoir published by The Guardian on Wednesday go into more detail on her support for abortion.

    “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes,” Melania writes, adding, “Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

    In her book, Melania writes about disagreements between her and her husband, including on some aspects of immigration policy, The Guardian reported. She writes that “occasional political disagreements between me and my husband” are “part of our relationship, but I believed in addressing them privately rather than publicly challenging him.”


    1. This is weird. She is a Catholic and as such, the life of the baby comes first. And, that baby begins life at conception. A woman should not be allowed to kill her baby in the womb or on the delivery table in a botched abortion. That is murder and a very grave sin, especially when it is the killing of an entirely innocent life.

      I believe Melania, like many in the culture, has fallen prey to the propaganda. Pray for her, pray for US All.

    2. Let’s follow the logic: “My body my choice” means that a woman can own her own body and whatever is within as her property. Very well, so we establish that a woman has property rights and she controls the property. However, any reasonable person also agrees that a child, or a fetus, or whatever you want to call him or her, at a certain point while in the womb is a person. Certainly at 9 month, correct? And also at 8, 7 and 6 months (children have been born at that age and survive very well). We can have a discussion as to when exactly life is life, but certainly this issue does not warrant a discussion at the later stages of pregnancy. Ok, so he/she is a person, right? Then that person must have human rights, including a right to life. Now, we have a conflict between the right to one’s property vs the human right to life. For the pro-choice/pro-abortion people, the right to property trumps the human right to life. Is that the basis of slavery, when one’s property rights are more important than another’s human rights?

    3. I heard Donald Trump’s response yesterday, and he is right. She is entitled to her own opinion as
      I am to mine.

    4. Isn’t it refreshing to know that Melania Trump is a thinking person with her own opinions.

      My husband and I have different opinions all the time. Almost 50 years together. We don’t have to mirror each other.

      A man can never understand what he can never experience and visa versa.

      As an legal immigrant, I’m sure Melania indeed has her own thoughts on immigration

      The main thing is that they love and support each other. They don’t have to be “twinning” and I think it’s great that their differences encourage spousal dialog and exchange

      I’m personally a huge advocate for responsible birth control and elective sterilization for people who really don’t want children. Why leave it to chance vs choice? Abortion is not both control

      Finally, this conversation rarely includes the rights of the father’s. They should be included in the dialog of baby making

    5. Isn’t it refreshing to know that Melania Trump is a thinking person with her own opinions.

      My husband and I have different opinions all the time. Almost 50 years together. We don’t have to mirror each other.

      A man can never understand what he can never experience and visa versa.

      As an legal immigrant, I’m sure Melania indeed has her own thoughts on immigration

      The main thing is that they love and support each other. They don’t have to be “twinning” and I think it’s great that their differences encourage spousal dialog and exchange

      I’m personally a huge advocate for responsible birth control and elective sterilization for people who really don’t want children. Why leave it to chance vs choice? Abortion is not birth control and never was intended to be used that way.

      Finally, this conversation rarely includes the rights of the father’s. They should be included in the dialog of baby making

    6. One big ERROR…It’s not her body that she is aborting…The baby has it’s own DNA, blood type, nervous system, heartbeat, movement, and brainwaves… and at best is only 1/2 hers…so what about the father’s rights?? A baby is clearly not part of a woman’s body, she is only the host.
      A woman has the right do do what she wants with her body..abstinence, birth control pills, diaphrams, condoms, spermicides, etc….she has many choices but murder is not one of them. Abortion ends an innocent life. One other person that thought he has the right to do with others bodies as he decides was Adolf Hitler.


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